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Hey all, just a little update to show you some signs of life as we're working on the new and last build for the slave route of book 4 and love route stuff.

I Don't have a lot to say when it comes to FET because most of what I'm currently doing has to do with the love route and that's going to stay under wraps.  Quite frankly, starting up the love route feels more like a new book because of the extensive changes and all the extra work it involves! 

I can however talk a bit about one of the long standing annoyances I had/have with the slave route!  And that 's The republic city background!  It has been one of those "pebbles in my boot"  for a while now and  it's about time for me to correct that!  

Since I wasn't really getting the results I was aiming for I thought to myself... hey maybe I can create a 3d model of the buildings. Just create a few buildings, copy/paste the shit out of them and use that as a backdrop to work off. It wouldn't be the first time I created buildings that way. The "create your own village" buildings during book 3 were done like that. But doing one building that way is a far cry from a city.    Still, worth a try. 

I haven't been doing any 3d modelling for a long time because I couldn't get the latest version of blender to render anything and NOT instantly boot me to my desktop. I was using an older version of blender for a while (which did work) but using an older version felt bleh. The newer versions of blender have a redesigned interface etc so working with the other, older ones,  felt counter efficient and I all but forgot about doing anything involving 3d modelling ever since. 

Fast forward to this week and I finally figured out how to get the new version working and after playing around with it, trying to create a city I realized I had forgotten most of my (already very limited) skills and the desire to become more proficient at it flared up once more. 

So I've been doing some limited testing, slowly learning/remembering how to do stuff again which has already been of some use for some love route stuff. And then I started to reach for something which vastly exceeds my grasp once more. 

A character from avatar of course!   Since Ty Lee seemed to be particularly popular in comments of the "mirror mirror" update last time (no surprises there), I picked her to try and model. here's my first try at box-modelling her head.

..Ouch..   As you can see I wasn't exaggerating when I said my reach exceeds my grasp! 

Soooooo I figured I could try and sculpt a head. Sculpting is one of the two broad ways on how to approach modelling and much more reminiscent of how you'd traditionally create something with clay. Maybe that would yield better results?

(I've never actually seen "the evil dead" beyond some snippets here and there.)

Okay I'll admit I exaggerated parts of the head above intentionally for comedic purposes, but nevertheless...  let's just say I have plenty of room to grow.

I did go on and create a body which has it's own problems... But this is pretty much how I'm going to slowly try and work my way towards a 3d character which isn't godawful to look at! Right now these are included here merely for you to point and laugh at : )   I certainly did!

Since I've been trying my hand at sculpting Ty Lee... with dubious results...  I thought it'd be fitting to draw a pic of Ty Lee sculpting something instead. A sandcastle.

 It's mostly to try and wash away the taste of failure though  : )

The skyclad version can be found in the attachments, as well as two turn around movies of the 3d model. One of them is a fat version.  Fatty Lee...    *badumm tsshh*! 

I made that one by accidentally pushing the wrong button!  

And that's it for my little "we're alive and doing stuff!" update. And if you can't sleep tonight just look at the pic of the sculpted head...    to make extra sure you won't be able to sleep! 

Till next time! 



Bill Kurtis

Haha, the Ty Lee head reminds me of Jimmy Newton's dad. Keep at it, I'm sure good (or at least funny) things will come.


Glad to see you're alive and hard at work. After this final update and conclusion to FET, are you going to be doing side stories for the game as well? Or possibly be doing something completely new? After a much earned break of course.


Hey team, glad to hear from you. :) I know you are super working hard, so take your time with things and we'll see it when we see it. Gotta admit, Ty Lee is my third favorite after Katara and Toph. As far as sexiness is concerned, she is my favorite. I'd **** the **** out of her *** and ***** all *** and all ***** with **** and ***** while ******* her ***** and she'd *** while ********* and making a ***** ********* ****. So yeah, good picture. :D


Let's just say, better stick to buildings when it comes to 3D ... And for some reason I'm thinking about the Simpsons 3D episode now. Strange. Jokes aside, glad you're fine and doing stuff.

morris ridgeway

Thanks for the art, and I will dream of the head at night. Bwhahahahaha


But would you also *** her *** with an *** and fully *** over *** *** ***, using twenty small *** with squishy **** on their ***?

Evan Showalter

for some reason the third attachment is hidden. must be a problem with my app


Thicc Thighs save lives


Too soon to say, but as for me personally(artist) I like the avatar universe a lot so it wouldn't feel like a punishment to do more of it.


Lol, we all have to start somewhere. My first drawings weren't much better, but I hope you at least got a chuckle out of my (as of yet) dismal character modelling skills : ) But I promise I won't put them anywhere in FET unless I got someone else to sign off on it.


I deleted(renamed) and uploaded it again. Maybe it'll work now?


The day you see me draw/model someone with thin thighs... assume it's a silent cry for help!

Toxic FX

im excited cant wait for love route stuff


Ive got 086c as pc edition. Should i patch it to 086d?


I really love this fan base, all love an hug❤️ I play sommertime saga as well an there is almost only hate, an if I'm real whit you MITY I love you game more an you to becouse you keep in touch whit the fans❤️♥️

Peter Vanusanik

It's always nice to try doing another craft. Btw I wish we had discord server.


Keep going Mity, as long as you don't try to make it look overly realistic like those ugly popular games on f95 I'm hooked ! Definitely will follow you on the next project


The d version fixed some problems some people encountered, but if you didn't and safely made it to the airship floating above you, there's no real need.

The Scyle

THIS. Like, I know managing it might be a hassle and all that, but I am sure you could find some moderators and for people to just talk and discuss the game on, give suggestions in channels etc. The usual you kinda expect from a discord server. It seriously would not take much time, 1 day probably. Then again, those are hours that would also be usable to improve the game so *shrug*


by the way there is one thing i dont understand in "the legend of Korra" because EVERYTHING in the start lowers her resistance but at the end this is like not important anymore but there is still like 70-80 points to lower her restistance


lol, thanks, but let's just first see if I can actually create something in the future which looks more better than a "mister potato head"


That's mostly because a couple of irl problems had the coder on a long forced break and he sort of never managed to pick up that mechanism again in a meaningful way after that. But I also told him it started feeling a bit (too) grindy.


That's really nice to hear! Thanks! Honestly I feel I could make some better updates, but I'm not a fast artist and I'm pretty much always lacking time so it' s nice that the time I do spend writing them is not in vain : )


i understand. because people as me like to "work" for the slave + Love route :D its fun ! And i swear to you by god this is such a great game what you making - for me you are creating a world where sex and fun stays most important. this game makes a good mood for me and has a funny way to treat things - so please never ever start doing all to fast and gettin sloppy :3 ! Greets <3


Personally Im hoping we get to enslave Jinora too


Hopefully we will get a update this month.


Any news on the update? The last update was I think 2 months ago.


It was I wish communication was a little better.


Sorry, I said in an earlier update we are aiming for an end of May release and that hasn't changed. Mentioning that in this update would've been prudent.

Ryan Bidwell

Do you have plans for any other franchises? Also are you healthy and uninfected?


I love the last Airbender and Mity so much that I'd love to see a remake written differently but drawn in the same style


They have that Omnitrixxx which if I remember correctly has Ben 10, Kim Possible, and something else in there as well.


Currently healthy and as far as we know uninfected! No plans for other franchises as of yet although we have been playing around with some mechanics in a semi/internal test game called omnitrixxx.

Don kibonk

i hope the protagonist will be korra, and i hope korra could PLAY with jinora like tenzin does.

rusty shackelford

I’d sacrifice my soul just to ride in an elevator up 3 floors with Ty Lee