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Edit: Links now connect to new version (0.7.7d).

The early access version is below! The spoiler log will follow in a separate post shortly. 

One quick note for our playtesters -- if you played the bughunt version, in addition to fixing multiple bugs and a few small changes/additions, we've included a new scene on the train that varies based on whether or not you encouraged Smellerbee to shoot for Pornlove.



Mac Version 

PC Version

Alt link - PC Version  -  PC Version 

Alt link - Mac Version  - Mac Version 


Kuzuha Chan

Thanks Mity. Perfect timing. Just came back from exhibition in Amsterdam 😅 Time to relax now 😁


how do i report a bug? unable to find a dm button

Randall Fawcett

>encouraged Smellerbee to pursue Pornlove what


When playing Go fish, there is no end to deck, error occures and if you choose to ignore it goes on forever :(


Heh! Hope the exhibition was nice....was it an exhibition of naked ladies behind glass offering their services ; ) ?


We mean, If you encouraged her to go to the Pornlove photoshoot. You had the opportunity to dissuade her from going at a certain point.


Any news on when the Android version will be about?


We're currently working on a 077c. With the increase of players some more issues have popped up, so we'll at the very least have to finish that one.


Love the train scene being added! I also love that you added me in to the game, even though I am not an old man I am in my twenties but really love that you added someone not super into public stuff catching the player really needs to be in more porn games, its to common that they enjoy it. I think there is an issue at the end because of it though with the woman's dialogue having Daphne's face appear and disappear, I think the woman is not Daphne since she lets you on the train for free and I doubt Daphne got a job that fast. But it might be to hard to fix and its my fault this issue arose. Well just wanted to say you made this update even better then it was previously! Only negative I have is the lack of repeating dates, seems like a great idea to be nice to the girls, maybe not this update but in the next one if possible?


I didn't download the last version because I was too busy, then forgot. Then I figured I may as well just wait till this version. I really hope I can still use those saves from two versions ago XP


Anywhere else i can get obsidian than quests and maze im stuck i completed the maze (i think) and the tavern needs an upgrade to do quests again and i dont have a single piece of obsidian left


Glad you liked it batman. And yeah there's always a bunch of little things which could use some more time and fixing. Currently we're just happy as long as nothing truly breaks down : )


Lol, yeah that's always an "exciting" part when we're testing the new versions.


Hi Im a new patreon and wanted to download the game but the download in the link wont work is there another way


Hmm odd. If you happen to have another browser I'd say try it with that, but I'll send you a pm with a different personal link.


So I'm not sure if I am the only one having this issue, but I've tried to download via Google Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge and none of them start the download, anyone know how to fix?


Hey MITY, tried the public version you set out months ago, loved to see what else you added in your updates to the game when I subbed recently, but the link you posted to just refreshes the page. Thought it was a pop-up issue, but it wasn't the case, any suggestions or is the link slightly faulty?


Hey MITY, tried the public version you set out months ago, loved to see what else you added in your updates to the game when I subbed recently, but the link you posted to just refreshes the page. Thought it was a pop-up issue, but it wasn't the case, any suggestions or is the link slightly faulty?


I'm also encountering the same issues as Cross177 and a few others have above.


I just tried it myself using chrome , which worked fine. However edge and firefox were a different story. I'll go take a deeper look. I also sent you a pm.


I have a question about save file. If I start newer one how can I load save files of older version? (I live in non English speaking country so may be there's an error of grammar and wrong selected vocabulary. anyway I really like your works!)


Trying to download through all engines, i click download does not start just refreshes the page


I've noticed some trouble now too when I didn't use Chrome. I just sent you a pm about it.


Yeah I'm also constantly having this issue as well


So I'm having the same problem, i cant seem to download it.


I am a supporter and getting that stupid download portal, nothing is working, no browser neither in Linux nor Windows. ò.O Please help!


So it seems our filehost has changed something which suddenly messes with the downloads. That sucks. I'm uploading the links to an alternative, but my upload speed is far less than optimal, please give me 20 minutes(hopefully less) to have the alternative ready.


I've been having some troubles with it too today. Not sure why, but I uploaded an alternative link


For some reason Chrome did work for me, but other browers gave me grief all of a sudden. Strange. I added some links which hopefully will be a good alternative.


That happens automatically. The save are located in two place, One of them is NOT the game folder, so if you install the new version you should be able to access your savegames from the earlier version automatically.


Okay, I pm'd the filehost and they immediately fixed the problem. Apparently they updated their server endpoints and forgot to clear their caches. They had it fixed within the minute I pm'd them about it so that was pretty nice!


oh that was great! I don't need to prepare or load something. thanks for your answer.

David Howe

i am still getting the glitches from the bug hunt edition


it wont work with me it says something is missing