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Hey guys, thanks for your patience!

I've just sent the playtester version out, so we'll do some bug-fixing and get the early access version out in the next few days!

There's still lots to be done in this route, but we're making great strides. When this one comes out, you'll need to start Book 2 from the beginning, as we've added some things early-ish on. As we warned at the last release, there are lots of changes that will be made as we progress  through Book 2 - text, quests, story, art - until Book 2 is finished, there will be lots of things that I'm sure we'll revisit.

So keep an eye out, it's coming your way soon!




Great news!


Another month, another release! Well done, can't wait to play it. Now you can get drunk on new year's eve! :P


Honestly this is why I have no problem supporting you guys. You didn't have to upload this month but you did anyways. I am always skeptical when it comes to supporting a new group thanks to the group whose name rhymes with "seaven htudious". I am really glad you guys do such good work with both the humor and scenes and want to let you guys know that you rock! Keep up the amazing work! Have an amazing new year cause you guys deserve it.


So we can start Book 2 first of the game or after the Book 1 ? I'm confused


I got excited for a minute then I realized I wasn't giving $20 smgh. I'm really impressed with your speed nonetheless!


Being skeptical at first is good. It's up to us to prove we are worthy of your support and we hope we can keep surprising you with content and speed. Having said that, this month was hectic to say the least!


Just upgraded to 20 pledge, where can I find the download?


awesome !


I don't like making this kind of question but...do you know when you're gonna release this version for 5$+ patrons? 'cause tonight I can't go out and get drunk so I'd happily play the new release :D


Need the link, thanks


its down