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Good day everyone!  Time for an art update! But first, a link to the hub-post with older projects etc.

(bigger versions in attachment of this post- our world could use the avatar!)

As you know, I was a bit late with the last early access post for 18Titans(start of this month) which immediately sets me back for the current FET one. Of course I'll do my best to keep things within this month, but I was originally planning on making this the last build for the love epilogue.  Looking at the date, I'm certain that won't happen so I won't go crazy and keep that for the build after the upcoming one.

When I say the last build for the love epilogue it just means I'll jump to the slave route epilogue afterwards...  which has been giving me a bit of a "pursed lips and raised eyebrow"-feeling.  These epilogues are meant to give me a good excuse to add more three/foursomes and give the player a "soft landing" after the end.

Thing is... doing the same for the slave route would be kinda boring I think. And since the slave routes have always been receiving the shorter end of the proverbial stick, I've been considering doing something different for the slave route epilogue. 

We've never had a good slave route with Kuvira since Amon was the bad guy for route's 4 slave route.   Sooooo I was thinking... maybe retool the slave route epilogue to give Kuvira the slave route treatment?  Making it sort of a book 5 slave route for kuvira?

I've been thinking about this for a while now and haven't decided, but *spoiler* since the player arrives at the moment in time when Kuvira hasn't happened yet... it's theoretically possible and maybe yield some more focused fun?

I'm not (at all) 100% on this, because the mc has already mastered the four elements and I'm worried it might end up feeling like a lazy ill fitting  afterthought. Anyway, let me know your thoughts on it if you have any strong feelings.

Off topic, haven't really watched or read anything new except maybe some "Hello neighbor" and "horizon, call of the mountain" game reviews.  "Hello neighbor" is one of those games I always was vaguely aware of but knew nothing of. The art style is really nice and the speedruns of it are insane. Call of the mountain(a vr game) looks really damn good. The kind of good where I'd just want to sit in a lawnchair with a drink on top of a mountain and simply look at the pretty waterfalls :)  ... I don't own a console, but if I ever would consider getting one, call of the mountain feels like something which could maybe convince me to go one way or the other

Anything else... hmmmm... not really! Just been focusing on the next FET build which I'll return to once I've uploaded this post!

Soooo that's it for me again. Till next time!




Slave route adult jinora would be amazing

Mikkel frost møller

im kinda sorry about asking but what would happen if someone played love route on all books but 2 would azula then call the mc master at some point or am i just stupid for thinking that


I would love To have more jinora actions but any FET updates will be appreciated

Emilio Palha

Kuvira doesn't attract me, but a slave route in which the MC has Kuvira's body/mind would be AMAZING and then the game would turn veeeery interesting, with Kuvira slaving the other girls! Think about it

Nice Ice Baby

I will say though, I don’t want the idea in this post to be used for the game. Korra is for us to use, and I refuse to let someone else use my slave.


...except Joghurt. I would love to see more of Korro

Nice Ice Baby

Also would be nice if we could use Kuviras prison/dungeon for some of our fun, like device bondage, orgasm denial, and some other bdsm dungeon stuff. If it somehow ends up at ember island, we never reallly got a good look at anything in the basement, so I wonder if there could be a home dungeon in the mansion.

Don kibonk

I think introducing ikky in the slave route in some way would be nice, maybe an age progressing potion (or not ;)) also, i agree in that maybe kuvira could be a cameo of sorts or a minor character to fool around with, but definatly not focused on much.


Perhaps you can do something with the village/brothel from book 3? It would be a nice segway into earth-kingdom territory which may help introduce Kuvira into the plot. You also then have access to the hypnosis device (and my all time favorite character: thiccc Joo Dee) to use on her and possible other girls that may have went astray during the MC's absence. It might be a good central hub (a la the island from the love route) or place of refuge from the conflict with Kuvira from which the MC could visit other parts of the world to bring girls back to his harem in the village.


As long as you have fun working on the game, I don't care what you decide to do. The only thing I hope for, is more short haired Korra as you draw her just so damn good.


