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Hot... as in my cpu got hot! 

Hey people! Time for a little update. I'll almost immediately kick off with an prediction/estimation of when to expect the next build for FET since I think that's what a lot of you will be interested in.

But first...  the link to our hub page for other/older projects. The latest 18Titans version is available to all patrons now. It has been for some time, but you might not have noticed yet. 

So, my personal aim-for-date for the next FET version is around the 20th of next month. That would put us at a little over a month when taking the last release as the starting point and it's a time frame I generally like/prefer. 

I don't want to pin us down on it because, as the past has taught me, stuff can get "fluid" very fast, but I wanna do my best to get us at least somewhat close to that time frame. 

ps. Have you noticed we've been changing locations during this route after two builds? It'll be the same for the next one. One more build in Zaofu before we'll go somewhere else once again. 

And that's really about all I have to say about FET for now.

Okay, so I believe I promised to tell you what my cryptic gif which I showed in the last art update was all about.

I exaggerated for comedic effect and nothing died on me, but I feel like I wasn't far off.

I already told you I got an AC unit because I was sometimes fearing for the health of my pc with the summer temperatures rising. So after getting one, I noticed my pc(or rather the fan) was making very weird noises. like it had to work extra hard. I usually don't hear such noises because I work with my headphones on (and I like it loud!) but this time I did.  hearing this a-typical noise I figured it was perhaps time for me to remove some dust with compressed air.

When opening the computer case I didn't immediately notice, but when I did it was very clear why the fan had been going extra hard. The cpu heatsink was moving around like one of those saloon doors in a western movie. It turned out a few plastic tips had broken off somehow and the heat sink didn't make proper contact with the cpu anymore. That's not good.

The thermal paste was in pretty bad(dry) shape so I ordered some new paste and a cooler online. It took four days until it finally arrived. When you're aching to get going that feels like an eternity. 

In the meantime I started working using an older pc, but there's just so many small files and other things which you miss/have to reinstall when you move to another pc it was just one small annoyance after the other. Especially because I couldn't turn on the other.  I didn't want to risk it. 

Just getting my graphics tablet setup in a way which didn't make it feel like I was drunk while drawing took me a day and after that it STILL felt off.

Since it was the first time I've applied thermal past on a heat sink I was worried about applying too much and possibly mess up by having it spill over the edges when applying force. Apparently there's a thousand ways of applying the stuff, but in the end I just did it the way I saw someone else on youtube with the same kind of cooler do it and applied it evenly over the entire surface.

Looks like I did it right, because the cooler's fan is nice and quiet and the temperature below 50°C  


Oh and I finally got rid of some of my more ancient pc's which I hadn't touched in an eternity. Like I said in an older update, I've become more or less the place where family brings their pc when it's old and decrepit to die. It was time to get rid of the truly old ones since they had become nothing more than an oversized paper weight.

I don't think I have much else interesting to say.... so I'll add a pic instead! You can find a few bigger sized variations of it in the attachment.

Till next time! Peace!




I want to thank you cause a few weeks ago i got covid and was isolated and bummed out but the most recent build cheered me up a lot, can't wait for the next one!

Bill Kurtis

While I dislike the stress of choosing the proper thermal paste application pattern, don't even get me started on thermal pad placement and thickness 😓 On a side note, do you suppose this route will have any patreon-voted optional scenes as we did for the end of the slave route? Or even for 18Titans. Fun times, everyone loves a good poll. Especially Ty Lee (who is always nice to see more of 👍🏻)


Ty lee to me is one of the most underrated hot girl in avatar

Tom Ristenbieter

mh yes tylee is nice how about some jinora and korra artowrk next time, maybe somethign we cna look forward too in the love book 4 route


A thin layer of thermal paste evenly over is working fine. Thanks for Ty Lee, always a pleasure to see her. Maybe we can have some chibi characters in future art updates again? They always cheer me up.

Bill Kurtis

A chibi Ty Lee, chibi Jinora (or Ikki), & chibi Iroh (or Sokka) to keep chibi Toph company

Mark Stein

Nice game keep the good work


I'm happy we were of some help to fight that cabin fever/boredom! As much of a recluse I am myself, it's when I don't have the choice I all of a sudden want to go outside. Hope your time with covid was a short and benign one!


My way of thinking was: Jinora and Korra will appear a lot in future FET builds, but other girls like Ty Lee not so much. I figured most people would prefer a choice such as Ty Lee.

Jdogzero Silverblade

was wondering if for the next release you can add like a gallery on the front page that has all the sex scenes. mainly ask because some scenes cant be accesses after progressing through the game so we cant go back and look at them. you can also make it so we can have the choice to watch them even without playing or unlock them through playing. for example with azula and the slave route once she is imprisoned you cant do the bedroom scenes anymore unless you get back to that point in the game.


I wish we could've romance and marry Tylee xD That would be the most awesome thing :) btw I would love more marriages


Full agreement on this one Mity, not sure how difficult it would be to implement

Mark Stein

The correct pattern for thermal past is a small drop only, since the pressure of the heat dissipating will spread that drop all over the cpu

Grave Lock

I too would love to see more Ty-lee romances


Ah poor Ty Lee, she'd invoke both Azula's and Mai's rage! Quite frankly we have a lot of ideas such as that which we reluctantly ignored along the way out of time constraints. Oh well, who knows what we can add/change once we finish the main story.

Alex almanac

More of ty-lee please. I think it has a lot of potential.

Frank Hansen

Oh yeah, more Ty Lee please... maybe even a preggo one? (:


Once the main story is completed do you have plans on making any "dlc" essentially extra content?


Plans? Not really. Vague ideas... plenty! The focus has always been to finish FET first. If we can do that in a satisfactory way to the players, we'll take a serious look at what comes next.

Zack Hackett

is there gonna be more old toph


How do i get the mushrooms in book four love route?


Yes, but not nearly in as big of a way as during the swamp.


The daughter/mom/grandmom will require something in exchange for that knowledge. Have sex with each of them and afterwards they'll tell you how to find the mushrooms by whistling in a certain way during the night.

Mark Stein

guys can anyone tell me if public slutness or morality are useful for book 2 love route ?


i finished the Ikki scenes in the last build and if i'm being honest i was more concerned with what was going through Ikki head when doing these scenes than if this was right or wrong

Evan Cross

I hope to see more teen titans in the future if possible


I have a question, if I may. Does anyone else think Kuvira has the jawline and eyebrows of Vegeta, or have I been watching too much Dragon Ball Z? I just noticed it and it's fucking hilarious