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And finally the art assets update! 

I had to wait uploading this since it contains a bunch of art used in the  current build and didn't want to spoil too much...  I've also been bug hunting today so the coder won't have to. He has been coma sleeping in the mean time so I hope my and a lot of you guys' feedback will speed up the creation of a more stable build. Once that's done I can use his new version to create the android build.  

With this out of my hair I can go back and try to finish that bughunter tier extra for this month. I hoped it could've been done today, but yeah I've been knee deep in this bug stuff instead.

Take me there! ( art assets 42)

older updates below 

0-5  6-10 11-15 16-18 19-21 22-25 26-28 30-32 33 34 35 36 37 38  39  40  41



Haven't had a chance to play the update yet, but I did tell Mr Artist I would do this: *grabs pitchfork* TENZIN WANTS A TWINK. TENZIN WANTS A TWINK! *lowers pitchfork* Please Mr Coder sir, all we want for Christmas is to pound Desna until he's a complete mess <3 Worth a try, at least xD (Yup, I am double posting this lmao)


Any ETA on Android port?


Where are the assets for the cardboard box spirit?


Looks like troll backfired and ended up activating a trap card


Well... it's going to take a while before I can create anything, but it does seem like the upvotes are starting to push Rob a little into the direction of "perhaps."


Cardboard spirit will make her appearance in a future art assets update. Who knows... if things go well and no unwanted attention arrives she might shed her box and appear in other ways too.


Target creature gains dick up ass! Activation cost 3 blue mana.


I'll keep fighting the good fight o/ Hopefully one day we'll grind Rob's resilience down enough xD


The link to 39 is not working