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Hey beautiful people! Time for another art(ish) update. Actually it's more like the art of figuring out why my pc was breaking down and I think I know what was messing with it and caused a bsod (blue screen of death) amongst other oddities.

Last time it fixed itself after a time delayed reboot and since I didn't know what happened, I was very keen on discovering the cause of it. Working on a drawing and not knowing when shit can go down is a bit too suspenseful for my taste.  Of course my system ran completely fine for awhile afterwards as if the gods of stable systems had blessed it   ...buuuuut that only lasted till yesterday.

I was working on a new scene when all of a sudden *poof* the power went down and my pc rebooted itself. I'm not seeing any digital clocks in the house which have reset themselves to 0:00  which means I'm pretty sure my power supply had been playing hide and seek with the power. 

I think I've already told you guys I'm usually the person people go to to get their stuff fixed. Don't imagine anything too fancy. It's mostly the "in the land of the blind, one eye is king"- sorta thing. Which also often means I get people's pc's when they're old and decrepit and they buy a new one. I have a horrible habit of not throwing things away,  but that does mean I could now use those oldies as donors!  


Soooo armed with a phillips head screwdriver I've been trying out older power supplies I had lying around and I swear to god, I felt like Goldilocks after awhile.


Every single one had something wrong with it. Some had missing connectors, some cables which were too short, some didn't physically fit etc etc. Luckily  I also still had a "new" power supply which I bought a couple of years ago but for some reason never used... Actually I used it once but decided it was  too loud so took it out again after which I played the equivalent of goldilocks for awhile again.


I ended up putting that "new" loud one in again and so far so good. Here's hoping it stays that way. The slightly loud noise is something I generally don't hear anyway because of my headphones and taste in music, which is mostly... really loud. I'll listen to anything but my prevalent taste is one reminiscent of demons screaming at the top of their lungs accompanied by the sound of tombstones grinding against each other...  The kind of background noise which can be heard over THAT has to be pretty crazy.

Anyway now that my hardware is less likely to take my work with it during a crash, how is the art for the next build progressing? Pretty much done!  It was a lot of work. Especially because I had to add the art for a scene you can completely and easily miss.

In essence I'd like for everyone to see all the scenes, but yeah.. some need to be a little less easily accessible for reasons...   With all of that done, (although I could always use another month to add the dots on the i's and strike the t's) the coder won't need me anymore for this build. I'll naturally (and happily) provide him with anything else he wishes for,  but in essence I can drop off the planet for a month and he won't have to notice.

The last scene I've finished is close to 3 Mb in size. That probably sounds so small it's funny, but I usually aim for 1 Mb. It'd be nice if I could really cut loose with these scenes, but I'm always very conscious and limited by their size. The game is already many times the size we thought it would be when we started all of this

Btw. I wouldn't mind if we'd take a short break. Not so much for my own sake but I feel like the coder could use a breather to allow his creative juices to replenish themselves fully. I suggested doing so repeatedly, but he has a more than healthy resistance to those kind of suggestions. Honestly I'd probably  end up using any sort of free time to put in more work anyway and he might just be the same. Here's hoping he knows his limits better than I do.

I was sorta considering not sending him any art and force him to take time off.. but yeah.. that's not really something you want to do unless you have more than a strong hunch.  I'm still totally going to tell him "told you so"  if anything which rhymes with "burnout" happens.

I'm personally really looking forward to the next build. Not gonna say why, but the coder will have plenty of opportunities to do some pretty funny stuff with the new art. In fact.. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if he'll end up needing more than a month for this one, but we'll see. 

I'm rarely concerned about cease and desist notices taking FET down, but some builds make me think: "if only we can get THIS build out before something like that happens". And to me, the next build is one of those builds where that thought pops up in my mind.

And this is where I'll have to leave all you fellow pervs once more, because the days where I don't work on FET are days when I have a fever and today is not one of them. PEACE (and butts)!

 ps. Oh, and I'm trying to lessen the size of the butts in my drawings(a bit!) but that's more of a very recent thing so expect a few of those in the next build when it's finished. You have NOOOO idea how difficult it is for me to not draw them barnyard sized... but I'm trying my best. 




