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Good day everyone! I was planning on writing an update sooner and completely ignored/willfully forgot doing so. It's been so damn hot for over a week I am/was sticking to basically everything which came in close proximity to my skin. Mostly clothes... sweaty, sweaty clothes... So instead I just focused on doing work for the next build and pretended nothing else existed. 

I do have one of those movable a/c units, but there's something inside of me which only allows me to use it when things become really crazy. With my pc blowing hot air into the room there comes a moment when a normal fan and open windows don't make any difference anymore, but I always try and do without for as long as humanly possible. I'm probably a masochist or just enjoy being naked and sweaty. Meh, whatevs.

-The solution to having sticky clothes...?  Not wearing clothes! Based on a true story!-

So what have we been doing while feeling hot in all the non erotic ways? Working on the next build naturally! It'll be another FET build continuing where we left off last time, with  Ikki nowhere to be seen on Ember Island. I'm working on that specific part since today. To clarify, I don't do stuff in a sequential order, but I hope and expect a new FET build to be ready this month. It'll be a 1.0.1 release. Goodbye 1.0.0 ... I used you for longer than was justified because I like you so much, but it's time to move up the sequential line.

What will NOT be ready for a very long time possibly, is the next project. Quite frankly, since this has been as much fun as pulling teeth I figured it is best to completely shelve the idea of a new project until passion can burn as brightly as it does for the current two projects,  FET and 18Titans. So I told Cbob to think it over ,forget about whatever polls were held in the past and until things change to just focus on FET and 18Titans.

My hope is that we're like that couple who can't have kids... until they adopt one and all of a sudden get pregnant, all automatically! ... or something... Don't think too hard about that analogy. It's shaky and with a lot of holes when you think about it for longer than a second.

In fact, for the moment please forget there has ever been talk about a new project. I realize that' s not fun to hear for you and I'm not super happy about it either, but I just KNOW forcing this issue is going to end up in a beautiful car crash down the road with lots of pretty flames and black clouds billowing out from the wreckage.

Sooo, for the moment...  Icuras cuora!

-I've been watching Isekai Ojisan lately-

I think we'll try and do a release schedule where FET and 18Titans releases will take turns. At least for the time being or until one is entirely done.  Like I said, currently working on FET again. But let's see how things work out in practice.

I never say never, but I don't think I would've liked having to stop working on either FET or 18Titans anyway and three ongoing projects would become a bit much... so perhaps this is for the best?  We'll see. 

Till next time!






I know it was shot down months ago when I asked if Asami content would be in the love route but since it’s been so long I gotta ask again but in a broader form. Will Asami content be involved in future FET builds either adding to the slave route or making a little side thing in the love route? I only ask because she’s easily my favorite character in the entire franchise let alone your incredibly well made game

Nero DeLuca

Knowing 18titans will continue to recieve big focus brings joy to my heart!


the real question is will we get more kaya. The island would be nice for both fo them to show up.


I'm kinda considering having Kaya and Asami show up on Ember Island(of course in appropriate clothes) atm. Nothing set in stone yet, but I'm starting to warm up to the idea.

Darklord Angelus

I never want FET to end lol. Personally I want more Mai content, she was always one of my favorite characters in the original series. I wouldn't say no to more Katara content either since she's another one of my favorites.


I just now realized that Asami is in the love route if at all. (I have yet to play the slave route.)

Carlos Leyequien Abarca

I am with some others, I would love for FET to just keep on going, I love the characters, I love the story, I love it all, so as long as there is still FET, and 18 titans, which is also catching my attention, then I will be happy :)


While I'm fine with updating FET I do wonder if we are locked into the love route post game stuff until that is declared done(like a books love route) or will we see updates for the slave route ending mixed in as well.


I think You should focus on 18titans a litle more, though obviously decision should be yours (if you need help to decide do a survey though). Why titans? Well as much as I love four elements trainer (in matter of weeks it became not only one of my favourite games of the kind but games in general and some story arcs like Azula redemption are more canon for me than actual canon) it is huge already. I think giving it few months break in which you can develop Titans more (because as it now I am pretty sure I can advance in it to current max in matter of hours unless I missed something?). Thanks to that in forseeable future we can have enough content in titans to actually feel like we play a game not a demo of a game. And taking a break from Avatar would help us enjoy even more once it will be this game time to get updates. Once titans catch up a bit it may actually be good going from one to another with updates evenly. But that after titans are somewhat more rich in content. Because let's face it FET is huge game with decent replayebility value (I like to do full slave playthroughs and full romance playthroughs) and it does kinda seem finish. Maybe one day we can have full book 5? Or some changes to books 1-3 (a new character to romance or some diversity in scenes for characters we already have?) because as things are book 4 kind of overshadow all the others and book 1 kinda seem like a training section more than full fledged chapter (you can do 2 playthroughs of book 1 faster than one of either of the other books especialy book 4). Anyway. Just ranting. You do what you please and I accept it anyway. But yeah in short my advice would be: !) focus on 18titans for a while, but maybe on the side try to look for ideas for future FET content 2) Add some characters, scenes and maybe do slight quality of life changes to books 1-3 because they are overshadowed by book 4 and it could be nice to have incentive to replay everything meeting new people and stuffing new holes of people you already met:P


I recently had to change phones (Samsung to samsung), and obviously "lost" my saves. I still have the old phone, does anyone know of a way I could transfer the saves to my new one so I don't have to start over? Edit: Neither device is rooted, and I'd like to avoid that if possible


On my own phone the saves can be found at "..Marty\Phone\Android\data\fet.start\files\saves" If you copy/paste the content of that folder to your new phone things should be find.


