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A new art update... but its' not??!!

I already mentioned this for a bit in the latest art asset update, but I've been trying to put together something new (a small proof of concept game) to show the coder and which could become part of book 4 if he likes it. I still haven't shown any of it to him though because he's busy with more important stuff and.....

because my attempts at making something which works turned out to be a goddamn mess and has left me feeling like a continually 3% charged phone.

The excitement of trying out new stuff is quickly strangled when you're hit left and right and left again with a torrent of error messages.  But then it works for a split second and you try adding something more and things break down again while you're cursing at yourself, wondering why you just couldn't leave it alone when it still sorta worked. 

Then after a long time, things seem to work again, but to your horror you don't understand why it works...   even worse while trying to figure it out you're getting more and more convinced it shouldn't, so what the hell is going on? 

And after yet some more time  you notice you've been setting up simple party based top down rpg like thing....   Which might work in very controlled environment, but once it'd get out there and with monthly additions  there's no way it can stay like that. Not to mention we're supposed to be making a funny/smutty visual novel. Sure we can(and did) take some adventurous paths outside of the genre, but there are limits damnit! 

Actually, When it comes to bugs which I tried to get under controle, it got so bad I started dreaming about them. Slowly waking up while being convinced I found the solution to two bugs and just to have it  fade away from my memory was a confusing experience... You're disappointed you don't remember what you did to solve it, but the bugs were just a dream anyway so it's all okay, or were they?? It too me a long time before I was conscious enough to be certain it was a dream.

Let's just say my appreciation for what the coder has to go through has skyrocketed once more.

Btw. when I discovered I was taking things way too far I started yanking out parts of the code creating another mess of errors. 

Long story short, I finally finished something which I can show to the coder. I don't even care anymore whether it'll get his nod of approval or not. Right now, in this moment, I'd be just as happy to hear him say it sucks and it needs to be deleted.

I can now finally start pouring the brunt of my attention once again where it should've been in the first place, drawing naked girls! ALL sorts of pretty nude tit bearing humans to wash this feeling of failure off of me... It's going to take a lot of tits, but drawing those give me energy instead of depleting it.  Tits rule! And ass too naturally.

So is there no uplifting artsy news from my side? Well, I have started working on the idles for book 4.  I'm always doubting whether to keep them simple and make them look more like the cartoon or put in more detail. That'll be an ever continuing tug of war, but I can say I'm pretty damn happy with how some of them are turning out so far.

And that's already it for this update. Horror with a cherry on top, is how I'd summarize my most recent experiences. Let's hope the coder is having a lot less hurdles to get over. I'm ready to send him my preliminary book4 addition proposal and am incredibly curious how he'll react.

Peace and tits(and ass) forever!

Talk to you all later! 




And this is why I coul never get into programming lol.


Yep.. the horror of seeing yet another error far outweighs the joy of seeing it all work in the end. Maybe I'll feel differently again after a week of not touching it, but right now I feel like a vampire eating garlic bread for the last week.


So the update will be this month or next? I do not press, but still (-'_'- )


You can do it, MITY. We all believe in you. I hope the rest of the month is filled with lovely boobs of all shapes and sizes to help keep your mind relaxed, your artwork always has that effect on me.


If it gets rejected can we please get a glimse of it? I am really curious what you cooked up


You talk about book 4, whats happening to book 3?


Sounds like it's mostly at an implementation stage with all (or most of) the art assets being finished already.


I thought i was the only one with those problems with torrents, you know how to fix it? lol


You've valiantly fought with the code and that deserves respect! Tits rule really works ^^


Thanks. Don't forget about those asses, they need sweet love too : )


It's really not that much to look at. Mostly differently colored block rolling over the screen. I might throw some of it in an art asset update though. I'm always trying to spice up those things with some unique content... but it'd be even nicer if it can eventually find it's way (in some form) into the game.


The coder is working on finishing up book 3. I've already sent him most of what he needs and while he's busy doing that I'm putting in some work for book4.


