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Hey all!   First off, here's the link to the hub post which contains links to older projects etc.

Okay, it's time to talk about what I've been doing so far and what you can expect to happen this month. I'm writing this post today, because I finished setting up the bare minimum for the last chapter. To explain for anyone new,  FET consists out of four books, and each book has a  slave and love route. I'm currently working on the final chapter which will end the overarching story for both the slave and love route in one build.

Writing the last chapter is difficult in a very practical and a less practical way. I've been going through the older routes and finding the variables(flags) to differentiate between what you've done in the past during the four books. I used to have a list of those, but I switched pc's in between developing FET and that list got sort of lost. No problem, just means I need to do some digging in the game scripts, which is easy enough.

I've found I didn't always sets proper flags which means the game can't always remember what you did. I've only found one instance of that so far and all it would do in the final chapter is add or leave out a sentence, so nothing major. Anyway, making certain the last chapter remains consistent with earlier choices is slowing me down a lot.

I always found it very important for a player to just be able and start playing whatever book he wanted to without having to have finish the earlier ones first. That means you can start a new game and immediately hop into book 4. That also means I need to pick a standard reaction in the last chapter if you never even played books 1, 2 or 3...   then there's the fact time travel has the added difficulty I can't take choices into account during the early books which you make in the last chapter. 

What I'm trying to say is... I'm spending a lot of my time on solving this "puzzle" without leaving in too many weird inconsistencies  : ) 

While digging for older variables I've also come across some older bugs which I'm fixing. Mostly stuff where I tried to tidy up the file structure of FET and a few bugs popped up because of that. Nothing I can't fix and I'm still happy I structured things slightly better at the time.

Anyway, I'm not far along with the last chapter yet. I finished two scenes... which is practically speaking just one, because if you choose one, you won't get to see the other... and a very "big strokes" setup of the build which is pretty much lacking everything, but can still be played till the end. I feel like a lifelong nudist who just bought a wardrobe from Ikea. 

Doesn't mean I don't want to try and finish the final chapter this month though. Just that you shouldn't put any bets on whether I actually manage to!

-Sorry Jinora!  I'm too busy for that right now!-

Anyway, I expect to be pretty busy the next couple of weeks so if I'm tardy answering messages and such, please don't be too upset. I'll get to you eventually : ) !



Dark Lord

Did I understand that right you try to finish the game this month ? 0.0


I thought the final chapter be coming out next month, why you trying to rush


You could just lock players out of the ending cutscene until all books were complete and add a button to access the ending to make things a bit more consistent

Bill Kurtis

What you could do is have a manditory or optional menu that pops up when you start the final route where the player confirms their past based on the flags you were looking for. Makes it a lot easier when you're merging multiple routes (and for replayability & perhaps testing). You see this sometimes with RPGs and visual novels that go across platforms for importing games. I think sometimes they even add new flags they didn't originally intend for or forgot to track. TT's Walking Dead series, Dragon Age Inquisition, Mass Effect, etc all did it in some form. Without something like that, I assume you are going to have to once again make it so the history doesn't flop back and forth; for my main file the avatar was a bit of a hot and cold person, lol; I jumped between love and slave depending on the book.


Trying to deliver the last chapter this month is insanity. And to be clear, I don't mean the good insanity. Time is the least thing that should concern you now. What matters (in my view) is a meaningful and satisfying end. And as you mentioned, that alone is going to be a huge challenge on its own. I know you won't listen and I don't want to stop you from going in crunch mode (although I really would like to) but you don't need to force you on stupid timelines and if you absolutely have to, be more forgiving to yourself. Two months is the least amount of time I would have expected for a final chapter to this masterpiece. Just a thought.


Any chance android users could label the saves so we could figure out what save was where in each book?


Honestly don't rush it, I love what you've done with this game and I can't wait to play the ending. You're doing a great job!!! Can't wait to see what you do and what will come after


Exactly what I was going to recommend. I know other games that will import past choices or ask the player what choices they made at certain times. Witcher 3 is an example. But even games in the same category as FET have implemented this kind of feature.