You can see her with Kya for a very short moment and there are also some photos of her at the start, but nothing more. As for the slave route... yeah there's plenty of her during that route.


The moment you said you see her briefly I suddenly remembered. Quick question, how bad is the slave route? I haven’t played because I’m not sure I’ll be into it. Is the mc the slave or the girls?


Korra is the slave. MC is Tenzin. Setting is a spinoff of LOK season 1 with Amon and the equalists as the main antagonists. There is an emphasis on making the fuckable characters submissive. Characters included are: Asami, Eska & Desna(optional), Pema, an equalist, Senna, Kyoshi, Lin Beifong, Yangchen, Zhu Li, Ginger, 3 Girls in the park, and a box spirit(optional).


Personally, I’d rather have both than only titans. Maybe it’s just because of my love for FET, but I wouldn’t want to wait so long when there’s so much more content that could be added. There’s a lot of untapped potential there. 18titans wasn’t meant to be the size of FET because it was a small project Marty made because he had time. So the pacing already is much much quicker. So both, both is good


I think you should really consider doing something with Kya in FET


18Titans won the poll anyway, so I wouldn’t feel bad about shelving any other projects. Just work on what you want as that produces the best results. If FET is your passion then do that. You could always go back and extend, update older books as well, no reason FET can’t keep going for a few more years.


She did get a small bit of action at the beginning of the book 4 love route. I kinda wish she had more of a part in the love route.. like Pema in the slave route being your super horny counterpart.

Bill Kurtis

I would have liked to have seen a girl fall under her influence. Of course a threesome would ensue.


Thanks MITY, that worked for me. I had to download a 3rd party file explorer called X-Plore though, seems like android 12 blocks access to those low-level folders through the normal files app.


I'm still considering whether I want to simply keep going with the post game love route stuff until it's done or add some slave route builds in between too.


Thanks for your feedback Shen. You call it ranting, but I'd call it mostly an accurate assessment of the situation. FET dwarfs titans and that won't ever change since it's simply not set up to be any other way, but with time I can at least elevate it above demo state. For now I'll probably go back and forth between it and FET solely because that'll most likely keep me inspired/motivated the most.


Ah, thanks for mentioning that. Android is truly not my performed platform but I'm happy you got it to work.


I've been seeing some requests for Asami(who was pretty much absent during the love route) but I'm thinking of doing something with her and Kya.


You could make her ask you for help since you can successfully have 2 relationships while she has a faulty one at best.


They made several comics and stuff between the series, there are past avatars, could even do some worm hole thing and cross over the two games, even if just a dream sequence lol. Tons of options to just never go into a third universe


probably should consider getting a AC if you don't have one.


I was actually very happy to read that you guys are shelving the new project for the time being. No need to jump headfirst into a new project if the magic isn’t there, especially when the two ongoing projects are such great worlds to expand on. The Avatar Universe is what brought me here, and even if the releases are Avatar focused for the next 10 years, my sub wouldn’t go anywhere. By the same token, if something new does come along that is really exciting to both of you, I’m sure it will come through in your work and I’ll be excited for it as well. Side note: It would be great on a future FET build if you added a scene viewer or the ability to go back to end-state books 1-4 to replay the scenes. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has 12 different saves for this reason, but it would be nice to have it all in one place.


I have one(portable), but I pretty much only use it when there's no way around it. I swear to god I don't know what's wrong with me.


I could pretty much work on avatar related stuf for the rest of my life and be content to be honest :) I already tried hooking back to the end states of earlier books to replay scenes, but encountered some problems. It's why I have the temporary simply returns still there, but my aim is indeed to have the player be able to return there if he played those books.

Foxface McGuffin

If you ONLY released avatar content every month, that alone would justify being a patron for me. Like, obviously if it gets stale and you aren't enjoying it it won't be good, but if you are loving it, that's why I am here to begin with. Everything else is a bonus, imo

Nice Ice Baby

There's a part that sort of confused me during the Korra Slave route. I'm slightly confused how when you walk Korra in the park without the dog, you can't take the 3 girls up on their offer. Just a little bit of a missed opportunity, you know?


I'll have to look up that part again. It's been some time and my memory is somewhat foggy on what options are/aren't there.

Nice Ice Baby

At the end of the Korra slave route, you can walk her in the park. You have the option to sop the dog away, and just walk her for everyone to see. After seeing Pema, the 3 girls will approach and tell how they like seeing Korra degraded. They then ask if they can piss on her, to which you don’t have any options, and dialogue just goes straight to no.