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Hey all. "One of those two guys",  Marty, calling in!  

Sorry for making you wait on some FET news. Cbob has gone silent for  a bit longer than I'm comfortable with and I've basically been waiting to hear back from him again. It's very easy to postpone writing an art update when postponing for another day might provide you the news/email you've been waiting for.   I wanted to at least show some sort of life signs before the end of the weekend, so here I am. 

I'm not entirely worried yet, but I did send Cbob another email yesterday telling him it's about time to let me(and everyone) else know what he's been up to. Stuff in the not so distant past has made me very wary of extended periods of silence from him. But let's just for the moment assume he's simply enjoying the weekend(which I hope you're doing too) and I'll be hearing from him in a day or two. At that point I'll update this post again with whatever he has to add. 

Just to be clear, I don't expect us to finish a new FET build this month and I very much doubt he'll slap down a link to a new build in his next email to me.

If you played the last build till the end you know the player is leaving the swamp and will be visiting a new location. New locations are always a lot of extra work. I made the swamp part entirely by myself to give Cbob some extra downtime, but the swamp was a nicely secluded piece of the world so it  worked out nicely as it's own separate part for me to create, but I'll need Cbob to take on his responsibilities again for happens after it and am dependent on what he'll tell me.

Some physical proof of my hectic earlier months  (the current one not excluded) is the fact those dots/lines on my keyboard to find the "F" and "J" key had eroded to the point I couldn't type blind anymore! 

It's hard to properly appreciate those small elevations on your "F" and "J" keys until you've tried typing without them! Truthfully, it's a pretty old keyboard.  I'm certain they just coincidentally reached that threshold of being eroded just  enough for me to not feel them anymore at the end of a particularly busy period.

But I still needed that keyboard and those dots! A new one would take some time to arrive so I just went ahead and

...dripped some candle wax on the two keys...  

Yes, it looked ghetto as fuck and I have no idea what made me think it would work... but much to my own surprise it did. And pretty well too! At least for two days and that's as long as I needed it to.

Since I really needed some change after doing the swamp part (for my own sanity) I also started working on 18Titans again on the side. My progress with that is  limited and nothing which I'd want to call a new build yet, but its progress nonetheless. Officially you can  just consider it to be still on hiatus, but I have been busy making Terra a member of the titans. 

Other than that I've been diving into some android problems and a bunch of other knickknacks which I can't remember right now. 

As soon as I get some real news from Cbob I'll let you all know.

As for where Sokka and Aang are... NSFW pic down below! Bigger version in the attachment.




I hope Cbob is okay 🥺


Would not have even been able to play. My laptops adapter literally melted so, I only have my desktop. It is on standing desk so not very comfortable fo these kind of games. At least my bed didn't catch on fire, it was close one


Hope Cbob is good, but if he takes a break could you maybe work on titans some more

Bill Kurtis

Nice to hear Titans is still fermenting in the background. Call me crazy but I'm more invested in the continuing wearing down of Raven, Beastgirl, and Blackfire... (🤪)


Always strange how common this thing is on indy games around here. I can't imagine just ignoring messages from a business partner without any explanation. I mean, I get it, one of the reasons a lot of indy devs do this instead of regular day jobs is they like not having a real boss, but it still seems incredible to not say "Going to be gone for a few days, back on Tuesday" before going on radio silence.

Tom Ristenbieter

lets jsut hope he is ok adn not have anyhting seriosu like corona or even worse he lost interested in the game


What's really annoying is when the shift key gets stuck and then your typing a password and wondering why it's not excepting because of case-sensitivity. What kind of candle did you use? A birthday cake candle or a regular short stubby one?


Finishing the Swamp is possible in the Android version 0.9.3d? I'm stuck at the Swamp right now. Let's hope he'll give you a sign of life asap. By far the best game Bro! Keep doing, take your time, we're waiting for you!


Hopefully Cbob is fine and just taking a weekend break to rejuvenate. Glad to hear you picking up 18titans again, hopefully you take some breaks here and there to not burn yourself out


I am sure Cbob is fine at least I hope he is. Love the pic just wish there was a cum version cum makes everything better


Hope cbob is doing well. Glad to hear about 18titans. I know its only a side thing, but its fantastic and I hope it continues

Tyler Ryan

Excited for 18TeenTitans as much (if not more) than FET!


Man all i want now from the game is to somehow see all the girls again and see the kids in a happy reunion.

Shawn Jackson

Thanks for the update look forward to 18teens. If he is worried of where to go from book 4 he could always do a book 5 where they go to his timeline and could have them all be reincarnated. If that is one of his worries that is.


Lemme buy you a beer.

Marshall Iblis

That's unfortunate about Cbob, but about what I had expected after the extended silence. Looking forward to whatever you guys do end up putting out, Titans or FET. Hope things look up for Cbob.