I know a lot of people, myself included, are eager to finish the story and continue the lewd adventure, but the reason being is that you've taken your time making something great. With all the positive feedback is easy to want to push out more content fast than taking time to really look at it. So plz develop at your own pace, not at what impatience fans decide. We've all waited this long, we can wait as long as needed.

A.E. Pessimal

Why the rush? This story evolved through YEARS now. Giving it a rush burial will be inadequate. How are you going to handle what most players did - playing both routes on all books (well, I didn't do book 3 slave, but that's the only exception I think). All in all I think it's much more reasonable let players choose their flags at the beginning of chapter 5 start. Would veer you off spending a lot of techie time trying to sort this and will let you concentrate on the creative part (storytelling and art). And please, please - I beg you, I double beg you, don't rush! It's book 5 so 5 months is, eh, reasonable. I wouldn't go for 5 years though, that will get us into the WW3 timeline...


It's the last build to ending a saga. Take your time with hammering out your "problems" and end it on a good note. Happy to have been an active supporter since the beginning of book 3 love route and excited to see the ending, but I'm more than happy to wait a little longer then usual if it means that everything is getting some touchups.


Take all the time no need to rush perfection


I’m with everyone else. Definitely take your time and don’t feel rushed. This amazing journey should get the ending it deserves.

Marshall Iblis

Is it possible to create some kind of menu to ask the player how they want to set those flags? Because I've played this probably dozens of times over the course of many years and multiple different computers, so I've lost a lot of my older playthroughs and I don't really want to have to go back through and play them just to experience things differently. That would be a lot of hours, especially with the grind some of the minigames are.

Black Knight Alex

Take all the time you need and don't listen to the fools trying to rush you.


An option to just select your past choices for the final book would be much appreciated.


agreed just ask us what we picked kinda like what telltale games did for their games


No rush mate. Its the final build

Dan Curtis

hyped for the final build. Never regretted finding and supporting this work years ago.

A.E. Pessimal

Speaking about this depressing WW3 thing, I can totally see a young guy in 2029, stuck in trenches, playing FET on his worn-out android device (because due to war there will be no new devices for YEARS), getting to one of these pink-screen kisses and feel just a moment of love. So remember, this is for posterity.


Take the time you need no need to rush it


True commitment, even in our darkest hour, Mity makes a masterpiece for centuries to come. even during wars apparently

Shawn Jackson

Well maybe ask quick question before you start last chapter of what routes did you take and reconfirm your name.


Yeah I think there is some merit in the suggestions that have been made about setting some flags ourselves about our progress, both for those who tried both routes on particular chapters or people like me who stupidy rebuilt our PC from scratch and forgot to backup our saves. Glad though you can jump into the start of any chapter we choose, that is indeed helpful.

A.E. Pessimal

MITY, All that said, are you aware that there's a wide consensus that FET is al least one of the best in it's genre, if not THE best? How does it feel to create a masterpiece?

Bob Ross

Kinda a dumb question, but is there going to be an orgy in the final chapter? Or is it gonna be focused on the story then the sexy things?


what happens after fet or after you finish this chapter?

Don kibonk

Honestly, i'd rather it would focus on the story... i feel like fet has surpassed being a mere porn game, it actually feels like a full on world, and if you ask me, i'd be ok with there not being any sex scenes as long as the story is good


Has there ever been any thought of doing a gallery of scenes once they've been unlocked?


Let's just hope cooler heads will prevail, because just thinking about WW3 makes me flaccid!


I'll set myself reasonable goals... and break them when it turns out they aren't reasonable at all : ) Seriously though, I tend to "run" or "stand still", but I won't push out the end if I don't think it's ready.


I don't want to make it quite that easy, but I'll neither make you work your way through a bunch of books again just to see a different ending.


I really don't like having to plow through entire swaths of a game just to see a different ending myself, but I'm very hesitant to make it quite that easy for the player. I think I've come up with a middle ground sort of way, but I can always add a menu option later.


