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It's been going very, very slow -- I have very little energy nowadays -- but I've been plugging away at it. Here's the first part of the next chapter of Not the Hero, complete with evil cliffhanger.



Brian Higgins

I kinda feel like I need to point out a minor error, though after reading this through I'm not sure if it's an error or not. Early on, Discord recaps part of the Crystal Empire episode and mentions that Spike and Twilight found the Nightmare Door trap then had to go back to the throne room to find the stairs to where the Crystal Heart was hidden. Except that's not right, the Nightmare Door was hidden at the bottom of the stairs they found in the throne room. The stairs that Twilight revealed by using dark magic. Then Twilight dispelled the Nightmare Door with another spell to reveal the stairs that lead to the top of the tower. The reason I'm not sure if it's a mistake or something is because Discord does find the Nightmare Door in the right place, so am I perhaps misreading this?

Alara Rogers

No, you're right. I misremembered; I've been doing a lot of writing on a tiny travel laptop where I can't review the video. When I re-read the whole thing yesterday I noticed a bunch of inconsistencies, that being one of them.

Brian Higgins

Well this was the only one I noticed so I'd say it's probably the worst and it's not even that bad. Hope you're feeling better these days!