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Hey folks, first of all a big apology for taking this long to write a news update. That's basically what these art updates have become. I wanted to do one earlier but there's a reason I didn't.

I was hoping and waiting for the coder to send me some good news(a viable build) first, but that didn't happen which made me decide to wait another day. Rinse and repeat. Rinse and repeat

But it's time to write this update and share some conclusions I've slowly come to accept. let me get to the point. I'm pretty much convinced the coder is rubbing up against a burnout or something which looks and smells just like it.  You've heard me mention this before, but back then I was still not certain. If anything the coder is super good with words, putting on a happy smiley face.

But now, with the increasingly long time it takes for him to get stuff done and some other private admissions recently, I'm pretty much convinced things are simply becoming too much for him. This isn't just a matter of the collectable card game not coming together the way he wanted and taking too much of his time.

If I let things go on as they are right now it will only get worse so I'm going to put my foot down and force him to take a break. A real one. Not one of those "I'll take one in between working on FET"-things. I suggested for us to take a small break several times before and all of those times he pretty much ignored them. 

I'm hoping some real downtime will rejuvenate his desire and ability to shine at his finest. Because imo he has done some pretty awesome stuff. And to tell you a little secret... there's been a lot more bad things going on in his life while working on FET than he has shared publicly. Naturally I can't tell you either since that sort of stuff is up to the person it concerns to share or not, but it was the reason I've been wanting him to take a real official break earlier.

So that means I'm going to stop sending him any new scenes/art for awhile. It's pretty much the only thing I can do to force him to get some rest. I have no control once I sent him the stuff needed for a new build and I generally send him the bulk of what's needed during the first few days of a new dev cycle. He's had what's needed for the current build a long time, but none of the stuff needed for the next one so that's where my "veto power" comes in.

I'm going to hold off on sending him anything for at the very least a week. Then I'll carefully see how he's doing and probably add another week before I check again. I already mailed him this in the morning and hoping he'll get back to me soon.

Addition: I got a reply from the coder.

He pretty much admitted my suspicions are far closer to the mark than he'd like to admit. I've proposed for him to immediately take that break so he can hopefully come back swinging again afterwards. Or at the very least take it veeeery easy. I really don't want the build we're working on to be a filler or substandard. It has too many elements which are important for the route.

So what about the build? When will you get to see it? I don't know. Which right now is the only and suckiest answer I can give.

But this is the moment when if we push things, stuff is going to crack and FET is too important to me to want to risk that. As soon as  I have any other answers for you I will immediately talk about it and I'll keep doing my part of the work on here, but expect a complete shutdown for at least a week on the coder's side of things, probably two.

It's a disappointing setback but one we'll need to have right now to come back better later. And don't be mistaken. I'm fully convinced with a real breather the coder can and will get back to  his "Can do!"-mentality.  If anything I blame myself for not doing this earlier.

Who knows, maybe I can take this time to make a small game for Halloween again. I wasn't planning on that, but I already have finished a bunch of art for the next build(s) and I don't want to completely get out of synch with the coder's ideas/plans.

So as not to end this on a low note, here's some pics of better/sunnier times!




Well I hope the coder will take a restful break :)


The health, mental and physical, of you and your team is much more important than a game. Take all the time you all need. I hope your coder is okay. If anyone needs to talk, they can talk to me.


Good things take time.


Yea take a Break i know first hand how the coder feels. People think stuff like this is easy, well is not. do what it best for the coder and the game.


He's going to take that break whether he likes or not... and I sure hope he'll be smart and take the time to rest.


You are right and I'm honestly kicking myself for not bringing this up in a more forceful way with him earlier. Doing this two or more months ago would've made a world of difference.


The coder at his best can do good things in even a short amount of time, but right now he needs to do nothing and get back to his old self. He's pretty damn resillient.


Take as much time as you both need, you've both been working on this project solidly for 3+ years now I think? I'm surprised neither of you had burnout creep in sooner! I'm not sure if the Coder will see these messages, but let him know we're supporting him with whatever he's going through - and that he needs to focus on himself before worrying about the game. Same to you Mr Artist! Both of you deserve a break!


Thanks for the reply. He's kinda feeling down atm so this sort of stuff WILL make a big difference to his well being.


Preserving your coders health and sanity is more important than a new build. We have more than enough content to sustain us while you guys take some much deserved rest. Take it easy and come back when you're ready.


Yep everyone needs a break sometimes, and really it is a lot of work for two people and a surprising lot of work that gets done. A bit of downtime with the game won't kill anyone. I'm sure most of us have other games / hobbies to keep us busy. So rest up folks. Kind of wishing I could get a time out from my work now:) If you feel like you have to get something out to the Patrons, maybe a nice halloween artwork with the girls later in the month ;)


Thanks. I absolutely will make him look at these comments. He's been feeling sad about "letting the patrons and me down". But I don't see it that way at all. I should've put my foot down waaaay earlier. And don't worry about me I have it easy compared to the coder. I might sneak in a couple of easy days as the coder is taking a break but I don't need much more than that.


