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Some extra pics for you featuring cute kunoichi Ayame from Gundam Build Divers anime!

First off, a chibi DiD pic of Ayame! I'm also attaching the non-DiD chibi pic I did today as well (which was posted on Deviantart too)!

And as a special preview for you, here are two of the many variants I'm doing for a future post with the DiD pic I did of her some weeks ago (you can view such pic here) :) The new Ayame set (with tons of variants and PSD file) will be posted in some time as I'm also preparing a new, unseen before picture for my patrons! I hope you'll like it!

Thanks a lot for your support!




Chibi cuteness! Characters always look more cute when chibi and tied haha. Also a new unseen pic? Now you are really teasing us. I wonder who it could be.......now I can't wait 0.o

Mark Johner

:3 chibi in trouble :3


Cutie =D, hey if it's not too much trouble could you do an alt of her in Tabi of her normal self? if not 100% fine just thought I'd ask =0


Im in love :O