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Good day bughunters! I have a new bughunt ready for you. FET v.1.0.3a  A continuation of the love route epilogue where the mc enjoys his time on Ember Island.  As always, if you find bugs or anything else you want to share(which can range from personal opinions to typos) please send me a dm or leave a comment below. Whatever you feel most comfortable with. It's all good and appreciated. As always, I did my best to make this as bugless as I can but I'm sure some of you will scoff at that and show me a list of problems :) 

Thanks and I hope you'll like this build.. and won't find too many problems. A short spoiler log can be found at the bottom of this post.

Links below, just one is needed.

FET v1.0.3a       - pc version -   alternative link  

FET v1.0.3a       - mac version -   alternative link  

FET v1.0.3a       - Android version -   alternative link    

I strongly advice using the links above, but If you're using older hardware the builds above *might* cause problems. I made a special version for pc and mac which should work better for you and which you can try instead (pc, mac) Saves made in the newer version can't be loaded in the special version so keep that in mind.

*content spoilers*

Okay, so what's new in this? First off it's is a continuation of the love route epilogue.

-Both Korra and jinora will be able to win at cards during the evening. This will result in the standard butt fun reward for winning at cards. I added vaginal as well. Scenes for both of them will be much alike so if you picked only one of them during your time in book 4's love route, don't feel like you're missing out.

-Kya and asami will continue to try and get pregnant with your help, but this time they'll have to lick and suck their way to getting some of the mc's "milk".

-You'll find out what that little book with a lock is all about. The one you found in the treasure chest in the grotto. Was it really left behind by pirates in the past?! you'll find out.

-Zhu li get's to try out different swimsuits! But there's a problem and you'll have to help her and Varrick get some privacy to do what they need to do. The reward will be Zhu li shaking your and Varricks'... something... while other things bounce up and down. Doing different outfits is fun(but a lot of extra work). My personal favorite is the pink one.

-Speaking of bouncing, if Ravka is present and you buy her a swimsuit... she'll also show you something bounce when you engage in a friendly fight with her. PS, if she's pregnant that won't work because that was just... not an option. You'll understand once you see. Don't forget you can undo that pregnancy in the shack. Small tip during the fights, a mouse click only registers when you release the button, pushing enter  though immediately registers. 

I added Korra's pubes on Ember Island. Not everywhere yet though, but the new scene has it.

I slightly changed and added an older Opal butt fun scene.

Last but not least. What's a nude beach without Ty Lee walking by... on her hands!

I think that's about it. I kept things pretty straightforward. 


Lemon Life

How do I go about bringing kuvira with me?

Ryan Anderson

Im stuck i cant find zhu li and varrick


First ask Kya and Asami about them, then go to the beach, visit Opal and Ikki. Afterwards, visit opal and ikki again. Should be easy from there on out. Good luck!