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Hey folks! That one thing which always seems so incredibly far away at the start of a book is happening. We're working on the last build to close out this route and with that finish book 3.  I've kinda, sorta put in the last art needed for a book 3!

I say sorta because the coder has already made some suggestions for extras which I'll need to work on.... so I'm not done... at all. Even so,  All the semen has been handed out to all the girls who were supposed to get some from just the art side of things. Some more character art for a split second appearance has been made and just in general most of what the coder will need has already been sent his way, be it temp or finished art.

Btw. the coder was really pleased with some of the new scenes. His favorite among the bunch I sent over was kinda unexpected to me since it was the one which troubled me the most. Actually when I started writing this update I all of a sudden remembered there was still some stuff in the last part of the maze which I hadn't done yet either so I spent an extra day on that as well. So despite not being done it still sorta feels like being done. 

This will be the conclusion to book3 so we have a strong urge to keep ramming in new stuff. We want to make it awesome and we have about 9 new unique scenes so yeah, that's going to take some time. Prepare your heart for us taking longer than a month... well that's hardly news. But still this is going to be one of those builds were we can only say it'll be done when it's done. We'll do our best to keep it reasonable and we want you guys to see what we're working on rather sooner than later. but don't expect it to be done in a month.

In the meanwhile I'll start watching the Korra cartoon from the start again. 

I'm taking screenshots, practice sketching the new characters, putting forgotten info back into my memory etc. It's the kind of stuff which will indirectly benefit book 4 when we'll get into full swing on that. That's still a ways off so don't let that get you too excited, but it's just the stuff I do on the side. My main work is still making sure whatever new stuff the coder wants from me gets done and in the meantime I'll also see if I can help him out by streamlining some existing stuff we somehow never got around to tackle. 

I'll give you an example. Today I've been taking a look at the cup and dice scam games. When you have to choose the left, right or middle cup during the cup scam game you pick it from a menu and that... well, that feels a bit clunky to be honest. I'm pretty certain most of you will agree with me on that. Just clicking on the cup itself would be a far nicer way of doing it. 

That's something we felt from the start and it was mentioned as a point of possible improvement in some of the comments too. However there's rarely a moment where we don't have something else to do which is in more need of attention so small things like that get put on the backburner and stay there for a crazy long time.

Right now however is a good opportunity for me to revisit all those little things and see what I can do about it. Hopefully without making the game come crashing down so I'll have to tread very carefully as not to mess up the coder's work.

It's these little things which suck up a lot of the time, but also give me a real sense of accomplishment when I can get them working.

If there's anything else in the book which you feel needs that bit of extra attention don't be shy and tell us about it. I don't want the coder to look at them right now, since he has his hands full creating the closing build of book3, but I can at least compile possible problems and their solutions. 

So with that said, I'll be back at doing what feels like ten things at the same time. And I'll need to prepare the hose. 

To deal with ...     something...

I can't deny it. Korra awakens the sadist within me like no other character ever has. I will need a lot of supervision from the coder to deal with her during the love route ; )

Till next time! Right now I'll go check on our pm's/comments etc. 



Lord Crusade

Always nice to hear that things are going well, looking forward to playing it, and good luckMity!

Kuzuha Chan

Team Mity, Please add more Toph love before closing :) The recently added scenes were so amazing incredible. I really hope to see the lewd horsie Toph some more. Also it would be nice to maintenance the backend, while there is construction works in the frontend (if u know *cough cough*) :) I'm really excited and i know you both won't disappoint us :)


Korra is bae. Can't wait


Do your best. Looking forward to a great finish and a new beginning. Also... I'm seeing lots of long hair korra. Will this be set before book 4 in korra??? I definitely wasn't expecting to that.


Lol, that construction work you mentioned...is it inspired by reading the latest pornlove in the latest build : ) ? Anyway, we'll do our best to make this build as good as we can and not disappoint. We appreciate your trust, but we always feel (and I think that's the proper attitude for something like this) we should earn it again with each build.


