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Here we are with a new Art Talk post! Let’s continue working on Violet Evergarden picture :)

So, I started with a rough sketch, then I refined the lines into a clean lineart, and since there was a chair in the picture, I made sure perspective was done right, to place all objects correctly in a 3D space.

Now it’s time to go add colors! I may need to go a bit technical here, so bear with me. This is an essential step for coloring a picture and need to be done right. Before doing all nice effects and shades, we first need to do flat colors:


On this step, I also start to set the mood for the picture, so in case it’s night, I may use darker base colors, just to make an example. Yet the purpose of this step is mainly to allow me to select the various areas (I divide those in layers, like the skin layer, the dress layer and so on… so they’re easy to select and isolate) to add shades on next step.

Now, one very important thing is to have all flat colors go underthe ink lines, because we really want to avoid this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6jwz93koqcp2h3l/Violet1flats3.jpg?dl=0 which is what happens when the pixels around the the ink lines are not colored. This is what the pic should look like if the lineart is hidden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wuc5ob2ybjgqt2i/Violet1flats2.jpg?dl=0

I know this goes a bit technical but having a good base where to put shades later on saves you lot of time, so better do this kinda boring (it’s a bit the less creative step, as you don’t draw anything here) step in the best way possible :)

Previous steps:

Sketch: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nkwri1h1etxdp5u/sketch1.jpg?dl=0

Lineart: https://www.dropbox.com/s/exyusqvo5cr9pgv/Violet1Lineart1.jpg?dl=0

Perspective: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wdivncig5136erw/Violet1_lines.jpg?dl=0

Seeya next time for adding shades to the picture, so it will really look almost like a finished piece :)

I hope you liked this Art Talk :) No worries, more pictures coming soon!




I am not drawing myself but I think this is very interesting! Thank you for sharing the process :)


Thank you for sharing. Jian Jie is very helpful and interesting.(๑• . •๑)

James Gaultier

I don’t draw but it was awesome to see the steps you take!

Josh Vesper

Nice. and Very informative my friend


I love it!!


How do you select and isolate without ending up with the same gap problem?