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Hey all! The new early access version is finally ready. There are a couple of things in this build which I'd still like to look/work at for another day, but that's rarely not the case so it will have to do for now or I'll never "be finished".

This build continues the story of book 4's love route and takes you out of the swamp to visit Zaofu!

Dear bughunters! As always, thanks for your feedback! There were a couple of bugs which would only surface occasionally and a lot of typo's which I hope to have all fixed in this version. If you're going to download the early access you might notice I added a scene. The compliments you'd give Suyin weren't actually functional yet, but now they are. Give enough of them, make the right choices and there will be an extra scene with her.

FET 0.9.4b  - pc version - alt link 

FET 0.9.4b  - Mac version - alt link 

FET 0.9.4b  - android version - alt link 

Vague spoilers:

So what will you be able to see in this build?

-Two new scenes with Jinora and one old repurposed version so it can also be seen in Zoafu. 

-Three scenes with Suyin(two can be missed).  

-Two new scenes with Opal.  

-And a bunch of other nick knacks along the way. I don't like calling things scenes when they don't have any animation. Oh and you might have noticed I didn't mention Korra. She's still in the swamp during this build.

Patreon complains when I write as much as even some of the abbreviations of the scenes so you'll just have to see them yourself to figure out what they are. 

Once you've reached the end of the build and go to bed you'll see the message: 

"End of current build. You can replay scenes, but nothing new will unlock."

 (ps a small bug might prevent that message from being triggered but I also added other "in development" messages so you know when you've reached the end of a certain "branch".)

That doesn't take the optional (Suyin) scenes into account so you might or might not unlock those after seeing that message. 

We hope you'll like the new build and despite a bunch of people who already helped us to find bugs, there might still be some in here. If there are and you want to let us know, you can pm us or mention it in the comments!





I just got into bed too haha well looks like I’m not sleeping tonight


It'll still be there in the morning... It's not weekend and sleep is kinda important too : ) !


Welp, time to drop everything immediately. I know what I’m doing for the next few hours 🙌🏿


Kuvira Huge melons is very welcome Mity and Love the Ikkkkkkkers scene and still hopefull something with Mini K WINK


*Sees a MITY update* Forget sleep, it's go time. XD


Man, I was checking my email 24/7 when I noticed bughunt was out. But then it comes out when I'm sleeping! Well at least I know what to do this morning.


Think I found a typo, after you land in Zaofu, when you search for Jinora and Ikki and then find them it says : "I already met Opal's mom too. By the way she is very anxious to meet her new Quests." Should be Guests instead of Quests I think.


Was replaying to get to the new stuff noticed when you go to help Korra with her itch your tongue and her 'special place' aren't there and a random text box comes up when you click to proceed


I think I’m soft locked in book 4, I’m trying to get out of the swamp but I’m not seeing any new options. Should I restart or is there a way around?


I'll go check it out thanks for telling us! ...Okay a quick check had me not finding it... I'll keep looking, but if you can give me a quote of what a character is saying during that moment (or a screenshot?) it might help.


Did you say your goodbyes to everyone? Did you already have sex with the earth nation soldier? Some people forget to do that last thing. You'll be able to pick her out from the usual daughter, mom, grandmom lineup. Otherwise send us a pm telling us about the things which happened already so we can pinpoint what still needs to be done.


That was it, I didn’t choose the soldier in the line up. ThMk you for the help!


No prob! Happy it turned out to be so straight forward to get going again.


*winks back* More depravity is a certainty! Glad you liked our choice to make Kuvira go big(and bouncy) and the inclusion of Ikki. Ikki feels underused in this build, but we had a difficult time coming up with something for her to do.


Here's hoping you aren't an air trafic controller and have an early shift : )


Also experiencing a hard Crash trying to enter suyins house I have had the encounter with kuvira at the pond and talked with opals dad in his office and at night I have the option to enter but the game hard crashes if I go in


Hm, Ive gotten the "in development" messages for each character, but no big message when trying to go to sleep. And yes, including Suyin and Meditation. I'm not sure if Im just missing something or the message doesnt pop up for me.


Sweet dreams ; ) ! I hope the build will be to your liking.


