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Well, we're pretty damn excited. Our first official release!

We love playing this stuff. We love making this stuff. And there's so much more to come.

Some quick notes:

  • This is an alpha release, so it's far from finished.
  • At the moment, the love route isn't quite ready, so we've removed that portion for now; it's in the works, and will be coming in a near update. 
  • There will be more scenes to unlock in the slave route in future updates as well.
We hope you enjoy playing it as much as we enjoy making it. 




Will the love route actually be a thing? because i'm more interested in that one than the slave route


Absolutely and the love route will have some of its own unique art.


Loved the game! Its been a while since i played a good " trainer" game ( i think you can guess wich one).


Question. The three silhouettes behind Katara. I can tell Azula and Toph, is Korra the third? We gonna have a like a flash forward or something?


A fantastic start! Good characterization, actually fapworthy scenes, well paced progression, enjoyable gameplay and even a glimpse of an interesting but not too intrusive story. You really surprised me with this one!


Holy crap, this was amazing. Even for an alpha release, this is now one of my favorite trainer games. Keep up the good work.


Thanks for the nice words, all! We're really excited about this game and the response we're getting! We'll be posting a version with some bug fixes pretty soon. Love route is in the works!


that was a solid 2 hours of the middle of the night playing a porn game, hilarious as hell. I look forward to the finished game.


Well this was a big surprise. I can't say anything negative. I would like to see more breast physics in animations, if possible but thats the only thing I can think of. I'm giving this a 10/10 still.


Wow awesome... you have my support. i love trainer games, and this one is getting really good i feel that. i look forward where this is going :)


This game is really awesome. You got better graphics then many other games and right now in a early phase of the game you got a ~2hrs gameplay. This is really nice, i hope you keep your good work up and get a lot more patreons . :)


Hello, can I have permission to translate it into Spanish?


Played it a little. Reminds me a lot of Witch-trainer, obviously. Biggest gripe so far is that getting money is a real chore until you invest in the shop. After that point you'll have more than you could ever need. Second biggest gripe is that "Aang" seems to compulsively scream "WHORE!" every time he cums. Like, 90% of the time. It doesn't fit half of the scenes, and it just feels silly. Worst catchphrase ever. Oh, the moose-lion things are annoying to fight, because you can only block half of their attacks and the potions (which cost almost a hundred coins) only heal about one turn's damage, making them mostly worthless. By the time you've done the icicle training you can usually beat them most of the time, but you always need at least one potion or they knock you out while on their last hit-point.


Anyway, seriously considering going in for a $5 pledge. Keep up the good work, ect. Not really sure how I feel about the whole "blackmailing katara" thing, hopefully the lover-route is more my speed. Is it going to be like that for all of the trainers? I'm kinda assuming the fire-trainer is Azula, I'd love to see someone try to blackmail her into sucking dick. Sounds like a good way to get your weener roasted.


Thanks! Hmmmm... yes breast physics... you've given me some inspiration for what to talk about in my next art updates! The really short version of it is: choices and time, some seem endless and the other definitely not!


You guessed right! We're still discussing a lot of story elements and ways to get where we want to go, but precious little is 100% certain so we can't answer your other question.


Thanks! We might not be able to surpise you(as much) with our future additions but we'll certainly try to !


From the very beginning we wanted to make something we can be proud of and like to play ourselves so we're looking forward to having a 100% finished game too.


Thanks! We certainly aim to keep working on it as hard as we have been doing when we started.


Thanks for your support! We really do love making this game, but without support things tend to slow down and get harder over time so we really appreciate our patrons.


Thank you! As we keep doing this and get more experience we hope to keep building on what we have and make it better and better.


just wanna say i love this game at first i thoight it was a akbar clone but i now see yoy guys are doing your own thing so im happy about that and i also agree with your statement im follow and paying some dev who take forever but i digress this was a great surprise new release game/content and there was a abundance of content im even replaying everything to see how i can finish sooner so that say alot bc i don't usually replay a game XD also what are your projects for next girl whoever that may be


Thanks for the kind words. I've been replaying it a lot too, but that's because some of the bugs seem to breed with each other and I have to find them ; ) But seriously, once we can get the Katara part done (which is currenty getting our undivided attention) we'll have time to start thinking about the next girl, Azula! Things should go a lot smoother once we do, since we're a lot more experienced than when we began.


I love the game already! Very well made trainer, that has some interesting dialogue between the characters. The art is well made as well, and your humour works quite well for me. ^^ I don't get why he calls her "whore", all the time though, as that gets a little tedious. (Might just be because i'm biased as i'm not that much into svearing and hateplay.) I nearly instantly had a favourtie chacter as well, as i just love the shop owner, (i'm big on oral fetishes, so again that's just me) you made her seem so nice, and so happy to do what you want her to, anytime you asked (and the small cheek kisses where so lovely ^^). Which is all just about a 10/10 for the game in general. Going to be excited for this one in the future! :D


And btw, i hope you can get past the 500$ mark, so you can stop eating shoelaces and random plants. Plants usually taste poorly anyway, so eat spaghetti or noddles instead ^^ (shoelaces, i haven't tries, so i can't tell if you should stop)


I could be wrong, but I'm fairly certain the "WHORE!" is a nod to Akabur's trainer games. That's the Genie's (main character) catchphrase.


Us too! I think I'll try this "spaghetti and noddles" you speak of. Can't be worse than shoelaces :) !


Hello MARY! I happened to hit on your game and I love it. It's just fun. Too bad it is not finished, but I hope you do not give up the game. It really has potential. But unfortunately I can not speak English. And I know that you would get more fan, if you can translate the game in German. Or find someone who can. What do you think? Would it be possible? I hope for your answer! Sorry for my bad English! I have used Google translator!


Another patreon, another alpha, which probably will mean another "sorry, no updates this month... but please, keep the money going!". Will have to wait and see how the development goes before even thinking about donating. Really hope I will be proven wrong. The art is great, and I sincerely wish you the best. Can't wait to see Azula :P


Hi Peter, we're having a bit of a discussion about this subject amongst ourselves so I hope I have something more substantial to say about this soon.


Part of trying to convince people to give us a chance was making sure our Alpha wasn't just a collection of "not ready yet" messages, but if you want to wait and make sure we have what it takes that's fine of course! We'll do our best to turn you around :)

Scott Hardy

Think i did everything there is to do in this version, I like it, look forward to when you get the next characters :D, i assume is going to be toph or azula next maybe?


Azula will be the next girl, but before that we'll finish the love route which will give you a different experience(and has some of it's own unique art).


Is there a way to contact you privately, MITY? I would like to become a patron, but I have a few quarrels that I'd like ironed out before that.


Hey Francis, you could send us a pm through the patreon system but you could also email us at "mity games 2 @ g mail. com" Minus the spaces of course! Jut a feeble attempt at lowering spam.


You can't PM creators unless you're a patron of theirs. I'll send an email, thanks for hearing me out!