As an ass man, I thank you for the godly drawings I can feast my eyes upon. No need to reduce *anything* if you'd ask me :D

Lord Crusade

But I like the big butts... and I cannot lie


Making me even more excited about the next build :D


If Korra falls victim to any butt reduction, I will find you and I will kill you!


Isn't any need to change your art style, has always been amazing.


There's an artist, and there's a coder... So who does the writing? It's quite excellent, by the way.


we love the booty


If I'd draw this for myself... there'd be nothing but big butts, but sometimes they can be a tad overwhelming to the general crowd so I'm just trying to take a small ittybitty step back (emphasis on try).


Me too man and it's not like I want them to be small or even mediocre.. just trying to take off that fifth daily visit to the McDonalds


Lol, don't be too worried, I'm just talking about the occasions when the butts are in danger of generating their own gravity field. But you have my approval to end it all if I ever stray into mediocre butt-size land.


Well I have been getting some messages saying there is a bit too much junk in the trunk. Not always, but at times, so I'm trying to be conscious of that.


Me too , which is why I have to try and be careful I don't get too carried away when drawing them.


Thanks. At first only the coder, but ever since his mother had the whole cancer stuff going on I've increasingly started contributing to that in an effort to help him out and never really stopped doing so. Still, I'd say the funniest stuff is usually his.

Sesshomaru Senpai

Big Booty never hurt anyone #ThiccThighsSaveLives

Lil Pump

Hey MITY when will we get to fuck your avatar?


1. Mity, never skimp on the power supply, it's the one part where you don't try to save money. Be clever, don't be me. 2. Great update, can't wait to see that one scene. 3. To the coder: Tank some sun, have some fun! 4. Everybody likes big booty but the girls shouldn't be too far from the originals, good decision. 5. Currently working on modding your game to my special fetishes and fixing some minor bugs. small preview: <img src="https://i.imgur.com/8AFYT5i.png" title="source: imgur.com"> PS Ty Lee is not good at cheating <img src="https://i.imgur.com/ckR81bH.png" title="source: imgur.com">


Really hope you guys get this going well :) As for the buttsize. In a cartoon you always make things a bit exaggerated. So far I think FET has been perfectly sized. I like both small and big sizes, what is important to me is the shape. Will FET stop once you are done with book 4? I could imagine book 1 taking a trip to Northen Water tribe and meet Yue. Also how about a book 5 avatar state? ;)


No plans for that so far. Kinda surprised there's even an interest in that.


Gotta say that first pic is really nice looking with the blue glow.


Ass a booty lover myself, I'm kinda happy I'm getting so much raised eyebrows, but be assured I'm not trying to erase them.


We'll do a smallish end chapter to tie things together. Nothing as big as a book though. Part of it is so everyone (both slave and love route players) will get to experience the end at the same time. And I'm starting to think there's a lot more people who like 'em bigger (butts) than I initially thought!


Nice to see so many fellow ass man here. I may be in the minority, but I was also one of the people that thought there was a little bit too much fat on Korra's legs and behind (didn't write a message though). Glad that you are always open to fan feedback.


let dem butts be big.... more spankable surface is a win in my book!


Please don't mess with the booty sizes @_@ one of my favorite things about this game is the ample butts. Most games like this pander to boob guys its nice to have one that thinks about us ass men for a change.


If all the fuss is because of my criticism I'm sorry. But I wasn't even talking about ass but everything that's down below. Not a single girl in Avatar is chubby, especially not Asami.

Lil Pump

Yo mity when you're done with avatar and korra will you do other shows like naruto? one piece? fairy tail?


Naruto or Fairy Tail pls. Five villages trainer.


I would like to see some improvements to Book One before a new game. It's kind of a victim of Mity's success in constant improving and both routes feel too similar and content lacking in regards to the other books. But I can understand if Mity wants to draw something entirely new and I hope whatever they do after, they take a big break first and reload their batteries. On a different matter, what could Ty Lee possibly desire? <img src="https://i.imgur.com/i6bx106.png" title="source: imgur.com">


I enjoy the events of Pema child hahahah Ew ew gross! HER FACE HAHAHAHAHA




It's a little scene I added for winning the 200 wager in blackjack. (and so far it's only in book 2 slave route)


How is the work going?


Would be nice to get some heads up on the next release... You guys are kinda falling back into the old pattern of no communication.

Lil Pump

I honestly cant wait for the 8.4 spoiler log