It feels... like you're all secretly my mom logging in using different names because there's no more room on the fridge : ) There are lot of things in FET which make me feel unsatisfied and wish we could've done better...(mostly the art) but I am happy a lot of people seem to be enjoying it despite the fact it sometimes feels like we're not talking about the same game :)


Boring answer incoming... both... sort of. I can't really talk about it right now, but I don't want to focus on just one thing.


Still haven't thought about that for any serious time. I imagine there will still be some things to do concerning FET, but I think I'll also want to at least create a new 18Titans build.


Any other series you have in mind afterwards?

A.E. Pessimal

Oh no. Don't get all modest now. We don't just talk "a lot of people seem to be enjoying it". We talk about an established fact that "a lot of people are calling it the best game of its kind". Tis true that cbob was the ground breaker, there were literally no such games before FET and he single handedly created a new genre. But it is also true that A. You more than just "contributed", you wrote a significant portion of this *masterpiece* (yes, it is. No exaggeration here). B. Without you taking it all on yourself it would have died. So give yourself the credit you totally deserve. It may have been sheer luck that brought you into this, but you grabbed it with both hands - and that's your own doing. Of course there are things to perfect further, even to really fix, but that goes to any creation that I know, from every genre.

A.E. Pessimal

I seriously suggest you'll look at "The Dragon Prince". If you didn't watch it yet - do so. The Dragon Prince is the true heir of ATLA, it even surpass it in some ways. It is not yet complete - there are only 3 seasons from 7 that are signed with Netflix. Also, there are tons of unique characters with unique voice to use: Claudia, Rayla, Aunt Amaya, Queen Aanya, Janay (wanted a beautiful black women? there you go), Elis, Lujain, Nyx (she deserves some punishment!), and I'm certain I forgot other's - and we are still only 3/7 way to the end,

A.E. Pessimal

There's the gallery mod, I didn't follow it but I remeber it was ez pz to install. I don't know if it is maintained though. Want a link?


I just hope a little more is done with Ikki before the end, seem she was forgotten outside of needing to find things.


There is a full path for Ikki as of the last update, you have missed something.

Billy bounce

So will this next build be the final build period or did you just mean that the slave and love route playthroughs will be in one build instead of two separate playthroughs? Like I know you said this epilogue book will be sort of a mini book but does that mean it will only be the next update release to finish it all up or were you just saying here that we shouldn't expect two separate builds like with having the love route builds and then the slave route builds in different updates?


Depends on which time you returned from the swamp, but after you pick between Jinora and Korra at the swamp, she has a new vaginal scene just before Varrick's wedding night.


The next build will funnel the love and slave route into one build. So if you load your old book 4 slave route end you'll be able to play the next build and if you keep playing the love route you'll end up in the same place(plus minus some route differences) after the conclusion the love and slave route will have their own ending. Also in the same build. The main reason for me doing it like this is wanting everyone to experience the end of the overarching story at the same time.

Billy bounce

Yeah I understand that. I guess what I was asking is whether the next update and build will be the last one and finish the story. Like no more updates after this one except for maybe bug fixing updates? Not if there will be another book after this epilogue. I know this will finish the story. But I’m asking if the story will end in the one update you’re working on right now?😂Sorry if it’s confusing. I’m trying my best not to be. But I know each book has several builds to complete each story. And I know there are separate builds for the love and slave route. I know this final chapter will combine them both so players of each route can see the end at the same time. But is this specific build you’re currently working on the final build to finish the story or will there be more content for this chapter in the weeks after this build gets released?


@Anton - I owe you an apology. I took offense to your post when your intent wasn't to be offensive. I'm not seeking forgiveness, no excuse for reacting before looking for intent. Just thought it should be said.


Why not just have a love/slave route dialog option in the final arc that will determine the type of dialog that way you dont have to puzzle solve as much?


The story will be done in the next update. I might go back and add scenes... actually I already have some ideas for that, but there will be a big fat "The End" message and I don't intend to add to the story beyond that. Hope that makes things a bit more clear.

