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Hey all ! Update with what has been happening :) 

I have been diving deep into AI based Art, and using it to create NSFW content. This is the reason for the super slowdown in HMVs.

 I have now reached a point i believe is stable and a good workflow. My RL job is still very taxing and takes a lot of my time. While the support from everyone has been amazing, sadly it has never reached a point that makes it viable for RL work to take less time :( 

My goal is now to release longer AI animation content, as well as creating HMV with said animations.



Subject: Concerns Regarding Subscription Services Dear NamelessBrain, I hope this message finds you well. I recently subscribed to your Patreon channel with the expectation of gaining insights into your new AI work. However, I have noticed a lack of recent posts and overall activity on both your Patreon and on your Discord channels. I was particularly eager to engage with the AI content you published on twitter, but the absence of updates on AI has left me disappointed. As a paying subscriber, I believe that regular and informative content is crucial to the value of the subscription. I would appreciate it if you could provide some clarification on the current status of your Patreon and Discord AI channels and your plans for future AI content. It seems that the subscription fees are not aligning with the level of support and content delivery I anticipated. I believe open communication with your subscribers is essential, and I hope you can address these concerns. Perhaps it might be worth considering whether accepting new paying subscriptions is currently viable until the channel's activity and content delivery improve. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Hey. Regarding Content, As i have stated in my About, im currently putting all my AI content public on CivAI. At the moment my Patreon is to support me being able to make them at all, they take a lot of time and compute power.