Never ceases to make me drool with those puffy nethers. Can't wait for the update from Bobby boy!


I think we all do. These are the times I really wish we wouldn't be on opposite sides of the world and I could just drop by.


Ah crap man! You can count yourself lucky indeed for nothing worse happening because of it. I had something like that almost happen to me once. Afterwards I picked up the habit of touching the adapter from time to time to feel how warm it is and making certain it 's not next to something which can easily catch fire or go away when it's plugged in.


That's what I'm currently considering... but I gotta admit, not having heard from him is more than slightly distracting. My hope is he'll just pops up again today/tomorrow and tells me he was simply being tardy. I'd rather be annoyed than anything else.


We all have our preferences : ) ATLA is still firmly implanted on it's number one position among my favorite cartoons by far, but TT is certainly among the runner-ups.


Me and cbob have wildly different personalities. I think that part of his personality is interwoven with his talent for writing so I don't really let it bother me too much. Also I don't want to get too critical until I know whether this is just him taking it a bit too easy or something different is going on.


That... would indeed be bad. But I have pretty much suggested everything under the sun to him as a viable option, included doing something entirely different for a while. So I don't think that's it. As far as corona goes.. he's nowhere near the age group which is at serious risk (nor am I) so I don't really worry about that.


A yes, the caps lock (even when just forgotten instead of being sticky) has given countless of us a "fun time" of wondering why our passwords didn't get accepted as valid : ) That thing should just make a constant beeping noise when on! I used a short stubby candle. I used some iron wire to scoop some of the wax out while it was still hot and a fluid and let it drip on the keys.


One thing which some people forget is that you'll have to impregnate the Earth Nation soldier too. You can pick her in the line of swamp benders. But yeah, though you will be able to end the swamp part and hop on the Sky bison, you won't be able to leave the swamp.


I'm reasonably sturdy when it comes to these things. My biggest regret is still me not having a hyperbolic time chamber : )


Buckets and buckets of cum... I'll see what I can do for you when I have the chance. Remind me if I forget!


Teen Titans is most definitely one of those cartoons I always remembered and like enough to build a smutty game around. My taste in cartoons is horribly mainstream : ) At least what was mainstream back then. I think they aired around the same time.


Always plenty of chances for me to fuck up, so please don't get too excited!


I'm a sucker for happy endings too. And certainly not into "subverting expectations."


We have a main line which we are following and there will be a "chapter 5" as opposed to an entire book in which the story will get concluded.

A.E. Pessimal

Meanwhile, I created a "Magic the gathering" 4 elements trainer card. Huge success!


Hope we're getting some more Ikki & Jinora action in the next update. Can't wait!


Glad to hear about starting the next update for titans, I personally have been watching the new live action titans show and its fucking epic


I strongly suggest watching it, they did a great job representing everyone in a live action pov, gotta admit though when beast boy turns, the process sounds extremely painful lol


all characters are 18 it says it in the disclaimer ya dingus

Rest Arino

Liam, almost every character in the last Airbender is younger than 18 lol, but the reason you don't care about that-- because like with Ikki and Jinora, they are not real.


Ik this is separate but I been enjoying the teen titans to I hope we get more of that as well


Is this the first time Mity has actually drawn Aang?


No, he has a sprite in the fights and in some dialogues in book 1 and his head appears in book 2. Also not to forget his statue in book 4.


F & J? Its a Sign! It must mean, (Foucs on Jinora) yes this must be it! .... that or Jorina :)


I have a list of things of stuff I want to play/see and never really get to. I'll have to put that one on that list for the future.


... I actually forgot about the statue when going through it in my head...

A.E. Pessimal

Please don't take cbob's hardships break you... and the next time he is up and running take his phone number. And an address to send flowers to. And add yours, because you definitely deserve a bouquet too!

John Haar

That guy takes more breaks than a fat man running a marathon. Honestly, he never bothers to post any updates himself, he is inhibiting the work and income that the game could be brining in. I know people would love to donate and be supporting members but because donations are halted there is no new capital to keep game production going at a reasonable pace . If papa John's can be let go of his own company, I think cbob needs to step down and stop letting this game sit in development hell


Any Updates?🤔


As others have said dont mind if cbob needs a break for his physical or mental health. But he definitely needs to communicate that. Have you heard from him at all?

A.E. Pessimal

Professional here. No - The illness impose inability to communicate. Sad but true.


I'm putting the early access version of 18Titans together right now so I should be able to upload that not too long from now.


I have, just mentioned in my early access upload of "18Titans". I'm hoping to have a bit of a longer conversation with him very soon.

John Haar

To cbob. "Shit or get off the pot." I'd like to start donating again but with you're not making that possible.

Ethan Davies

I'm currently in the swamp area, is it possible to leave the swamp at the moment or is it just not finished?