Nothing created goes to waste. Even if you don't use what you make, you still learn from it. I've dabbled in programming on retro devices as a hobby (I know, I'm weird lol) myself; there are plenty of little code test ditties I made on my TI calculator, Tandy CoCo and even just raw Motorola 68000 assembly language, all just to see what I could do, and even when I didn't really build off of those programs, I still used the methods I learned going forward to other applications. It's all part of personal growth, and I don't think that's a bad thing.


Not sure if this is an error or just me (it's probably the later). *Warning, Potential Spoilers* So, I'm fairly certain I've finished the fire nation book, Azula has been imprisoned and is now released, I've battled the Spirit and such, and the scroll/book shows everything as being done, including the "mindbroken" bit being shown on the bottom. However, I've yet to either trip a flag be able to move on the next book or even to get anything different really to happen. Sorry, I know this is probably just user error, but any pointers would be appreciated.


Slave route. Yea, I'm a late comer. I just tend to try to be cautious about spoiling it for others. Any advice you could give would be great though.


Heh, it's been long enough for me to erase the particulars (my memory is shit though), but I think what you'll need to do is get all of azula's sex acts up to their max of 4, and visit the tower at night afterwards and "look around". Hope that helps!


So true, it can be fun to mess around in somethings innards and see what you can get away with. It's just that all the time I spent on that code is time I couldn't spend drawing which is my main responsibility, so I can't help but feel dumb and try to go extra fast now that I'm back to what I'm supposed to do.


As much as I want you to draw 100 naked Avatar girls a day I also know that it is very important to not burn out on your job. So everything that spices up your daily routine is very much appreciated. Said that, I recently watched the Korra anime series and what can I say, Korra is hot, like really just my kind of girl hot. But as soon as I discovered Toph, what can I say, I'd even fuck granny Toph without thinking twice, that's how much I like her now. Thanks for fucking me up Mity.


Very impressed with everything you and your coder have produced, thank you for your incredible work. Any idea (even ballpark estimate) when the next update will be available?


Hahaha, our motto "may it taint you" strikes again : ) !


I have a question for Book four, how will the Actions of the Player affect the World in the time between Book 3 and 4? after all we learn that the Characters dont forget what happend when we Leave and I wonder how our actions will affect the Timeline if at all.


Book 3 is before book 2, so anything could happen for book 4. Dunno about the source material so I'll just wait patiently for the tiddies and bother about the story (or weird out of order stuff) later

Nicholas Odonnell

can't wait for new update this game is addicting


We'll probably have something to say about that in a few days. We have an idea, buuuuttt... there's always a chance estimates crash and burn and we don't want to start a fire.


We use different moments in the original cartoon as our starting point for each new book so we roughly stick to that situation and bend it to our perverted wills afterwards. Which means the players actions to shape the world are very much limited.


Yep, oh how those weeks fly by. We might have some news on the new update in a few days. I'd like to stress the might part though.


so no aid/information from an aged Katara or Toph? thats sad. would at least loved to see a reunion of sorts where the player meets the two and reveals himself to them, which might even lead to a previously impossible breakthrough in the Relationship/Enslavement of Korra.

Nicholas Odonnell

it is ok I get that these games take a long time to create and I am just happy it exits you have created such a great game

Nicholas Odonnell

noxray you have to understand that these games takes weeks or months to make because they have to draw each animated scene and make them all line up it takes years for developers like MITY to create these types of games so we need to give them time to do it


Please add some sort of gallery mode!!!


Don't worry i know all of this because i'm a dev too. I just said it without bad thinking. More than "hey normally there'll be an update soon". I talked to mity un private in the past and like i said to darkcookie from summertime saga i'm an enthusiast but i prefer a thousand time waiting for a quality update than an early dirty upgrade. So let's all be friend, we have the same fapping material.


Can anyone help me? Even though i download new versions of the game, it seems to be alwasy the same. Nothing new. Can somebody help me?