Hmmmm, I think I have a suspicion why that is. Well, you reached the other "in development" messages, so that's good! I think I can easily change what went wrong and why the message wasn't shown. Should be easy to fix for the next version. Thanks for letting us know!


Why do I have a FET 32 version now and the normal one?


I'm trying to recreate it but no luck so far. I haven't been able to recreate the other problem you had either so they're certainly interesting ones. When the game hard crashes, when entering Suyin's home at night, does it perhaps say it can't find a certain file in the error report?


The 32 one is for older 32 bit systems, the other one for 64 bit. You're most likely going to need the normal one.


I am not getting end of the current build message even though I have seen everything that there was to see according to this post

Sion of War

What a nice birthday present. I had to replay a bit of the swamp (not that I mind) but now I am in the new part. Looking forward to what Ill find


Yeah, it's a small bug. An easy fix, but I'll wait and see if there are other things which I can do at the same time for a new version. If you have seen the scenes which I mentioned in the post itself and the "in development" message for Jinora, Opal and meditation, you'll have reached the end of the build.


Happy birthday Sion of War! I hope you'll like the new build.


Quote: "Dear bughunters! As always, thanks for your feedback! There were a couple of bugs which would only surface occasionally and a lot of typo's which I hope to have all fixed in this version. If you're going to download the early access you might notice I added a scene. The compliments you'd give Suyin weren't actually functional yet, but now they are. Give enough of them, make the right choices and there will be an extra scene with her."


help i am stuck as i do not know what to do next i am at the part where i am with the earth nation solder and when i go to the swamp and take pepper for a ride it does not let me if there any thing i am missing, as well as i am at the part of korra meditating


If people get stuck here it seems to be mostly when they don't have sex with the earth nation soldier. You can do so by picking her out of the usual line of swamp daughter/mom/grandmom.


Jinora is my favorite character in the whole game and I definitely prefer her as the main love interest for this book/route and hope there is much more to come from her. When are we gonna see her boobs though? I hope her future scenes are fully nude. :)


I had the feeling that there occurred a little bug while sparring with kuvira (sometimes the „Defend“ and „Attack“ are only triggering by clicking twice). P.S almost lost my sanity during the fisting against her… P.P.S now I’m vulnerable for every ghost and now they can haunt my ass Thx DEVs <3


After a few scenes with a certain great uniter, i am very excited about what she has to offer in the future!


I'm doing another playthrough from the beginning, I'm on day 9 during night time, every single option leads to a dead end as I've already completed everything for the night, as I try to go to sleep, it won't let me.

Sion of War

the way she gave the blowjob in Sao Fu was amazing. It looked like she put real effort into it. that was super hot. Although I do prefer korra

Bill Kurtis

The new boot up and the window actually taking up my full screen was a nice surprise! Suyin was fun. I got it in my head I was going to corrupt her and take her from Bataar, but then I remembered we're in the love route 😅😔 Also really liked that you're doing a little more with the PC's body (? Looked like he had a bit more meat and muscle on his bones) and he isn't just an uncooked lobster. Noticed that it looks like everytime some one (Kuvira) says 'no one', it comes out as the infamous "noone". Maybe it's just a quirk of the font?

A Fellow Supporter

Unfortunately I'm unable to download it. I don't know if it's my phone or the links. It keeps saying "App not installed"


Anyone else having issues with the back button?

Wolf Pig

Suyin is so fucking hot, I'm not a fan of MMF threesomes so I'm hoping for some solo fun with Suyin or some mother x daughter action. Maybe as a way for her and Kuvira to repair their relationship

Marshall Iblis

Hell yea! I'm so fucking ready for this. I thought I wasn't as excited for it anymore because of the constant hiatus' that we've had, but now that there's a real update in my hands I am _pumped_


Hey MITY, I posted this weird text glitch I found in the community tab, do you know if its an error on my end or is there something to this? UPDATE: It's not just text affected.


Big fan for getting more stuff for Jinora but is Ikki gonna get some more attention too?


I swear to god I will make this same mistake again in a month's time, but I've been correcting this today for the next version.


Hmmm... did you see her new scene in Zaofu? Her stuff is pretty well hidden and dependent on the stuff you did during earlier builds.


I did a quick playthrough myself before releasing this build of the southpole part and was stuck there for some moments myself. I kept repeating all of the options and could "escape" eventually, maybe you haven't watched the mover reel yet in your room? That's what I forgot to do.


