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Hey everyone! I figured it was about time for us to pop our heads above water again and let you know how things are progressing. first off, we're still aiming for a new build containing the first steps into the love route for book4 at the end of this month. 

After setting up the main story line for the love route and wondering whether we aren't biting off more than we can chew, we shrugged and jumped in at the deep end. We have a lot of plans which will require a lot of work to turn it all into reality...  but damn it, we are we looking forward to how it all will unfold. 

We do try and not let our passion get the better of us and come up with truly impossible plans, but we always feel like the love route needs more care and attention. I'm not certain we can make Korra feel sympathetic to all of you, but we're gonna try. And who knows, maybe there will be other girls along the way who can do more than just be an object for your feelings of lust : )   There will be a couple of old faces (if you've played the slave route) but also new ones. 

I've already talked a bit about this in the comments, but you won't be playing as Tenzin or someone much different from the bodies the player has been possessing before. Tenzin will be playing as himself! Yes you'll see more of him. But he isn't a hot girl so his part in all of this will be more limited. So who will you be playing as? We don't really want to turn it into this big secret kind of thing, but we still feel it's something which you'll need  to discover for yourself while playing.  Not because it's something big or unexpected, the opposite I'd say, but just because it's part of how the start will unfold.

Just don't go and expect it to be a departure from how things have been done before. I know some of you have expectations and wishes of your own, but we have our reasons for what we're doing and our "endgame" is a big part of that.


I'm already drawing the scenes for the build after the upcoming build. I went extra hard at work on those because I want to have the bare minimum finished so I can jump back and do some changes for the upcoming build again. There's a few idles which I'm still not entirely happy with after taking a look at them again recently. There's also plenty of backgrounds which need some more love. Ps, there's a couple of idles of girls which I'm reeeeally happy with.

Oh and remember me talking about jumping into the code of the game and trying to streamline things some more? I think I managed to make the loadup time about 15% faster (when no data has been cached yet). I think I can theoretically shave off another 5%.  I stopped working on it at the start of August because drawing required my full attention. Splitting my attention between refactoring code and drawing, doesn't work for me. I guess I have more of a one track mind than I'd like. 

For some reason I always had it in my head loading FET took forever, but when actually timing it to see whether I was making progress, it wasn't as bad as I imagined it had been. Especially when some information has already been cached. I'm guessing I got somewhat of a tunnel vision since I had been reloading the game so many times during the creation of the previous build it had become this big monstrous thing in my mind.

Anyway, that little side project of mine is not time wasted, since I also found some old bugs and at the very least put the games' files into sensible folders, but I've put it back on it's shelf to dust it off again sometime in the future. I'd start using it right now if it weren't for the fact my (slightly)refactored version swallows your savegames and spits out errors.

I've also installed a "new hdd" since the old one was getting uppity and no diagnostic tool could fix it or at least not without apparently taking the entire day or longer to do it. Just putting in another hdd I had lying around and installing a fresh version of windows on it seemed like the better decision. I'll figure out if and what's wrong with the other one when I have more time to thinker around with it. 

I also finally got myself a whiteboard! I've been thinking about getting one forever but never actually did. I have a mountain of postit notes spread out all over the place and it was time to bring some order to the chaos. A whiteboard seemed like a really good solution and so far it is. I know I could write everything down in text files on the pc... but I just have this desire to have these sort of notes outside where I can look at them and write down stuff in the real world without any electricity involved.

I also got a really small whiteboard which I can take with me and just doodle on. I never really liked using normal paper for that since it always seemed like such a waste of perfectly fine pristine white paper.  With a mini whiteboard where it's just going to be wiped clean again afterwards I'm having zero qualms defiling that "freshly snowed on landscape with my footprints". 

If it's a really nice sketch which I don't want to lose I can always just  take a photo of it. It's nice to lie in bed before going to sleep or in the morning to "warm up" and just do some mindless sketches. here's an example of the first or second doodle I did on it.  

Yes, of course I needed to add dicks afterwards! Why are you asking?!?

It has been ages since I've drawn anything analogue so it's kind of a weird feeling having to take into account whether my hand isn't blocking the light or even my vision!  What the hell is this piece of meat and bones obstructing my view?!?!  it wasn't there before was it?

I don't really have much else to say which isn't at least slightly connected to FET, so I'll leave it at that.

Oh wait, there is a small thing I'd like to mention. As some(or most?) of you might know, Netflix is working on a live action series of the avatar series and the creators of the cartoon who were involved decided to bow out recently. 

I wasn't really looking forward to the live action adaptation since I've always had little faith in projects as such. For the creators of the cartoon to not be involved anymore doesn't make me feel worse or better about it. When it sees the light of day I'm going to take a look and it'll be nice if it's good, but we already have the cartoon and to me that was reaching the top of the mountain so either way, I'm good.