My thing is he needs a break take it health is very important. Please just keep us updated like you did here keep up the awesome work. Most if not all will be understanding with proper communication.


Just echoing what everyone else here is saying... You did the right thing, and staying healthy is always the highest priority. We dont mind waiting, most of us have been following for a long time. And honestly, you guys are probably one of the best developer duos I've ever seen. So many other projects have crashed and burned and yet you two are always consistent with quality and quantity. Doing what teams of people cant do, with just the two of you! Let it be known we love you guys! Do what you can :)


Good to finally know what's been going on. Get well soon coder.


Thanks much for the Update. Take you both the time you need for rest and private stuff. We will be patient. :)

Kyle Wilson

It's cool, just like with other creators I would rather they put the time and effort into projects like these rather than do a rush job to finish a quota. Hell I still play certain games that only come out with a new update twice a year, and read a graphic novel series that comes out with a new volume once a year, yet I still love doing it because of how much better the quality is because the creator took the time to build it up. Although, if you do want to make it up to us could you make some more art pieces and short comics like the one in this post, maybe?


Hope hes feeling better soon


I appreciate the update. Y’all put a lot of work into this game, and everyone needs a break every now and then


Thanks, comments like these will put the coder's mind at ease and allow himself to refill on that creative energy without feeling the pressure to keep going at his own detriment.


Hah! Yeah being self-employed makes taking time off easier and harder at the same time. I was indeed contemplating on putting something together with some Halloween themes going on. Thanks for your reaction!


I agree entirely. It's sometimes difficult to do when you're not alone and don't want to overstep your fellow creator (which is why this update took me so long), but when you're right, you're right.


Thanks for adding your echo. It'll be so much easier to convince the coder of what I've been telling him today. Which is: "This not the end of the world, you need this, relax."


Sorry for making it take this long. It's just so damn easy to think... "I'll give it just one more day."


Thanks, I enjoy working on FET myself a bit too much to completely stop, but like I say more often, I got the easy part of creating FET. Drawings usually don't generate incomprehensible error reports no matter how much I f them up.


Thanks, I'd like to put something together for Halloween. I usually focus my attention 99,5% on something which will benefit FET instead of things like these mini cartoons , but I understand they make for a far more interesting art update.


I'm pretty sure messages like yours will go a long way. I already told him to look at these as a mental pick-me-up.


Thank you for the update. I hope he will get better soon, he should take as long as he needs. I apreciate the work you put into the game. So no worries if you take a few weeks or months off, I totally understand its needed sometimes. Have a nice break.


and people said " we could never hit three months" Hope your dawg gets better


It's alright Mity, we all need a break sometimes, this is THE best WEG, out right now with constant content and the most fun so we shouldn't complain. Other big popular WEG's barely have any updates every once in 3 months. Hope the coder will feel better, just stay strong, it's alright what you are going through.


Thanks for being honest and telling us, it means a lot to me.


Nothing is more important than your health, so don't hesitate to tell us if you need some time to take a break. I'm pretty sure most of us will support you as long as you're honest and open to us. As always enjoyed the art update, time is such a bitch. :)


You guys have been going at insanely high speed for a two person team to be honest. It's important to take breaks!


I dont want to sound like dumbass put still it would be good to get some kind build out people have been waiting for so long. Forget the halloween minigame etc. Just some lewd pictures will do fine no need for anything else for that. We do undestand if coder needs a break just let us know in advance hopefully it takes weeks not a month it doesnt matter if you can cruch something to do in meantime. Lets us know your decicion in advance so we can get your mindset acordingly anyway your team have been the best 1 in the whole patreon site i am always eager to play your game and hope you have best luck and good things in you future always.


no worries, thanks for sharing what you have


Burnout is real, often times the mental drain is more serious then the physical. Well still be here, hope you guys get some needed rest.


Good choice


Maybe its time to expand the team? Maybe give the coder someone to order around? May reduce the load for him. I nominate Idarksoulsl


Have you considered starting a discord for patrons? That way any kind of update there could quell people's anxiety.


You can't rush art! -that old chess guy from Toy Story. I can wait for perfection in hentai gaming.


Taking breaks is important, never ignore your mental health


Yes take a break relax, perfection on a game shouldn't prioritise over health, please coder take a break for a week or 2 or even a month then come back healthy for us please


Thank you!


Have you considered using some freelancers? So all the basic stuffs from your ideas gets build while you two do the finishing touch. Guess we hear again in like two weeks, another two more for next release?


Quiet Jinnora, the Time Lords won't notice if you keep your big trap shut lol

Barbarian Badger

Believe me when I say that I have seen slower progress on other projects and I would rather the both of you avoid burn out so that FET is completed. Take care of yourselves guys.


The horror.


