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Hey everyone! As you might have noticed, we released the latest bughunt version of FET a couple of days back. With the help of the bug-hunters (thanks for your feedback!) we managed to get rid of a bunch of smaller and bigger problems. 

Bug-hunters, we added a small new scene in this version which wasn't there earlier. It's a "watersport" scene which takes place after you can ask Jinora to touch her toes. Other than that we got rid of the error which would prevent a scene from not playing, a couple of hard to trigger continuity errors, a buttload of typos and some very small dialogue changes. The revolving snake minigame also had some changes made to it.   If you find problems we've missed, don't hesitate to let us know.

This version will allow you to play until you can view the watersports scene which I mentioned above.

We hope you'll like the new build!!

FET 0.9.2b   -  PC version -  alt link 

FET 0.9.2b   - Mac version  -  alt link  

FET 0.9.2b   - android  version  -  alt link 

A small summary of this build's new contents can be found in the attachment. I wrote it such so there will only be an absolute minimum of spoilers. But, like I said earlier, even without reading the summary you'll know when you've hit the end of the current build once the pee talk with Jinora  starts.

Linkhub   - older projects etc




After the abysmally crappy week I've had this couldn't have come at a better time. Thanks a lot guys


Thanks a lot! I've been waiting for this. Hope you and Cbob are doing wel. Thanks for all the effort, we appreciate it 😊


I hope this will be able to put a small silver lining around that dark cloud. We all have those weeks were literally everything insists on going exactly the way which will yield the worst results.


Update was great! Very "meaty", looking forward to more 😁


Needed this so bad! My new pre-order of MH Rise will come at April fools and I just got a major spoiler


Man, I was so excited after seeing bughunt got the new release that I was practically checking my email hourly to see when we would get it. And the moment has finally arrived! Definitely glad we got the next release already, I will have to set aside time to check it out immediately.


I really love this route a lot more. Thanks for the nice surprise.

Sion of War

glad the new version is out. I used to pledge 20 bucks, but cant really afford mcuh more than 5 right now, so I needed to wait a bit longer. I am gonna play it today, really looking forward to it


i kinda hope we'll get an option that let's korra keep the bush

Neb the Pleb

It was a long wait, but so, so worth it. No Toph for so long, but finally. Finally. She is as beautiful as the day I was taken from her.


Can the past scene viewer be replaced with something else, just having it replay old animations is kinda boring


Can we get adult Toph? Her being the young or old version is so weird


I’m just wondering what curve ball they are gonna chuck for ikki


I just started from where the last build left off and im stuck. I talked to jinora and she lent me her skybison and said to make sure opal isn’t around at night and that’s where im stuck. I’ve talked to everyone and chosen every dialogue option but I cant figure out how to progress any further


nevermind, i did yoga and watched all the movers again and that seemed to fix it


Glad you liked it! I got to add some big butts so yeah... meaty indeedy!


I do that hourly checking whenever I'm expecting to get something from Cbob : )


Neither android links are working after it's downloaded it says app not installed

Jonas manniche Larsen

Hmm, i seem to be stuck in the foggy swamp to get mushrooms. Though i have nowhere to get them.


So you download the file, tap on the file to install it and then it says it's not installed? Btw. android versions are often a hit or miss affair.


Once you've give the three swampbender girls what they want(each seperately), they'll teach you how to find the mushrooms.

Cadmon Alima

...So who from the village were people's favorite? I picked the middle one.


oh no...


We chose her young version because that's how she looked during the earlier book when the player left her. Just like with Katara. Seemed more fitting to us to do it like that.


It's more of a test to introduce a way to see older scenes which are currently unavailable during the story. You feel it' s better left out?


Jinora has two right feet in the footjob scene... lol.


I just jumped a tier, because this game is so great ! I don't care it's almost April! Paying twice is worth it!

Billy bounce

Phenomenal job as always guys. (SPOILER) Really loved the journey with Korra in the spirit world The love route is always on point. So glad to see Toph again. Really hope we see Azula pop back up as well. It would be great to see Mai again too. Great dialogue as always and I can tell you guys worked hard with how much new content you had packed in with new characters, backgrounds, storylines, and great sex scenes.


Well I alreafy have million dave files for each scene and have no use for it, but it would be better for it to have something more original


Happy to see Korra's amputation worked out well haha. Cheers!


Yoo I'm a huge fan of Four Elements! I love the writing and the artwork so much I find myself laughing so very often. I cant wait to see what else you guys make in the future once Four Elements is done! Great great work for real!


Can’t wait to see that “meditate” option to be used as a way to view past animations from other books I think the game can only benefit from that


Thanks for your support Sion, though if money is that tight, I'd like it even better if you could wait for the public release of the old version and not support us. Well I hope this build will at least feel like it was worth it. Thank so much.


Glad we could finally do her some justice during this route. Slave route only had her if you'd do the right things and even then it was a minimal inclusion at best.

Sion of War

what is the furthest one can progress right now? I am with Toph in the swamp and can ride Pepper to scout, except its only the option but its work in progress


How long long do people wait for public release? A day after early access?


Jinora and Ikki join you in the swamp and stay with the swamp people. Thats basically where it ends.


I'm up-to-date on the progress and I'm already excited for the next update! Terrific work!

Bill Kurtis

The feet joke with Jinora and the age joke with Korra on the way to the swamp were very funny. Kudos. I would watch the over-usage of the adjective "super", though. But fun times.


I'll take extra care when using "super" again. I sometimes notice doing that with other words, but this one slipped by me. Also I hope the feet joke with Jinora isn't the fact she had two right ones! I changed that in the new version. I hadn't seen it myself, and I couldn't stop cringing at myself for that mistake so it had to be corrected : ) Glad you liked the build!


it's more of a relay race. Once a new build is finished we'll drop the earlier one to public. So when I released 0.9.2b, the older 0.9.1c became public.


Just Like Philip already said. Ikki and Jinora stay with the swampbenders and once Jinora says she needs to use the ladies room you've reached the end of the new content.


We'll see how it goes. For now it's a test so don't throw out your savegames yet ; )


Ah so when the next build gets released 0.9.2b will become public


Thank BB, yeah we really tried our best on this one. Especially since it has the return of Toph. Or rather us returning to Toph. Hope we can surprise and entertain you with the future ones as well .


After seeing Shady in the swamp at night, went to Toph's tree house, went in and tried to chat with Toph and Korra and nothing, had to leave and sleep before action resumed

Drake Sansa

Great update. Got stuck at work for this one. But downloaded the c version. Keep up the good work


Hey Barry, yeah I noticed that can happen during certain moments. I'll see if I can track down the specific moments and add some dialogue there. Thanks for mentioning it.


not understanding how to get to the new scenes lol


If you send us pm in which you describe your whereabouts in the story clearly, we'll see if we can help you along.


So unbelievably late to this party, but... I LOVE IT SO MUCH! All of it is amazing!


And hey. I'm not sure if you'd at all, whatsoever planned it for the future, but... Giving Korra a youth potion to have fun with her "youthful" self... I uh 🥵... I'll leave it there


cmon bruh shes basically a teenager in this anyway lets not get into CP territory