You're right about that little bug. It was already mentioned during the bughunt and I tried to fix it but haven't been able to yet. It's what I was talking about in the post where I said I'd love to have another day to fix/look at things. There's still a bunch of leftover typo's and things which I want to have fixed in a 0.9.4c version and that's one of them!


More bouncy bouncing! IF you're talking about Kuvira.


Yeah, I'm quite happy with having that very simple boot up screen myself. Before, I sometimes started a game twice because I wasn't certain I had already clicked the icon. Yeah, no NTR'ing during this route. You're just a marital aid : ) Oh and the noone thing is just me being me. Leafs is another one of those typo's/misspellings I'm currently correcting for the new version.


I sent you a pm. Hopefully that can do something to solve it.


I hate hiatuses exactly for that reason. It tends to take away the excitement, but I'm hoping you can forget about that annoyance once you start playing this build again.


That's... super weird. And I have no idea what's going on with that. I haven't seen anything like this on my end or from someone else(yet).

Benjamin Klandestine

What an awesome build, reading through the comments revealed that I'm missing Ikki scenes apparently. So I'll have to go back for that!


Duuude, 10/10 loved everything about this build. The setup for whatever happens next is suuuuper and I craaave more Kuvira and Opal. I tip my hat to you guys MITY


Holy crap, was that a Wheel of Time reference!?! I can safely say I never thought I'd see that in the wild!


Currently, it doesn't register when for example you use it during Kuvira's fistfight. Or does it happen during other moments for you?


Lol, nothing like angry scissoring to make-up with each other : )!


Gotta say, loved this build, everything about it was pretty great. Would love to see more Ikki in the future and I know we loved what was already given to us.

Finn Ryan

Hi I played a fair bit of this yesterday (Up to the threesome with the parents) and then saved. Today I tried to load it up and any new content caused an error so I could only load old saves

Finn Ryan

Nevermind figured it out I was trying to load it on the old version

Johnnny bgude

Maybe I just suck but cant seem to defeat kuvira and the game is glitchy at times like Ill click the defend and the hands wont show up instead it immediately counts as a point against me. Also the hint says watch her boobs but not sure what to watch them for I havent been able to figure out the pattern


If Kuvira raises her fist and you try to hit her while it's still raised, she'll immediately punch back and score a point. If her boobs don't bounce and you hit her you'll score a point. If her boobs go up and down she'll defend herself, but won't immediately punch back if you hit her. Hope that makes things easier. Let me know how it goes.


Thanks GLF, that's great to hear. Ikki is one of those characters you can get to see more and less of depending on past choices, but we'll try to add more of her regardles.


So can we add an easier way to be able to press the back button on android. Or maybe make gestures like swipe to left and it would go back. @MITY


How about adding a bigger "back" button next to the "menu" and "skip" during conversations?


That would be great also 👍. It's really small at the moment. Me personally I use the back button a lot.


Are there any actual scenes with kuvira besides the 3 fights? If so I have to go back and try to find what I missed


Kuvira's appearance is very limited in this build. Those three fights are about it. You can knock her socks off(and the rest of her clothes) during the last fight, but that's as exciting as it gets right now.


Alright thanks :) keep up the good work I love this game


If get a chance a opacity slider on the dialog background be great addition also

Dentil Kejser

Those build are great Mity! Titans or FET. When we first Begin we finish the build fast 😅 an that say alot!

Peter Vanusanik

Man I am in the middle of it but really kinda wish temp would use other bendings, maybe some of the girls finding out, could be an interesting scenario (I still remember the cave with toph).


Just gotta say, I really do appreciate the loading screen for the initial boot. I caught myself many times checking the task manager whether I actually started the game. <3


The worst part of reaching the end of the build is knowing it will take a month or two until we get more


Hmmm am I stupid? I seem to be stuck at the same point where the last build ended. Somebody got any tips how to progress? I feel like I tried everything. Or am I experiencing a bug?


Most people who get stuck in the swamp didn't have sex with the earth nation soldier yet. Go to the usual lineup of swamp daughter/mom/grandmom and if the earth nation soldier is there, give her some loving attention... If that's not it, pm us a small description of the things you've already done and we'll try and help you out.


