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Hey all, I think this will be the last bugfix version for v.1.0.6.  Just like the earlier version, this contains bugfixes meant for people who got stuck in version a or c.   I hope this version will fix anything major which could stop you from progressing.

The biggest problem was the possibility to end up with 9 instead of 10 bottles which could stop your progress entirely(Zhuli's bottle part was bugged and you could get that too early).  I took out that bug and added a retroactive fix which, if you already "stepped into it", should get you out. walk around the island for it to take effect. You'll get a message you found a bottle when it triggers.  Otherwise you'll have to reload the save file before you took Zhuli's bottle.

I added some other minor bugfixes for if you couldn't find enough driftwood, couldn't get enough money for Katara's ring, added some pubes/armpit hair when needed, gave Ikki a properly drawn body when mimicking evil knievel and that sort of minor things.

Once more, if you didn't encounter problems in the earlier versions, you're probably better off waiting for the early access version. I'll fix up the art assets for tomorrow and the early access should be ready on the 31st.  I'm really happy it's one of those months with an extra day!

As always, if you find crooked stuff/bugs, I'm all ears! Dm's or comments, both are fine. If needed, you can find a spoiler log and bottle hints in the update of two days ago with version 1.0.6a.

Links below!

FET v.1.0.6c   -   pc version -  alt link 

FET v.1.0.6c   -   mac version -  alt link 

FET v.1.0.6c   -   android version -  alt link 


ross barkley

Still a bug on the final scene, gives a standard cant load error o-o can I get the new build once it goes up tnx <3


does this fix the mystery girl she dont show up if you choose the dickgirl in the wedding orgy


Unfortunately it doesn't. Just one of those things I cut because I didn't see how I'd be able to finish it on time which means I'll just have to add it in the future, which I will!