Billy bounce

OK thanks for clearing that up. Sorry if I made it confusing. Also let me just say it's been a hell of a ride. I found this game a couple of years ago. It was the first type of game like this I played and the first time I used patreon haha. But I decided to try the public version of the game and I loved every moment since. Since then I've tried other games and been a patron to other channels but this has remained at the top of my list. Even for a fame like summertime saga that has a lot more patrons than you guys I've enjoyed being a patron here far more. Both of you guy work very hard on this game and it shows. The jokes are always funny. The gameplay is always fresh and the story and romance elements are always quality. Not to mention the art is fantastic. The characters look sooo much like the original show. Everything about playing this game is just a vibe. It's also worth noting how you guys have treated your patrons different from some other channels. Some games rarely give progress updates and it makes you wonder if they're just milking money out as much as they can instead of working hard on the game. It makes it harder to want to support them. Haha but I just love when you give an update about anything whether it's one of explaining how you've gotten sick or issues with your keyboard. Even then you guys know we mainly want info on progress on the game but it also feels good just to shoot the shit with the community a little with your updates. Cbob even when you had your hiatus I had no problem wanting to stick around because I knew how hard you guys worked to pump out quality work in such a short time span. I mean you guys are troopers forreal haha. Hope your still doing good and taking care of yourself Cbob. But yeah this reply is running super long so once again thanks you guys for being really cool ass people while providing us with this great game. Hasn't been a moment I haven't enjoyed being taken on the journey since I hopped on. Can't wait to see what you guys have in story next. 18titans by my guess but take a much deserved breather after you're done tinkering with the final product with adding extra content or fixing bugs. You guys earned it. It's bittersweet that my favorite game with easily one of my favorite stories is coming to an end but I can't wait to play it. No pressure even if the ending doesn't please everyone at least you got to the ending you wanted to reach. Props dudes.

Koolver1 (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-14 04:57:17 I know that this post is almost a week old and the "c" version of the last update came out time ago, but if Mity gets to read this I would like to comment that they had opportunitie to do 3 scenes all at Zhu Li's wedding, the first was with Izumi (It's a shame that neither in the slave route nor in the love route did we have anything with Izumi, I consider that she is very undervalued and they had the opportunity to put at least one scene with her instead of adding her to Pornlove), the second with Suyin and/or Lin (idk maybe another Bataar fetish incluiding with Suyin´s sister) in the pool and the third with Kya when she's awake after the party (I don't need to explain but some vaginal scene wouldn't have been bad) , anyway I just wanted to write my opinion, still great job <3
2022-03-26 06:46:32 I know that this post is almost a week old and the "c" version of the last update came out time ago, but if Mity gets to read this I would like to comment that they had opportunitie to do 3 scenes all at Zhu Li's wedding, the first was with Izumi (It's a shame that neither in the slave route nor in the love route did we have anything with Izumi, I consider that she is very undervalued and they had the opportunity to put at least one scene with her instead of adding her to Pornlove), the second with Suyin and/or Lin (idk maybe another Bataar fetish incluiding with Suyin´s sister) in the pool and the third with Kya when she's awake after the party (I don't need to explain but some vaginal scene wouldn't have been bad) , anyway I just wanted to write my opinion, still great job <3

I know that this post is almost a week old and the "c" version of the last update came out time ago, but if Mity gets to read this I would like to comment that they had opportunitie to do 3 scenes all at Zhu Li's wedding, the first was with Izumi (It's a shame that neither in the slave route nor in the love route did we have anything with Izumi, I consider that she is very undervalued and they had the opportunity to put at least one scene with her instead of adding her to Pornlove), the second with Suyin and/or Lin (idk maybe another Bataar fetish incluiding with Suyin´s sister) in the pool and the third with Kya when she's awake after the party (I don't need to explain but some vaginal scene wouldn't have been bad) , anyway I just wanted to write my opinion, still great job <3