You mean when the cave filled up with smoke and the MC earthbended a makeshift chimney?


I'll straight up admit it was the same for me and feel dumb I didn't add this way earlier!


We'll try and make it rather shorter than longer for build 0.9.5. I wonder if we can hit 1.0.0 for the end of the game.


Baatar's character is fucking hilarious. Love this build!


Love the new build but am i the only one who cannot kick Kuvira's ass? I've fought her like 30 times... i read the hint but my reactions are clearly to slow. ill keep at it but that's the hardest "minigame" so far :P


Just WOW! The H scenes just keep getting better! Animations keep improving, the overall pacing is nice, added sound effects (for example my favorite scene in the tower hehe) and good writing. I always liked this game but it has come a long way and improvements keep being made. Bravo!


How would you describe your hardware Devon? Perhaps a bit older? I've been rewriting the minigame to hopefully be a bit more forgiving. But if you're using mouse+keyboard, try using the mouse to aim and the enter key to trigger the action(you can really spam the enter key). The difference is that the press of a mouse button only registers when you let go and the enter key registers when you push it down. It's a limitation of the software we're using. Also, only hit her when her boobs stopped moving and press defend when she raises her fist. Hope that helps!


Glad you liked it enough to want to rush through it : )


He was such a wallflower in the cartoon we just KNEW we were going to do something outrageous with him.


Nice update but man the final version of Opal's yoga scenes seems like such a wasted opportunity. I was expecting to see her doing the poses in her skin, but instead it's a fade to black.


I was hoping you'd pay off the teased swimming scene. That'd give Ikki something do do and add to her storyline. Obviously Jinora isn't a fan of the idea so it could be more alone time w/ her


*was low-key hoping to steal away Suyin* *Am fine with where it's going tho*


was playing the new content with pleasure and was fun but scenes with Opal are just my fav. anything going wrong this time and I'll eat my-

A.E. Pessimal

Aww god, I know it's not proper or anyhing... but 𝐂𝐁𝐎𝐁 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐘, 𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 ,𝑰 𝑵𝑬𝑬𝑫 𝑴𝑶𝑨𝑨𝑨𝑨𝑨𝑨𝑹 !!! Ok, I just had to let this out. Oh, and please let us rape Azula ass while she's squirming crying and begs us to stop.Before she gets off to her humiliation. If you don't do this, I'll waste my time trying to paint this myself, get nowhere and then where we'll be?

A.E. Pessimal

Can we please get to rape Kuvira in front of her all army to see and cheer?

A.E. Pessimal

BTW, I have a text on the top-left, 𝙽𝙾 𝙳𝙲 , don't know if this means anything


This can happen with Nvidia gpu's. If you google "no dc top left corner" you'll find more instances of it with other software. I've read it can be solved by going to "Manage 3D settings", Click on “Restore” and Then click on “Apply”. You could also press SHIFT + G when you started FET and see if choosing a different renderer will get rid of it.


Lol, we're in the love route that sorta thing isn't quite applicable right now. I can promise we'll work on more generally and maaaybe eventually some more of what you want : )


Apple pie? We'll do our best to keep your from eating apple pie.


That was one of those things I thought of/put in on the last day. With more time I'd probably have added something like that... and maybe we still will(no promises!)


It kinda was, but choices had to be made and for now it will need to be a simple fade to black.


Yeah, it's pretty obvious we started FET when we still had a lot of room to grow! I look at each build as a new chance to put forward my best effort and am happy to see it's not without results! thanks for your kind words : )


That would be awesome! Would love to see Ikki in a cute swimsuit.

Bill Case

I have several full versions of FET (and 18Titans) in my directory. May I simply remove older versions without messing things up or is a newer version built to some degree on previous ones I have?

Bill Kurtis

Usually when a new version comes out I boot it up, make sure my saves are still there, make a new save for good measure, then delete the old version. No need to keep them all.


It's always a good idea(Like Bill above already said) to start a new version, check your saves and if they're there you can remove the older versions.

Andreas Luoto Virtanen

Dont know if it is a bug but evolving crabs in book 3 and then get a little exp to them lets them gain all exp they had before evolve plus what you gained after first fight after evolve :) its time saving but dont know if its a bug or not :)