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Good day everyone! Hope you're having a nice weekend. I thought it was about time again to give you a small update on what's going on etc. 

Last time I told you I was still considering whether the next/current update would be something inspired by my favorite day of the year, the 31st of October, or not.   I've done so before in the past  and the result of that was "Spooky times" which you can be found here.  

After thinking about it for some days, I decided against creating a new spooky times. The reason for that: switching between 18Titans and FET is already somewhat of a messy process. There's always some re-acquaintance necessary when switching between projects.  I need to get into the flow of the other story again and then there's the technical side of things. Trying to remember how exactly I was doing things.  Setting up yet another (standalone) story within just a month felt like a good way to dig myself into a hole.

Then there's the fact the last build was an 18Titans build. Doing a "spooky times" now, would result in three months of time between a real new FET build. Probably too long? Anyway, those were the considerations going through my head while thinking it over and deciding against it.

So in the end, I figured the smart thing to do was just to work on a normal FET build. I *might* add some Halloween elements to it, but that would be the extent of it. To anyone who was hoping for a third Spooky times installment, sorry! No fresh meat again this year!

                Sorry Katara, no fresh meat!

Not much else to mention. I'm working on a new FET build and hope to have it ready this month.

Off-topic. I've been watching this animation called "Pantheon" lately. Eight episodes so far. One sentence summary: a company is secretly trying to upload human minds to computers. I like it a lot, but it feels like barely anyone knows it even exists.




I'm just glad you're still alive and able to work. After the last update and the time that went by without any live sign, I wasn't so sure of it. Probably overdramatic, but I guess I just want to say take care of you. Also I don't care for any reason you decide to do something or not. By now I know it will be awesome no matter what.


Interested to see how you will deal with zhu li and varrick since in the love route the player never does anything with her except with Kuvira.

Bill Kurtis

Have you considered doing a 2:2 schedule for the releases? Two months of FET, two months of 18titans. I know what a nightmare it can be to swap between multiple projects too often. Just when you get into a flow you have to heel-turn for something else and lose momentum. A 2:2 schedule would allow for more concentration time for any more ambitious or experimental ideas you have that are hard to pull off in a single month.

Lemon Life

If you play the slave route in book 4 you get to go on all sorts of adventures with Zhu Li :)


You ever watched/played the game called 'Stray' before? I think you'd love it. The robot companion was once a human scientist who transferred his consciousness to a computer

Lemon Life

In book 2 slave route, Mai sells a slave girl but I could never figure out what that means or how to see the scene. Did I miss something?


True however the slave route the MC is more of a jerk, lying etc (I prefer the slave route) while the love route he is still a horndog but he has some morals, thats why it will be interesting if he does anything with Zhu li, we already have two married women Suyin who's husband is a swinger and openly wants you to do his wife, and Pema who knows her husband wants to rebuild the air bender population and feels she deserves the same options, it will be interesting to see how the story goes to make Zhu li willing to sleep with you. its also why I wanted Senna in the love route just to see how the MC would get her in bed when he is not as devious.


I liked 'Stray.' :) If you're not averse to horror games, 'Soma' has a premise built around consciousness transference/digitization. One of my favourite desktop wallpapers is from there; a robot reaching out to their reflection in a mirror, seeing their original human self reaching back with her hand. Gives me chills.


You don't miss a real lewd scene, only some dialogue with Shady and a small peek. It was implemented with the love route and added to the slave route later, but without the context and only for you to make some money.


I’m a little late, but no worries mate. Its understandable, having to go back and forth between 3 different stories is a lot. I wouldn’t be able to do it. I’m sure plenty of us are just as happy (if not more so) for an FET update. But take a break if you need it. It’ll be better in the long run if you take a break before things get too much.


You mean last year? Yeah, I was down for weeks being ill. Well, not so much ill, but rather feeling like someone reached inside and literally took out all my mitochondria. Not a fun time. Especially because it was right after I had taken a break so it felt like the worst possible timing.


Well, you've already seen Varrick not being terribly squeemish when it comes to having others watch him and his wife performing marital matters so I can at least tell you it won't be a matter of going behind his back.


Oh yeah, I'm constantly thinking, but I'm kinda worried taking two months for one project will make me feel like I'm completely lost when it comes to the other one. Still, it might be good to give it a try if I really feel like the heel-turns are getting too much.


@ UV I didn't recognize it at first, but as soon as I saw the cat I remembered it. Never played it


Didn't play soma but did watch large chunks of a playthrough. I liked the premise. The ending was kinda depressing even though I saw it coming from miles away. I've always kind of like stories involving computers being/becoming sentient.


I am interested to see how you make it different then Suyin then, I can't think of a way so I am actually curious to see your solution.


Tbh I never want FET to end lol


Will be an update of onmitrixxx or a new ben 10 project? I loco gwen so….

Lemon Life

"When life gives you lemons, you can probably sell them to Shady. That dude is stupid rich."

Mikkel frost møller

will the others ever learn that the mc is trully the avatar as in will they see him bend all four elements?


The mc isn't in it for fame... or even respect. He's in it for petting pussy and blowing bubblegum. And he's all out of bubblegum... He's the hero in the shadows, both him and shady :)


MITY just finished FET for the first time with every possible ending. I mean the girls were amazing but the dialoge was so frickin funny, I never laughed so hard while playing a game. I mean the jokes were so hilarious that I started to wonder how creative can somebody be hahaha


Thanks jasko! Make certain you pick either Nagina or the Spirit when playing the epilogue. If you end up with the white serpent you won't be able to travel back to the past(and I've spent quite some time this month on getting that to work!)

Natsu Dragneel

I have just one question: Ty lee is my absolute favorite, is there any possibility of creating a route just for her? :3


Most likely not. But I know she's well liked and that's the reason you'll find her throughout the books more than other females, with katara being the exception.