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- Finished Katara's masturbation pics!(for now)

- Started working on background elements (ships and people)

I always feel I can do better with more time, but that thought remains even after putting in an extra five hours so at a certain point you need to make the decision to move on. After all, we still got a lot of work to do. We've barely scratched the surface of what we want to end up with and no desire to take any longer than necessary.

Since our coder is hard at work fixing bugs in the Alpha(thanks everyone who told us about them in a none lets-tear-their-hearts-out way!) and trying to add stuff I have some extra opportunity to tackle things I haven't gotten around to yet. This includes the art for the ending scenes. I'm currently working on some of what I consider to be the less enjoyable parts of it.


I'm not particularly fond of backgrounds. It's just something I've never leaned towards and have less experience at. That means it takes me a long time to get something which hopefully looks nice.

So this time I've been working on a bunch of tiny people and a few boats as an addition to a normal background. Naturally I draw them bigger than they end up in the game, but when they're going to be very small anyway you don't want to put a lot of detail into them since you won't be able to see much of it after resizing them. That means you usually don't draw them that big to begin with.

You keep that in the back of your mind when drawing, but when the time comes to make them smaller and useable for the background you still die a little inside when seeing how much of it is gone after resizing.

I don't want to give away too much of the drawings I'm making since I want people who play the game to be visually surprised. Nothing destroys the excitement of a game than the knowledge you've already seen everything there is to be seen. But today I also wanted to show you a bit of what I'm talking about so I added a drawing of one tiny person in the header pic.

I prefer drawing one big detailed thing than several small non detailed ones. Even the small ones need to look pleasing to the eye and the less screen space you have to work with the harder that gets. Now of course there are artists who specialize in drawings using a minimum amount of detail, like pixelartists.

They're gawddamn magicians I'm telling you!

Oh remember me telling you about "vulture neck Katara"?  I added a pic of that in the attachments.  Be ready to be amazed and appalled!

Other than that. my windows10 really scared me when not allowing me to log in for awhile after it updated. I backup all of my stuff on an external hard disk, but still... that sorta stuff just ain't funny.




>my windows10 really scared me when not allowing me to log in for awhile after it updated. Tell me about it! Fucking Windows updates, man.


Ah, I see I'm not the only one who "enjoyed" those moments of dread ;)


One of the many reasons I passed on Windows 10, I had a less than stellar introduction to it when they started offering free upgrades to people, the fact that the damn thing basically turned into Skynet at one point and started doing shit on its own freaked me out quite a bit too. Oh, and congratulations, you apparently hit your current goal, so you can graduate from eating shoelaces to ramen! :)


Ending scenes, ah? Can't wait to see it and those tiny little people.

The Scyle

Congratulations on reaching your goal


You did, you reached your first goal! Congratulations!


Yay. Grats on the goal! Makes me feel good for being the very first Patreon. :D


Everyone thanks so much for your support! We reached our goal! That's really awesome... and kinda scary ;) We couldn't be happier and we're in the process of writing up a post about it.