Wastelands Gas Station (Patreon)
Battle map dimensions - (39 x 28)
Image resolution - 5460 x 3920
DPI - 140
The sun is blazing down like it has a personal vendetta against you. Panting for air in the endless desert, you can almost taste the heat and dirt billowing around you.
Thank god for this oasis, this concrete and steel paradise in the middle of this wasteland. But this haven is not perfect, infested like everything else with opportunistic scavengers and bottom feeding vermin.
Away from prying eyes, hurried exchanges are made by strangers standing by idling vans. Everyone has somewhere else they need or want to be, this isn't a place to linger even if it is an isolated beacon of hope in this harsh wasteland.
~ SlappinFace
Hey there everybody!
For the first map of this month, I present to you the "Wastelands Gas Station". Set in the wastelands, this run-down gas station situated along the highway is the last stop for fuel, refuge and anything in-between.
I'd like to give a shoutout to all the amazing folks over at the Discord server for throwing tons of ideas my way on this one. I had plenty of help!
Battle Map Variants
Shop Interior Base
This is the base level battle map, showcasing the interior of the shop.
Roof Tile
The roof is provided as a "tile" in .PNG format that you overlay over the Shop Interior Base map, within your favorite virtual tabletop (VTT) software, such as Roll20, Foundry VTT etc.
The following variants form a series of events surrounding this gas station. A time-lapse if you will.
Oil Leak
Stage 1. One of the gas pumps leaks intentionally or unintentionally. A huge puddle of fuel spreads around the shop.
Gas Pump Fire
Stage 2. A huge fire breaks out. Fueled by the oil reserves underground, a huge dark smoke plume ensues that can be seen from miles away.
All Burnt Out
Stage 3. Nothing's left of the shop but a blackened husk. The roof has collapsed and there's soot-colored rubble, steel and debris everywhere.
This one may be great for those post-mortem, investigative scenarios that your players may end up becoming part of.
Patreon Supporter Downloads
Wastelands Gas Station - base map (watermark-free, full resolution, grid + grid-less formats)
Go to Bronze downloads section
Everything above plus…
Shop Interior Base
Roof tile (.PNG)
Go to Silver downloads section
Everything above plus…
Oil Leak
Gas Pump Fire
All Burnt Out
Go to Gold downloads section