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Download the map assets here:

Titanium/Bronze - Download 

Platinum/Silver - Download (Includes security drone asset)

Carbonite/Adamantium/Gold - Download (Includes the above + separate file for upper level walk way - so you can separate ground and upper levels)

Hi everyone!

In October, I launched a poll here on Patreon asking all of you wanted for the next map. Most of you voted for a futuristic/cyberpunk warehouse battle map. I heard you all and here it is!

This map took me nearly 2 weeks from concept to final. The most difficult part of the process was the conceptual stage and deciding on the layout.

Some Thoughts:

The three-dimensional perspective of this encounter map meant that I had to be very careful where I placed taller objects that could obstruct certain areas of the floor space - especially towards the edges of the map where the camera angle and lines start skewing.

There is always going to be this downside to playing on three-dimensional battle maps. Personally, I'd choose this view over playing on a "flat" top-down map where it becomes difficult for players to get a sense of space and depth. Besides, doesn't this make for a more memorable and dramatic encounter?

This does not meant that I will never do the flat orthogonal maps however. There is a place and time for the flat maps (where there are tight corridors and many rooms on one map for instance). I'll be looking into how I can create those kinds of maps for you guys without killing the visual appeal.

The rest of the time went into drawing tons of floor panel lines and painting them all up by hand. It was a tremendously rewarding experience for me. I hope you guys have really memorable combat encounters with this one!




Damn, that's gorgeous.


Thanks Garrick! Really glad you're liking it. Don't worry. I haven't forgotten the helicopter asset. It's coming tomorrow - I just need to take a bit of a rest after the warehouse map. I'll ping you personally when the asset is up.


No rush. No rush at all. Get to it when you get to it. Maybe you'll want to drop an asset pack as part of a tier perk monthly. I'm just along for the ride, man :)


I'll do my best to get assets done where they're the most useful - definitely. Like this security drone is kinda fun to have it patrol the warehouse. Heck add 2 of them even and wreck some havoc if their scanners pick up the players.

Tom Callahan

Holy drek - that's awesome! I just happen to be running a game where the players need to get into a optical-chip production facility - this'll be perfect!

Tom Callahan

Shadowrun 2e/3e/homebrew.


I loved this one man, but it's begging for a night version


I’ll do another similar map in the future with a night version. This one is too detailed and large. Changing the lighting to night on this means repainting all the light again. Would have taken way too long.


About to use this in my game tomorrow! I'm excited.