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The bughunt version of the latest build has just been sent out to the playtesters! That means that early access folks can expect to get their own mitts on it -- hopefully in more functional condition -- in about three days!

This one introduces Book 4's slave route, following our pattern of slave first, then love. And, as always, most of the first build of the new book is idles, backgrounds, and UI, with just a few scenes smattered about. Future builds in this book will be able to focus predominately on popping in new and fresh scenes while progressing the characters and story.

Keep a weathered eye on the horizon!




hype is real


There's an error with the *slap Korra* btw


So, that means Book 4, the one I've been looking forward to the most, will come out about a week before my birthday... I have to ask, MITY, are you magic??


*slap* errors eventually come up later on as well, as once you get the airbending scroll and the amon mask, the dialog in the meditation scene forces an error related to *slap* Thanks for the great work team MitY.


*Sees the news of a new FET version coming soon* hmmmmmm *Starts Screaming in Joy* FUCK YEAH!


Hmm I'm conflicted... I hate Korra and don't want to romance her but unlike Azula, I don't hate her enough to do a slave route.

Feras al harbi

korra is better as a slave, than as a love partner anyway


If there isn't a Scat or piss scene i'm gonna be disaponted. not because i like that, but because that is what she deserves.


If you haven't seen yet, we've uploaded a newer version. Should be fixed now.


Heh, nah it's more like statistics favored you this time. But she's a fickle mistress. Still .. happy birthday in advance, we hope you'll like what we did and will be doing in book 4.


Also slightly buggy : ) but we're getting it under controle.


Yeah, new version should have those slap bugs fixed. It's available in the post with the first bughunt version. Now you can slap to your hearts' content! Hope you'll like it : )


Let's just first see whether it holds up to your expectations! But yeah, we're happy you're feeling excited.


That's a difficult choice to make, but yeah we're definitely not going to go easy on her like we did with Toph's slave route.


If there's going to be scenes like that, they'll most certainly won't be in the first couple of builds, but we've noticed Korra does awaken that sort of feeling among more than a couple of players!


Are you still going to play the slave route or will you wait it out?


we're going to try and sway your opinion once we'll start the love route, but until then we'll aim to give you what you're expecting of a slave route for Korra!

Nicholas Odonnell

I am so ready for this next update and for the future hopefully the last development will let us go back and viset the old levels

Aaron Heath

Can I please ask about the character creation aspect from Book 2? I may have asked this before, but I really want to see it in the Love Route as we've already seen it in a Slave Route.


I Can't wait to see how the story starts


well considering what you always delivered up to this point my Excitement is more than waranted.


Yeah ofc :-D What I meant was, I love her design and what you have shown us thus far!


In these types of games I prefer a well done slave route, over a love route.


I'm pretty sure the reason it's not in the love route is because Zuko is the main character in it. The slave route features another person entirely.


Is book 3 love route still unfinished?? or do I have the wrong version?


if there is a character to hate it would be korra after all the damage she did lol

Doktor UwU

ahhhh, cant wait


Oh sure, blame Korra. Honestly, it’s like we watched different shows.


Dude we get it you like TLoK. And maybe I should have chosen my words better, I don't HATE Korra, hate should be saved for really bad or Evil characters, I just don't like her. Which is why I don't even want to do the slave route.