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I live...   AGAIN!!   Resurrected from the dead. Blood has started to flow again like a thick dark red drab pushing itself slowly through half decayed arteries. Leaking out of orifices which-

Say what? You're eating? You've lost your appetite?!

Here's some Korra and Asami to hopefully help you regain some of that.

During my short break these last few weeks I discovered I'm bad at taking breaks.  I was like... "now that I have all this free time, this means... I can work on all the other stuff AND FET!!!"

You might feel that's not how breaks should go and you aren't wrong. But I also did a lot of other stuff which I've been putting off when I had to get a new build done in the past. Working on stuff without feeling the hot air of an ETA breathing down your neck is nice!

Just to paint you a little picture of the non-MITY stuff I've been doing. I've been checking and discarding/repairing old pc's.   I've told you before that I'm where old hardware goes to die. When family has old stuff and they don't want it, they bring it to me.   I might have asked them first though...

Anyway, I already had been throwing out some old stuff earlier, but this month I booted up everything I had left and if it didn't work tried to fix it. Some pc's were beyond my meager skills to be fixed and those will  be recycled... after gutting them for useful parts of course.

I still have a couple of old pc's which I already know will never be seriously used again because they're just THAT decrepit,  but I can only let go of a few at a time.  My hoarder ways can't be changed at once : )

Besides that, I've done a lot of cleaning. "Pigsty" comes to mind when describing the area surrounding my pc(the one I actually use daily).

During all of this I somehow came across this youtube movie below.


Which in turn led me here:


and I got inspired to draw the legwarmers pic.

Besides that sort of stuff(and playing a couple of pc games) I've been working on two new scenes for 18Titans. Don't get excited. This is just me doing stuff which you won't get to see for a very long time. I have no plans to release a new build for that anytime soon.

I've been working on FET, made 1.5 new scenes for that, fixed some bugs, streamlined some earlier book4 love stuff,  tried to make it so you can name your saves, etc.  All in all just a bunch of stuff which tends to always be pushed to the back of the line because there are more important things which requires my attention.

I've also been doing some minimal "spooky times 3" stuff.  For anyone who doesn't know, I made a few special standalone mini-games called "spooky times" for Halloween in the past. It has FET characters in weird, Halloween themed situations. You can find the earlier two in the hub post, HERE.

The amount of work I did for "Spooky times 3" is so minimal it barely deserves to be mentioned. Since I'm pretty certain I can't get anything worthwhile put together before the 31st,  I think I'll focus the brunt of my time and efforts on working on a new FET build instead.

Don't know if I'll have anything interesting/Halloweeny for the 31st, but if I do it will be something small.

In the meantime, I've added some higher res, and more revealing versions of the legwarmer pic as an attachment to this post... HOW REVEALING??? 

It's October after all. 

tldr: Took a break, did some stuff and now I'm going to do stuff again, but any sort of build of anything is still a long way off.

That's all for now. Peace!





FET is great don’t feel like you have to produce something before the 31st take your time.

Bill Kurtis

Korra has some very long upper teeth there. Glad your break was nice. In my view it doesn't matter what you do so long as it was enjoyable at least some of the time.


A MITY update always makes my day, but that was something special. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go about humming that song for the rest of the day. We are the champions! THE CHAMPIONS!


I'm going to work now but thanks for the Communication update.


To be honest it might be nice to get something small this halloween of course, but I'd way pefer to wait for next year for it to be even better. Maybe something with Ty lee again.. or Korra of course. Take your time it will be great regardless I'm sure.

Sion of War

glad to hear from you again. Sounds all fine too me, FET is your main project afterall.

Sion of War

I am still wondering how cbob is doing though, we havent heard from/ about him in quiet a while

Juan Caro

Happy to see you're doing well, I'm happy with whatever decision you made, if is spooky 3 would be awesome, but also a new build for FET could be outstanding, do whatever is easier for you and try to disconect about work and stuff, I think we all need that somethimes or we get overcharged and I think the brain don't works the same way. BTW amazing picks, love your artstyle a lot, I wish you the best


I feel like Marty is the kind of guy who just enjoys his work. Like the “if you like what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life” kind of ethic. But hey, I won’t complain. Really, as long as you’re both taking care of yourselves. Speaking of, I’m also curious to hear how cbob is doing. It feels like we rarely hear from him.

Bill Kurtis

We should just stop beating around the bush and make her the main girl for a game ☺️


Those links thats how it started …. Fuck I can’t get enough of sexy aerobics


Ok so I didn't expect it, but I actually really like this new take on "revealing" pictures


I still only want my Shady cutout to spook me whenever. Im still serious, id buy the shit out a shady key holder


that's because nobody expects the spanish inquisition!


I didn't know I need aerobic in my life till the second video


Halloween stuff is more of a funny diversion to me, but yeah taking a break just to immediately go balls to the wall again and finish something in the very limited time between now and the 31st would probably not be the smart thing. Thanks!


I wasn't really doing my best at lining up the skulls with the faces, but now that you mention it I can't NOT see it anymore so here's a better version : ) https://mega.nz/file/63QwTBBQ#zuwmi661pzNu0-qr3w9An-EIdmQNQdVZMMqA5Wnkpro


It's like I have discovered a new humans species made of bouncing balls! If I had that kind of energy... nothing would be impossible : D


Yeah, I'd love for cbob to be more involved/communicative towards everyone too, but he's just not there yet.


Thanks Juan, I like these little excursions into the even sillier side of FET (spooky times) a lot too, but I really don't think I could do anything substantial atm so I'll have to do the smart thing instead.


It's difficult not to like your work when your work is drawing naked girls : ) As for cbob, unfortunately he's still nowhere near normality. I'd love for him to be more involved, but even my own communication with him is janky at best.


I've never been more appreciative of girls being fit and having a great BMI than when I was watching sexy aerobics : )


The next step is guro... if you don't know what that is, DON'T look it up. I'm not even kidding.


I can give you the psd file for Shady, but anything else will have to rely on your arts&crafts power for now : ) https://mega.nz/file/fvJmCTZa#Gp-rQzk-yREg-Ix6XRKNFktLOabHQf_7DVEsRPCefy4

Juan Caro

No worries Marty, I'm really excited of everything you put upfront so. Thanks for replying


how would I transfer save from one build of FET to another on anrdoid? I

Sion of War

well, thats fine. I know perfectly well how difficult it is to communicate with such problems. As long as he is doing well and can do his part of the project that is good enough for me. both because the project keeps going and because it means he isnt completely down


If it's on the same device it should be automatic, but if you want to transfer some from one device to another the save files can be found here(taking my phone as an example) "Phone\Android\data\fet.start\files\saves"

MonkeyD Luffy

Why do i get MGS 3 flash backs with this ? lol