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----- addition ----

 just a small edit to let you know what's going on.  I sent my addition to the coder yesterday, he slid my part into his part(giggity) and now he has send it all back to me for some final bug checking while he's asleep. Which I'm doing right now! I always miss a few essential things, but that's what the bughunt version is for.

That means once he's up again he can fix/add whatever I got to say and upload the bughunt for the higher tiers this weekend.   We... we actually removed a minigame because it was kicking our arse and so we finally said well, fuck it. I guess crabs really can't play cardgames...

That's all for now!

addition: Found the first gamebreaker! 

----- original message below -----

Artist here!  There is no way cbob can finish the build today.  He's going to have to dip into June. And I'm not sure how deep his dip will be. 

I really, reaaaallly hate that. In fact I hate it so much that I've quit working on the love route since a couple of days(?) ago and just took a chunk of the current build which wasn't finished yet and basically claimed ownership over it. I told the coder I'll work on that while he takes care of the other parts. It's the only way I can help speed this whole thing up and not let it take longer  than it has to be.  It's slightly more dangerous bug-wise, but luckily I'm not without experience because of the Halloween side story etc so I'm feeling reasonably confident.

So I'm here to tell you about that and also that we'll do another one of those "mass pm "-things.  Besides the normal way, we'll also send you the links to the build(once it's finished) according to your current patron tier through a private message.

I just want to make certain you'll get what we said you would get as soon as we can finish it, without you having to stay a patron or remaining at your current tier level.  And that goes twice for people in one of the higher tiers! If anything is the source for my dislikes of us being late it's that.

So yeah, I'm currently working on speeding up work on the build, which is why I have nothing to dress up this post with in ways of images. It's all boring text!!!!  But I am adding some extra sexy/funny insanity to the build itself which otherwise would never have made it in.

I'll ask Cbob if he wants to add anything to this later. But this is the core of what we want you to know right now.

 Okay, back to the grinding stone! 



Even if it takes extra time it will be well worth the wait. Im very excited to see how the slave route ends. And even more excited for the love route. But please dont burn yourselves out.


You know you guys are really hard on yourselves. This is a great game and you have done amazing work on a overly ambitious project. It is a huge undertaking. It is done when it is done.


Yea don't hurry. Take your time making book love route as good ( If not better ) as book 3. Ive played that bitch 4 times already and going for 5th. I got Xenoblade so no worry no hurry


It will be okay, I can wait until it's finished. Also I'm prone to the Slave Routes 😅😁


If it's taking this long, the last build for the slave route is going to be amazing and lengthy I'm hoping. Is there anywhere like maybe a PM or a discord specifically for bug reporting? Or is it cool to just do it on the post for the new build when it comes out?


I personally find the love route to have the best writing, so I hope you guys take your time with that and give it the work it deserves. all the same thank you for all your hard work 👍


thank you for the update. Please take your time, so it will become great. and bug-free xD but of course im exciting for the next game-update


Take your time. No need to rush anything, add as much as you want and take whatever time to do it. A great game is the best reward we get out the other end, and I think most have the patience for that outcome. I know I do.


Slightly dissapointed ngl, but by all means please don't burn yourselves out. Release the update when it's good and ready. It sucks waiting a few more days but it'd be horrible to have you guys drop out of the project for a few weeks due to burnout of problems with community or each other. Always happy to stick through it with you guys since you're always great at communicating problems with project or each other's pacing which other projects have a hard time doing half the time


Ah shit, here we go again...


Take care of yourself guys, take a break. But don't leave us without FET!


It's a shame everyone reacts so poorly to these delays, after all, it only leaves more time for improvement. Keep up the great work and take your time.


Don't hurry. Ignore the haters. Do what you guys have to do. Thanks for informing us!


The title scared me, thought you meant you were done. Don't worry too much, we know you're working


I like a quote from Nintendo that a delayed game is eventually good while a bad game is bad forever if it needs an extra couple of weeks of coding and or bug testing it’s fine and I’ve seen coding go from everything is fine to oh god the house is upside down on fire and filled with bugs


Even with delays you are easily one of the most frequently updated games on Patreon, not to mention the size and quality of your updates, sometimes double digit scenes PER UPDATE. Don’t sweat it, we pay because of your passion and hard work not to get shit.