All right, that's it for now, we hope to have something nice ready for you at the end of the month, but I still have lots to do so I better get to it. Cya!





I like to think the Dicks are from all the MCs we've played as in the game.....that's just me tho.


Really looking forward to the love route and finding out who we get to play as. Since your not saying who. My guess is a character similar to book 2s slave route. I doubt its correct. But its still my guess


I think netflix need to get Mity involved since the cartoon creators are not, I think that would make for an interesting live action version (maybe not suitable for kids though ;)


I have a question, what happens after book 4 is done? do you have plans for next project?


I hope they will make some minor updates to the first 2 books, but it is their to decision


Mity, it's 2020, buy an SSD and throw that old thing away. The only thing HDDs are good for is your 20 TB porn collection. But any HD/SSD that shows failures is trash. I know you can't easily let go on these things but sometimes it really is for the better. Looking forward to the love route. Never understood the hatred towards Korra but also have no problem hate fucking her. It's called slave route for a reason.


Odd question, but is there any in-game way of deleting save files? Or even some way for the program to tell me where is a file is being stored? Because I have been playing for over two years, I ended up overstocking and having every single save slot taken, so I decided to, with the start of this final route, start with an entirely clean slate, and wipe out all the save files. However, and thinking that I've done so, I've discovered that the game is still finding about a dozen save files, and I can't find where they are on my computer to delete them.


Huh, I didn't even realize I drew four of them... feels appropriate for the reason you mentioned!


I'd call it the least exciting choice we could've made, which is why I've actually been mentioning it to lower expectations, but still necessary.


Hah, you know me well! I have so many old decrepit 2nd hand pc's and parts lying about, which have as much value as a paper weight, it's scary! I do have a none ancient pc with a ssd, but that's the beefier one which I use for anything which needs power. The one with the broken hdd drive is one which I've been doing less and less work on over time, but I can't let go of it entirely because it served me so well for a long time... it's more of a superstition kind of thing I guess.


Hovering over a savegame slot ingame with your mouse and pressing the del key should delete that single savegame. If you want to delete them all in one fell swoop there's two folders which you'll need to empty. One is easy to find because it's situated in the FET folder itself, called "saves". The other folder is buried deeper and can be found here. "C:\Users\miscelleaneous\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\Avatar Harem-1467471742" the "miscellaneous" part would be my pc's name and is going to be different for you. Windows might also be hiding some of these folders on your pc so it might be less than a straightforward thing to find it. Once you do, emptying that folder will get rid of last vestige of savegames and FET shouldn't be able to find savegames anymore. You can always pm us for more questions or if you need clarification.


tenna bet u play as mako

The coochie bandit

Spoiler for anyone that hasn’t seen legend of Korra. I just want to put my theory out there. My guess is that we’ll be playing as one of the new airbenders that tenzin helps train. I’m assuming either Kai or bumi


Always wondered if it was going to be Tenzin again or another person, My guess is that it's another random 'custom' character similar to Book 2's slave route. Of course, being one of the many randos given airbending and then taken in for training. Even if it's not, I can't wait for more.


my guess is it was gonna be mako


I'm still hoping for Bolins since he's the funny kind of character that has enough romantic interest to go around but if it HAS to be an Air-bender, maybe it'll be Kai. That way we get variations of the characters in the future. So we have the artstyle of the first half of the series with Tenzin and the second half with Kai. The premise could revolve around getting Korra back her confidence post metal poisoning so she can build the confidence she needs to take on Kuvira.

Bill Kurtis

I would assume the PC would need to be an Airbender, since future avatar needs to learn airbending. Assuming Kai or a random accolyte. Kai has easy access to both Opal and Jinora built into his character though, so that's where my guess is atm.


hoping for kai tbh


maybe the character is Aang? I mean, i wouldn't put it past ya MITY... totally down for that though.


My hope is that it will be one of the PC children, would really give you infinite possibilities


pc children?


as a kid? i doubt they would skip to the metal poisoning but ig we'll see


Player Character. I mean we did make more than couple of airbenders at least


i mean, it depends, whos child? cause i still wanna be around when the tv series takes place


where can i download the most recent version?


Scroll down their patreon feed and find the update called "Early access 0.8.7d - First route for book 4 finished."


i’ll just wait til they update again and get the aang sub


Update possible in the next few days?😏


You know... Mity has been saying no to Tenzin and a custom character, but I haven't heard them comment on Kai... makes me wonder. I do think Kai probably has the best shot honestly, since he is an airbender, and is also close to other characters. Although I will miss the special connection Jinora had with the previous main character. Either way, I hope we will find out soon enough!