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just a quick update! marty and i are working on different sections of this forthcoming build (it’ll be a while still) to give it some oomph. we’ve got a good outline for upcoming storylines and how korra and the girls are gonna go, and we’re calibrating and figuring out the best ways to be productive.  i’m trying out normal weekday hours with weekends off, with mixed success. i’m definitely old friends with depression and anxiety (who isn’t) and haven’t always used the healthiest mechanisms for coping, but i’ve been better so far this year. it’s funny how you can sometimes be happy during the bad times, but feel less than stellar during good times. i’ve been trying a lot of things to organize my brain — i’m finding lists really helpful. i’ve always been a seat-of-the-pants kinda person, but just remembering everything that’s gotta get done takes up so much mental energy it’s hard to start things. So, yeah, lists help. I’ve also been exercising the last couple months which is making a difference i think. I’ve never done much of that, i’ve always just fluctuated between too skinny and real chunk (more on the latter side), but i’m finally understanding that the body and brain are connected. motivation is more present and my mind works better as my physical health improves, though i still have plenty of work to do there. most important step is the next one. 

anyway, the girls are coming along, the story’s gonna get a little juice, and we’re tackling this thing from two angles and truckin’. hope you’re staying warm out there!
-soups, cbob, the sometimes writer guy



I thought you were the main writer Cbob? That is the impression Marty has left us with


So you could say you're... Double-teaming this? I'll see my way out.


Take care of yourself! And I’m proud you’re doing all that to help yourself those are the right steps!! Good luck and I can’t wait to see the next update!!


Awesome news all round! Glad you're doing better.

Justin Thai

nothing but love :)))


Proud of you bud! And marty for holding the fort. You guys are a good team.


Lists are great! And girls coming along are great. :)

Dan Curtis

I cannot function without lists. ADHD for the win! happy to see you taking care of yourself.


Great to hear some positive things. Yes excercise is good for the mood, I should get back into it, noticed myself getting pretty pissed off at work, lack of sleep and not enough exercise are probably not helping. Good to hear you are scheduling weekend down time, everyone needs break time.


People very underrate exercise. People were not meant to sit around all day.


so, mr.marty, gotta ask about 18titans, any update planned for it or is it on hold for now?


I can so much relate to the depression stuff. I started running couple years ago, and I have been clinging on to it ever since. Why running? Because it just requires me, my motivation and some running shoes. Exercising just does something. After running I feel like I can do just about anything without thinking about how long it will take or how difficult it will be. I just begin and either I get it done or at least I get started. I think that is what they call runners high - it releases endorphins in the brain. About the same happens when you have sex, eat and stuff like that but in a different matter. Oh and lists aswell. I have a shopping list, a to do list for smaller everyday stuff like doing the dishes, then I have one for bigger plans/ideas in long term about smaller life goals like getting somewhere on the job or looking for a certain art piece and put it up on my wall. I think lists are super great for people who - like me - aren't so good at tackling mistakes. I hate forgetting stuff more than anything, and I hate it when things go wrong. If a couple of things go wrong within short time my mind just fall apart for the rest of the day it feels like, and then lists keeps me somewhat structured.


Happy to see you posting again, cbob! I'm also happy to see that you are taking care of yourself and getting good results out of it. I wish happiness and health! Your work really improves my happiness.


(Marty talking!) Cbob is the main writer, but I've been helping out more and more over time in an effort to lighten his load. I'll write another update myself, but I don't want to push down Cbob's post after just a day.


(Marty answering!) It's on hold but I have been working on scenes for it. It's just that now I'm also helping out Cbob with the new FET build that has truly grounded to a complete halt for the time being.


So when do we become Shady?

Sion of War

probably when its time to break the rules of existence and become able to screw all girls at the same time from all the different time periods


Hey my guy! As someone who's beaten back their depression and anxiety, I understand the struggle. Make sure to get plenty of fresh air and sunlight! Go for a walk or jog every day. It works wonders for the mind. And get plenty of sleep! Our depravity can wait. You take care of yourself first.


Hi, i’m new here, will desna be present in the love route ?


We don't know anything about upcoming characters. I'm guessing no since we've seen the twins in the slave route and they said that they wanted to focus on different characters too.