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We've been getting a bunch of slightly concerned private messages so although I'll get back to those today it's best if I just write a quick update for all y'all. I asked the coder, but Rob said:

"agreed, but i'm pooped from going at 23498735% today, I'll write it up tomorrow or you can have one of my testicles"

I sent him a small extra scene 12 hours ago... so I might have something to do with him being pooped. In my own defense I told him to not include it if it caused him problems.

Anyway, I'm not particularly interested in Rob's testicles and figured you could use some news a bit sooner than tomorrow so I'm writing this instead. ALSO! I just uploaded this month's art assets update so if you're in that tier, don't forget about it.

Rob is like water(Or flammable lotion...?) and will fit himself in whatever shaped container you'll provide. And if that shape happens to be two months, than by Odin... he'll make certain to fill it right up. That's fine with me as long as he doesn't spill over. Please don't do that Rob.

Anyway, this month has 31 days and I'm pretty certain he's acutely aware of that and fully prepared to use/abuse that! And I'm totally not to blame for sending him something so late because I couldn't figure out how to do -whatever I did- earlier. 

So yeah, prepare for some serious "at the eleventh hour" stuff.

Okay with that warning out of the way, I'm going to hijack this update because...

I want to show you my evolved potato head of last time! Also known as Jimmy Neutron's father look-alike of what was supposed to be Ty Lee. I just had to try and create something which had me laughing a bit less hard over it, because the harder I laughed the sadder I felt.

Instead of deleting everything and starting from scratch I decided to go against that urge and slowly chip away at it for a short time each day. 

Here's a few examples of how the head evolved over time.

Aaaand an almost full body shot. I'm hoping it's a lot less hilarious now! Her feet are like... clogs at the moment and there's no nipples, but I'd say I've made some progress.

It started out as me trying to create a 3d model for Ty Lee, but it turned more into me trying to make something looking human.

I'm adding a few turnaround movies again in the attachment. She might not be wearing a skirt, but that doesn't mean I can't also add an upskirt angle.  So I did.   Because that's the kind of person I am. 

I'm also including a fatty lee because it's just so damn easy and It's becoming my new fatish. *didn't I use that pun already in an earlier update? Rate it on a dad level from 1 to 10!*  10 = I'm the worst!



Holy shit, that's amazing progress on Ty Lee! Keep it up :D (And that dad joke deserves an 8 at least xD)


Glad to hear it's going well! Definitely don't mind waiting a few days into the next month if it means you don't burn yourself out, take care of yourselves! More of a personal request but I'm hoping you're not planning to go too crazy on the 3D models of the girls in future games. Maybe just my own personal kinks coming into play here but I can find cartoons sexy (hentai has ruined me) but I've never been into 3D porn. A bit too Uncanny Valley for me, seriously creepy. You ARE getting better it, but Ty Lee still looks like she wants to devour my soul in those pictures. Anyway, glad everything's going well and hope to have the game in my hands soon(but not too soon, don't go crazy.)


Ty Lee can devour your soul, I'll let her devour something else of mine ;) Oh no just had the horror version image in my head where it is permanently devoured :(


I kind of want to play Little Big Adventure now, never finished that game with Twinsen https://www.gog.com/game/little_big_adventure


Nice work on the 3D modelling, getting there...


With all this 3d modelling im expecting you to do the mech that everyone hated at some point, CG and all


The 3D work is awesome! Also, take care, all of you. Thanks for your hard work!


Her eyes are what make her 'human', else it's some big improvement. I'll go with a 9.5, is it really a 'new' fetish though?


I'm loving the 3D model, it's definitely getting better every time. Thank you all for the hard work you put into this game, and I can't wait to see what the next update has in store!

The Scyle

I rate it pi * e, now you do the math.

Carlos O Vela

keep at is, 3d modeling is extremely hard (as I'm learning myself) and time consuming but worth it in the end i feel because it's something that YOU made and no one can take the joy of that from you. I'm looking forward with what you and you team has for us in the future and I wish you all the luck i can spare.


I'll be brutally honest: I don't like that 3D model. I'm not a big fan of 3D CGI porn in general but if it isn't very high quality, then it just looks disgusting to me. Sorry but I am really hoping that this isn't the path you want to go from now on.


I've always appreciated honest feedback and whether that's telling me something I like to hear or not doesn't matter. I actually have the same opinion as you. 2d art can be bad and still good whereas 3d art usually has to be superb for me to really be able to appreciate it. still.. you gotta start somewhere.


Especially that time consuming part is eating me alive! I've found myself slowly slipping away again from daily practice.


The biggest problem with 3D is that it's always going to have an element of realism to it just because it is a thing in 3D space that holds its form and the lighting and shading, which is something that a lot of artists struggle with getting right, is always basically perfect. Like, you can put in light sources in stupid places and have the lighting all weird with bad brightness values and weird colors and stuff, but it will never look impossible like it can with 2D art. And the problem with all that is that it means that the shape of any solid, still 3D object will always be physically possible (you can even 3D print just about any model and ACTUALLY make it a real thing on your desk, if you want to), and so that means our lizard brain starts to take over and the uncanny valley suddenly becomes a thing. This, to me, has always been an even worse problem whenever someone tries to adapt a 2D character into 3D space. I think it's just because basically any flat character will often be drawn and animated in ways that are completely impossible in real life, and since it's impossible in real life, transitioning it to a medium that requires shapes and forms that can exist in physical space becomes almost impossible and so compromises have to be made, but then I'm so familiar with the flat character that it can very easily trigger the uncanny valley "disgusted" feeling that I think HankyPanky is talking about. I think this is why basically all of the good CG smut artists out there basically never try to make exact translations of any 2D characters they parody into 3D. They almost always will stylize them enough to make them their own designs. The lazier ones make them look way different because they're just plopping new heads on nekkid lady bodies from asset libraries or fiddling with sliders in MMD, but I'm not talking about them :D So if you were going to try and work on your 3D art some more and you wanted to use it for porn parody, I think the best thing to do is to NOT try and make exact 3D representations of your 2D characters, and instead try to just make your own style and then try to work in distinctive visual features from the character you're working on into that style until you find that balance of the character being recognizable at a glance, but still having your own style that makes it stand apart from the 2D version enough to not just feel like a pale imitation.