Take your time; one can't rush perfection, as they say. If you burn yourselves out, the project will only suffer from it. If working on the game is a break from something else, well... I tend to take breaks from things by doing other things, only to end up having to take a break from those things as well. Candles and blowtorches don't mix. Uhh, anyway. I'll be here. :) I'm sure the others will be too. Be kind to yourselves, and rest assured: You're doing good work. All three thumbs up. :P


It's a whole helluva lot better than what happened with vault 69... ghosted for over a year by that project.


I had a sneaking suspicion something like this might be going on. You guys are great about getting the game out and talking with us, so I figured there must be a reason it was taking longer than usual. The coder should take as much time as he needs, mental health is way more important than getting a patch out, we will just have to wait and be patient while he does his self-maintenance. If the coder is reading this take all the time you need man, the game can wait but mental health is a must.


Literally no one said that, but it shows a lot about you that you felt the need to post a comment about being right. When almost every other poster is giving well wishes and thinking about the coders mental health. kudos on that.


Thanks, I wish I could've convinced the coder of that two months ago, but I was initially afraid a more forceful "this is going to happen no matter what" - attitude would sour our relation.


Awesome and thanks. He's the more resilient one of the two of us.. no really... so I'm convinced he'll bounce back just fine when he can take a load off.


First of all thanks, stuff like this is chickensoup for the coder's soul. We really understand why other WEG's take more time. We've always went in this with a gungho attitude because we're making what we want to play ourselves , but I think I need to start think about being more of a break to the coder's natural "yes let's do that! "-attitude.


It's a bit on the late side of things, but better late than never? And you guys really needed to know this. I feel it's important to not bullshit around with this sort of stuff.


Thanks. Yes time/azula is a bitch : ) and the fantasies where I can bend it/her to my will have become a frequent thing.


A thing which we've been neglecting for too long. We're just a couple of patron-pleasers(?) and overstepped ourselves in that desire. Soooo... time to course correct before any permanent damage can be done.


As much as I want to give people a real build.. and seriously this feels like me being two persons in one body wanting to walk in opposite directions... that's just not feasible with what we have now. So I'm going to do my best to keep you guys (better) informed and hopefully entertained with some Halloween themed pics and or a minigame. With this experience we'll be far better equipped to recognize the same sort of situation much earlier in the future. So we're learning, but this time most certainly the hard way.


It really is and it's the mental part which I too feel is the most pressing part, but he coder is a pretty resilient and upbeat guy, so as long as he takes this serious and I'm making sure he is, this will help in the long run.


Hah : ) if the coder feels that's necessary he'll have my support. I think it's just a matter of him taking no breaks though with some other private stuff going on in the background which has been slowly draining him and him not taking that serious enough. Sometimes things become a problem because you ignored them when they were still small. He really dislikes talking about stuff like that because he feels it's complaining. I think complaining serves a valuable purpose though. It lets the other person know what's going on.


I'm kinda hoping we can start doing a better job with these updates. Keeping things in one and just one place feels more efficient to me.


Take your time on breaks, especially when it involves your health. You guys are pretty much one of the best on the site when it come to quality and communication with your patrons.


Trying to make something perfect has it's own pitfalls, but one problem at a time ; )


To be honest.. not really. We started out with this mindset of "one for all and all for one", which is admittedly eyebrow raising when it's just two persons working together but we always envisioned this as a 100% us two project. At the very very start it was a feeling of "it may be an idiot, but it's OUR idiot".. But I'm going to ask the coder how he'd feel about some change. And yes I think your assumption on dates is probably right but I don't want to jump the gun again so take that with a pinch or thousand of salt.


Ahh yes the Time Lords, ruiners of just the right age ; )


We've never really compared ourselves to anyone else as in "we need to be faster/slower/the same". At first things were simple enough to keep things within a month, then there was an increase in ambition and the realization if we wanted to do four books and not keep patrons waiting for a decade we needed to keep up the paste. Buuuut we have reached book four so we're well over the point of no return and I feel the coder has more than deserved a break. I'm just annoyed I didn't manage to make him take one earlier.


Lol, blowtorches/candles and extra thumbs. That's quite the picture you're painting, but also quite an original and funny way to show your support : ) Thanks. I'm going to summarize it in my mind like this "Take a break before you break something".


Wow, that's... insane. I think I'd pull the plug permanently before I'd ever let it come close to that.


Awesome and thanks. It's too bad my personal "sneaking suspicion" power wasn't strong enough to catch it (and take some action) earlier, but so be it. A lesson learned.


I'm not letting the coder near any new art unless he has convincingly proven to me he's mentally bouncy again. I'm not too worried since he's the kind of person who can let things glide off him pretty easy, but everyone has his limits and he just noticed his own a bit too late. Thanks for your message!

Barbarian Badger

It can be hard to talk to people you care about when you feel they are burning themselves out or not taking care of themselves. Either way they are on their break and better for it. I'm not going anywhere and you both have my money till your ready to continue. Love what you both have done so far and I'm sure you will finish strong.

Corben Smith

With everything going on it'd be a smart move on both your ends to at least look into expanding the team a bit. Save you both, time and sanity.