The book 2 and 3 love route have both been really damn good! But for once I'm looking forward to the slave route. Korra is hot, but holy shit do I hate her. She is inarguably the worst avatar in history. That said, the rest of the cast is awesome and I look forward to sexy times :)


Here is hoping! Never watched the entire Korra story so I don't know why the hair changed, but I always thought that long hair Korra was the cutest! ^^


I am hoping we are not going to be playing as Korra, that would kill half the fun of the slave path for me right there lol


I can’t think of anything to fix besides maybe letting us repeat dates still. As well as some one and done scenes like I preferred the other anal scene with Toph a bit more then the one you can repeat. I would like to have a nude Toph though when it comes to scams. Basically if you can add more options to repeat scenese even if it’s just the player choosing to remember it and having a flashback. I am really excited for Korra and hope you include pretty much all females like Pema and Lin. I also would like a few scenes with short hair korra.


I really really hope we are not playing as Korra in the next book. i want to do her not be her.


Korra doesn't derserve a love route, you should make an expansive slave/physical and mentally abuse route. She has to deal with it!


I love the art of toph saying "we will Korra, we will" I love it!


I would suggest also getting the three Turf War comics that continues Korra's story right where the cartoon ends.

John smith

I imagine that rolls with the stupid lesbian stuff. So I'm not sure that will be helpful. Since the main character will be male in both routes thankfully.


I just hope we get an expansive list of pregnancy endings for book 3, and limited lesbian distractions for book 4. So here to hoping ^^


Ooh, I also like the nude toph for scams too. Would also love maybe some out of focus crowd in the bar and maybe sex in public there too with June


"All the semen has been handed out to all the girls who were supposed to get some..."... oh, my sides. I really, really want to see Kora being dominated by some of the other girls.


I'm curious to see how you handle book 4 since the few ideas I've come up with (for possessing people) don't make sense. Also wanted to say I absolutely loved Katara's beach date scene and hope the choice will impact the story.


I don't know how difficult it would be to make, but if there could be a dominant scene with june in the love route like the thighjob scene in the slave route, that would be pretty cool! Other than that I am excited to see what comes into play with book 4, godspeed.


Mity, can you somehow reupload android version? Because seems like this zip file was deleted


Oh my, go on, I'm already excited!( ̄▽ ̄) Thank you for your work!


Me too :) I honest to god dislike being mean to Azula more than I dislike being mean to Korra. Like I said, I'll need a lot of supervision from the coder.


Really loved book 3 so far. I hope you guys end it on a bang. As far as last minutes fixes and additions go, I would appreciate maybe a threesome and foot scene with toph.


Oof, you guys are watching LoK again? I thank you for your sacrifice...that show had good moments, but it's like the Star Wars Prequels of the Avatar Universe for me, bleh. For you, the writer, this might be the hardest book for you. All the other girls had incredibly fleshed-out characters and I bet the dialogue almost wrote itself. However, with Korra, you might find yourself having to give her more character development than the show itself did. I don't think Korra grew as a character from first episode to last episode honestly, so I definitely wish you luck!


Been meaning to ask, have you guys seen the E;R videos on LoK?

Kuzuha Chan

<a href="https://mega.nz/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://mega.nz/</a>#!zmZlSK6C!r9XpxMTEruZdkG5DQwxXR49ybxcbn0gA18uCiiHMQ84


i dont know if i can write it hear: I love this game but i miss something. It is an image gallery. Like you play and how far u get u will unlock more pictures for the gallery. And if u want u can see all the beautiful scenes which u had unlocked.




Some how I missed the 7.4b update could you resend it to my email.

Kuzuha Chan

Why you need? All contents are included in the latest version. Should be no problem to jump from 7.4 to 7.7 with your old savegame.


just a quick Question, since the second routes always seem to have more content than the firsts could you start book four with the Love route so we get a really BIIIIIG Slave route for Korra?


I can wait your work whether it takes more than a month or not. anyway toph is very cute. yeah she is very very cute. I love her


If you can, try to include a mind control function in book 4. Book 3 had an awesome mind control mechanic, and I'd like to see it again.