What about an alt route where you play as Korra as is joked about at the beginning of the book? I've always fancied that idea, but with the addition that Korra has a cock and balls, of course. Could use the part of the series where Korra is wandering around the EK by herself and have her run into Kuvira, leading into a slave route...?


I think its important to have the slave route epilogue feel different from the love route epilogue, if its just the same thing with different girls that would feel a little disappointing. The love route has all the girls just willing to pleasure the MC, the slave route should have it be more like the players demands they do it and they are his play things and do it where ever and whenever he asks to show you broke them. Like doing Korra on the street just cause you were there showing you are in control as an example. We spent 4 books breaking the girls down and really only the end do we get scenes showing you broke them so the slave route should have it start showing yeah you broke them down you are their master. In the love route all the married women and their husbands are okay with you banging them, Pema has an open relationship with Tenzin do to that swamp girl, Suyin and her husband are swingers, and Zhu Li and Varrick just have threeways with you. It would be nice depending on who you use if any that its more a slave thing rather then just all the married couples kind of okay with the MC sleeping with the wives. Pema in the slave route could find out the kinky Tenzin was actually the player and find out that Tenzin is doing things in the swamp and not be happy with it and "separate" for a while taking the kids with her, Senna already is cheating on her husband Zhu Li isn't married yet in this route and you could do something with that. I am sure you will come up with something great though and just wanted to give my two cents.


Katara threesome bondage scene :)


I heard there is more avatar content coming so there might be new things possible for FET too.... maybe? I suppose we have to see what the new Avatar content is first, the premier of it will be in 2025 so we have to wait some time for that. Just throwing it out there!


I would like to any additional content to the slave route

Nice Ice Baby

I know I keep commenting on this post, but I keep having ideas to add to the slave route, part 5/epilogue whatever you want to call it. I would love more Zhuli content, probably in a similar role to how she started in the love route, only she becomes your slave afterwords instead, doing everything you order her to do. Maybe Varrik visits you sometimes, and joins you in domming her. Just, MORE ZHULI CONTENT PLEASE Having Ikki join Jinora could also be a bit fun probably, maybe even threesomes, or double teaming, or something. Maybe Eska and Desna could become your slaves as well, with Eska either becoming your right hand dom for Desna, Ordering Desna to Dominate Eska, or Both being in the same tier under your boot. (maybe even her domming you). Maybe you figure out the (boiling youth potions) trick, and manage to turn Desna female with the potion having a prolonged effect on men, keeping him female until you switch him back (similar to beastgirl in 18titans).


More content with the twins would be amazing, I really enjoyed the time short interactions with them.


As long as Korra is still part of the slave epilogue, it would be strange to spend all that time breaking her only to switch over to kuriva


Hey I need some help can anyone tell me where the key is to free June in the book three slave route ? I chose the money option if that makes a difference


I chose the power option and have the same problem, I can't progress anymore because of it :(


Yeah, I did everything I found at this stage in the game, but either I can't find it or it's a bug. Edit: Omg I just found it. In the tunnels, in the room with many roots, you can go down. Took me way too long to notice, I thought it is a dead end...


I thought I had changed that to make it more clear... might have done that for the upcoming version... anyway it WILL be very obvious in the next version that part isn't a dead end.


if you continue on the story line maybe book 5 and later could be something like you travel back in time and switch bodies with random people and you have to train the avatar to help overcome some obsticle. (my memory on both avatar series is a bit rusty so i dont recall what problems they actually had). and since its a parody you could even make up some stuff too. either way idc. this was my first adult game and before it was ever finished the bar was set so high that its hard to find other games i enjoy


could still use this and keep her a female and whenever she fights battles she obviously loses and is dominated by all her attackers throughout the story, this would be a cool slave route option he could work with

Nice Ice Baby

So another idea (Yes again. Sorry, but I just keep getting ideas) Maybe teaming with Tenzin to doubleteam Korra, and Kuvira (and possibly even Jinora and Ikki [possibly even with youth potion])? Double penetration or spitroasting? Just some ideas.


Heres a thought we could do aang book 4 all the way up till he beats the fire lord that would be cool