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Well, a lot of you guys should have had a chance to play around with the new build! Hope you're liking the direction we're taking so far. We'll probably start becoming more mean towards Korra over the next couple of builds... so consider this a little warning if you're a love route lover playing the current route and are thinking things aren't too bad so far. 

Muahahaha..hah.ha..!  Yes there will be more slapping >:D

So you've hopefully finally been able to try out that walk-around thingy I've been talking about for awhile.

As you've noticed we've kept it very local and in essence we're not doing anything with it which we couldn't have done the old way. It just felt like a nice change of pace to include . We made sure to have some simple but worthwhile shortcuts for anyone who didn't like the addition. That means keyboard arrows and double clicking functionality so you can get through it blazingly fast. It's very convenient when we test stuff. You certainly don't want to manually go everywhere the slow way when you just need to bugtest a little thing.

So is it something you'd like to see more of or do you consider it a boring, filler thing? We're not going to remove what we have but adding some is a possibility. We'll never turn it into a full blown world thing, because... well it's too late for that anyway.. but some fun additions might be possible.

It has changed quite a lot over time. For example, in one version Zhu Li and Ginger had a very different role to play. We had a system where you could fight mecha tanks, equalizers and street thugs. Also a system where you could switch between people to fight with. You could switch to play as Korra for example. Zhuli was handing out training and experience points and Ginger was selling you drugs and other stuff which could be used during the fights.

Now don't let your imagination go wild. It was still using very veeeery simple temp-art and systems, but it sorta worked(when it didn't break down).  In the end we decided to cut it out entirely. Just a matter of us not being good enough to add it in a meaningful matter which is a source of joy instead of frustration. Both on the player's and our part!  Still, it's like a siren calling to us but we're trying to stay strong and smart about this. It's a lot of wasted time, but aaah fuck it. I think shoving shit in just because you already spent the time on it is the worst possible reason in existence. 

Speaking of which!! I've trashed most of a scene I did over the last few days and started work on it again. The difference is I actually like where it's going THIS TIME.  We're still trying to keep these builds going at a good pace so whenever I lose time because of a decision like this I beat myself up over it, but the result is what matters. I'm still a slow drawer and that only becomes worse when I don't like a scene I'm working on so it's better to nip that shit right in the butt.

Again speaking of which!! I finished a butt scene recently and am working on another one. NO the  next build isn't going to be filled with nothing but butts (although I like those a lot). It's a scene for the next next build.

You might say..  wait... isn't there one too many "next" in that sentence!? Didn't you say just a minute ago you're  a slow drawer?! And now you're frog-leaping builds?  This is madness!! 

Yes... sort of! A lot of the art is done for the  next build. I'm going to go over it some more and god knows there's temp-art  which needs more time and attention, but we have a neat little thing planned and I'll need all the time I can get to work on it and make sure it's possible in the first place which is why I've been working on it alongside my usual stuff.

Also I had a really nice idea for something last night..and I didn't write it down and now I have no idea what it was anymore..  : (    I normally write shit down because my memory is pretty much like the punchline of a joke,  but I was lying in bed,  the lights were out and I was already starting to see the first hypnagogic images, sooo I chanced it and now I'm sad.

As much work as we still have to do, I've been trying to get the coder to take a break lately. Unfortunately I already sent him a lot of the stuff he needs for a new build so my negotiation/blackmail position is weak atm. He usually views breaks/vacations as something you cram in sideways without actually assigning a special time frame to have it in, which I don't think is a solid foundation for the future.. Sooo please shout at him a bit in the comments if you agree.

Well, still shitloads of work to do once more so talk to'yall later! Peace&butts forever and everyone!

(ps. title of the post is just a song i've been listening to while writing this  because I'm feeling fruity)



Toph's blind jokes are always great.

Kuzuha Chan

Sweet comic ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) About the movement. No problem with that mechanics. I usually use the mouse. Only the dream-trap scene was too annoying so i used the arrow keys furiously :D


Movement seemed fine to me, and i feel like it adds some gameplay to the game that wasn't quite there before, so if it makes sense i say go for it.


So, my two cents on the latest additions - The walking works fine, more than fine honestly, didn't know you could work something like that in Ren'Py. The addition of it was - at first - a bit off-putting, but I quickly got into the gist of walking around, looking for clues etc. etc. On the note of its graphics, I honestly hav a knack for those small doodle-like graphics: They look sharp, yet simple enough to be endearing and honestly fit into the somewhat more lighthearted approach the game generally takes, as with its humour being so whacky. Verdict: I like the additions a lot and would love seing more of it. Even though I in general are more of the Love route player I can totally enjoy whats happening. We'll see how it pans out over the next couple versions.


I’m ok with an all butts update.... just throwing that out there.

Kuzuha Chan

Butts in all sizes for everyone ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)


What he said. Still not a fan of things that don't add lewd things to the game but you proofed me wrong on that matter. I like it, because I love your chibi characters and comics and I get that kind of vibe from it now. To the coder: TAKE A BREAK, NOW!! We need you well rested, healthy and happy. PS Why do you have to draw 'you know who' so cute. You want to punish us for failing on a certain moral dilemma? It hurts man. PPS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X53ZSxkQ3Ho


When it comes to compilation movies on youtube, those are the ones I've watched most often : )


Hahaha! Me too, I can't believe it took me so long to discover which way to go the first time I played it!


Keep up the good work guys!


love the game


Like the little piece, toph and jinora are a pretty good combo.


given that Jinora will get tatto at the end crotch tattoo/lust crest would fit her perfectly :) give a like if u love the idea https://nhentai.net/g/209704/5/ example


More content on jinora and ikki?


I personally saw the walkaround part really boring, and the dream sequence was pretty frustrating. The content was good but I much prefer the normal gameplay. I'm likely in the minority here. It isn't a huge deal, it's definitely not gonna keep me from playing that is for sure.

Lil Pump

Will you do more korra characters like opal beifong


Can't say i'm fond of the new movement system. I don't think it'd be worth investing time and energy into it with so little a return as far as content/enjoyment.


Any chance that there will be an Asami Love route similar to Mei and Azula in book 2?


How do you get past the dream sequence


Can't wait to see how well Korra meditates with a cock in her throat. Or her ass


Hmm thanks for letting us know. It's helpful to hear and see there's more than just positive reactions for the walkaround part. Makes me happy we decided to keep it pretty small.


We will do a lot more characters but it's a matter of slowly introducing them throughout the routes instead of just having all of them ready from the start.


I've started experimenting with more small walk around sections this week for the new builds and looking at the actual time it takes us and the return of investment I'm pretty much starting to turn over to that point of view . A bit disappointing it is what it is.


With book 3 we had a lot less characters to deal with and a really awesome setup between Mai and Azula.. we pretty much couldn't not do it, but with the amount of canon characters right now.. hmm not super likely.


Is there a walkthrough for Book 3 Love Route? And same thing about my memories. Have a good idea then, *poof*, disappears.