I would prefer, if you take your time with the last update for book 3. I really liked how the ending of book 2 turned out after you went back and fixed it. But taking your time from the start may be best. Toph needs a nice happy end. Also more Smellerbee please! For book 4 I definitely would like to see some Jinora. Also I am not opposed to becoming all lovey dovey with Korra, like many others appear to be. Looking forward to it.


Personally i really enjoy the "love" routes more over the other ones. Hopefully we get to see the aftermath of the fire book soonish!

Wellington de Oliveira

For me I would only like more Smellerbee (anal and vaginal). And get pregnant Toph and Katara and you do not need anything else in book 3. For book 4, I would like in addition to Korra, Asami, Opal, Jinora, Ikki, the redheaded actress, Eska. And maybe Desna as Trap (in that case we would have Eska alone and Eska and Desna at the same time, Desna never alone) and the Princess Yue Spirit (in a human form). And perhaps very quickly the spirit of Kyoshi and the spirit of Yangchen.


I have also been thinking for some time that I would like to see Kyoshi and Yangshen included in the game. I would also add Kuvira, Lin, Suyin, Pema and Kya to the book 4 wishlist. All of them might be difficult to implement, but one can dream right. So much potential!


What is it with all the Korra hate? She wasn’t that bad. I thought she was just fine, despite being more than a little stubborn.

Cliff Hanger

Curious to see what you do with Korra since Korra is a lesbian or at least Bi within the canon of the show.


I very much doubt we can sate your appetite, but at the very least you won't be left without.


Sometimes non sensible ideas make for a more interesting story, which is our main concern. But this is one of those things we absolutely don't want to spoil no matter what.


Thanks for your suggestion. We're actually pretty excited too when it comes to book 4.


Hahaha, keep those expectations/excitement under controle. Don't want to let those rise to unattainable levels : )


Thanks for your feedback. We have some big shoes to fill when it comes to book2 loveroute ending. That ending wasn't that great at first! It took some patron feedback to make it what it is now and we couldn't be happier about it.


Hehehe I'll admit it's a bit of a struggle at times. We'll probably need that luck more than we'd like to admit : )


I've seen a buuuuunch of LoK critiqueon videos so those were probably part of it.


It's so true it hurts. The thing is when we started we had no idea FET would blow up to this proportion and now it feels like we're on a train which can't be stopped untill we reach the endstation.


Thanks! I had my doubts whether I could draw a girl to look cute when her eyes have no reflections, but I hope I at least sort of succeeded at that.


Certainly. The book 2 loveroute end was great because the patrons told us we needed to up our game and we hope and expect you will do the same if needed this time. But of course we prefer to get it right the first time. It's kinda stressful when patrons feel a build is lacking. And naturally there will be lovey dovey time with Korra, it's just that personally I love her in other ways and I hope the slave route will be better for it : ) Doesn't mean loveydovey won't get my full attention too though.


I agree with you and we'll have to see how things go for book 4, but when it comes to Korra I(artist) am kinda looking forward to working on the slave route.


Thanks for your ideas, we have a bunch ourselves naturally, but we like seeing whether we missed good ones. That's not just words, but at the same time, we're either going to add to our roster and have limited scenes with the girls or less girls and more scenes with them. There's going to be "casualties" one way or another...


I'm not sure about anyone else, but I (artist) never hated Korra, it's just that different characters envoke different desires within you. Some you want to protect, some you want to dominate.


We can at the very least assure you we'll go for the Bi angle.


can you atleast make the Slave route of Book 4 bigger than the love route? cause i share your sentiment :)


Wow.... so much dislike for Korra. I guess I'm one of few that look forward to her love route more then her slave one. And if i had to guess people might end up playing as their own character like in Azula's slave route.


This all sounds great! I understand you, sweet Korra just oozes sex appeal :)


General question about versions: are save files transferable between, say, mobile Android and PC? Longshot to imagine they'd be compatible but yknow


I tried it myself once and had no problems, besides finding the right place etc.