Take your time, Each release you guys do seems to have massive amounts of content.

Another Peach

I was excited for today, but I am excited by your commitment in this post. Thanks for working hard!

Nit Rogen

As long as you keep informing us of whats happening we will be fine. even if you are a abit behind. keep op the good work.


Laat year they had a 9 month delay, and a lot of people are on edge to not let that repeat


im stuck!!!! just returned from the island vacation, have done countless days trying everything and i dont know what to do.


*shocked pikachu face*


... lol, but I'm hating it myself too! Ignoring myself will not improve much of anything ; )


It's just my nature. Think of the coder as a butterfly and me as a butterfly catcher.


I don't disagree... but we do have a responsibility to not let things get too bad and because or our 2019 problems, a lot of folks have a bit of a sore spot concerning delays. And yes that last part about the house is scary recognizable.


Thanks. I actually added a small scene at 4:00 am yestertoday (?) which can be easily missed when making different choices along the way. We have the passion and willpower, but sometimes a little better time management wouldn't be all that bad either.


Finished my part today, I'll hit up the coder to see if he has something else which I can sink my teeth in!


if I'm right about this, I think you'll need to do several bar shifts for Ty Lee. 5 or six? I'm not entirely certain, but afterwards she'll provide some advice on how to deal with the Azula/Mai situation.


Thanks creating a game such as this does have a lot of 'invisible' time guzzlers. Bugs or scenes which don't work to name a few. But we ended on a cliffhanger last time and said two months... so there's no way some people won't be annoyed.


Thanks! I can't help but want to hurry though. I'm always excited to show you guys what we've come up with for a new build and this time is no different.


I'm more of a love route person myself, but Korra is special... so I can enjoy this route more than I normally would :)


Pm's or just on the post itself are fine. Usually there's a bigger chance for us to see it when it's a pm, but when it comes to bugbuilds we keep a close eye on the post itself.


Thanks! Love routes can be very difficult to get right (believable) but we do like those best too.


Thanks. I'm feeling pretty good about my part being bugfree! But it usually takes someone else who doesn't know "how it's supposed to be played" to find all the holes : )


Ah patience. I've heard of that trait : ) I could use more of it myself! But seriously thanks. I can be a bit of a tight-ass when it comes to schedules. The coder is my opposite in that regard and we try to find a balance.


Those are some great words of support and understanding. ....makes me feel extra guilty : ) !


<img src="https://i.imgur.com/5GhMzWH.jpg" title="source: imgur.com">


when the new update comes out, Equalist: TONIGHT WE DINE IN HELL


Mity, can we get some kind of update? Whats going on


I downloaded the game on a free web but after playing it I had to get my ass here to show some got damn support to this team.


Hey there. Dont comment at all. Just a suggestion. Reverse Anal/Vaginal Cowgirl. She does all those squats. Best pit those legs to work. Thanks.


I've sent the parts I finished(artist) to the coder. Now he's going to shove them in with his stuff and if all of that doesn't immediately burn down, we'll have the bughunt ready this weekend.

Conrad N7

Oof, I was a bit worried. Can't wait for the start of love route! I will keep my vigilant eyes on the page


Fingers crossed for Sunday update X Maybe with a cup of tea from the jasmin dragon I could become less impatient.

Brian MacHott

What tier do you have to be to have access to playing the game from part 1 on?


Hey Brian your current tier already allows you access to the latest early access version (0.8.7b) which has all of what we've finished of the game so far. Book 1, 2 and three are finished and the slave route for book 4 has been done too. that leaves us the love route and the final chapter which will end the story. Hope that answers your question. If not you can always send us a pm. there's more of a chance we'll see that.


I know how difficult it is to make games, and how difficult it is to keep all its parts in balance. I had to do with this as an artist and a bit like a storyteller. Because of these difficulties, many projects simply close. Thank you for continuing to work and please us with your creativity no matter what.


We really like the avatar series, which makes everything so much easier. Anything which goes on for as long as FET has, is going to run into some problems sooner or later. I'd like for MITY to exist beyond FET, but as long as we'll be able to finish fet, I'll be happy regardless what happens.