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___________ 3rd update (7 Dec) below_____

I have some good news! The coder is better again and has sent me a test build today. I've been playing it as much as I can, trying to find as many problems as possible but mostly focusing on bugs which can prevent the player from progressing in the story since those are the most annoying.

Unfortunately it has more than it's usually amount of game breaking bugs at this stage. We'll need to track down and solve the ones we already know of first before we can have the bughunters sink their teeth in this build.

We're going to fix the most important problems as quickly as we can and try to send out the bughunt version to the  highest tiers on Saturday(possibly very late). If all goes well and the bughunters won't find any other seriously broken stuff we can use the following days  to add some polish and remove as many glitches as we can. We'll send it to the early access crowd afterwards.

Sorry for the delay everyone. We dislike those as much as anyone else out there, but things are finally moving forward again!

__________older update below_______

Hey guys, the coder got back to me and it's pretty much what I expected. Instead of doing the smart thing the first time around, which is staying in bed until he was really better(and not just less sick) he played craps with his health and the house won. 

I did tell him to eat some chicken soup and go to bed early until he really got it out of his system when he wrote me, but sometimes he's just too stubborn for his own good. I can understand that mindset, but it's just not the smart thing to do in this case.

He's actually already giving me estimations about when he thinks he'll be able to get things done... while also admitting he's still alternating between feeling bad and good.  I might have laughed a bit when reading that but less with joy and more with a feeling of resignation.  This is how I replied:

"NO. you get better(for real) and THAN you can start giving me estimations again."

Of course while repeating my earlier advice. Unfortunately I can't hold art "hostage" since he already has what he needs, but I hope I was stern enough for a chance to let sanity sink in.

So that's how things are right know.  No surprise weekend release which I was still secretly fantasizing about. But if the coder takes the rest he needs, things should go back to normal soon.  


That's it for now. If things change I'll let you know! 

_______________original update below_______________

Hey guys, artist here with a none art update.

This month was supposed to be our glorious return to keeping the new build releases within the month and we tried really hard to make it happen without cutting out parts. Well, we didn't cut out parts and that wouldn't have been a problem if the coder hadn't picked up something which is stronger than his hand sanitizer. I never use hand sanitizer and so far I've turned out to be a lot less prone to viruses than him   ...hmmmm....

Anyway, I haven't heard from him since his last update(and I've been checking my email like a madman the last few  days), which means he's either burying himself in work and trying to at least get the bughunt version ready today.... or he didn't take being sick serious enough and had a relapse. I'm starting to suspect it's the latter because he'd typically have let me know what's going on by now if he could.

I haven't been feeling entirely healthy either lately, but it's nothing compared to what the coder picked up.  I could talk more about this, but I'm actually writing this update for one important reason. So let's get to that.

I wanted to write this update to let  you know we'll pm the early access build(and the bughunt version) to the November patrons once those are ready. This way, even if you aren't a patron anymore in December or change your tier next month, you will still get what you were supposed to get in November. Of course we'll also do the normal posts with links, but anyone who takes a month off (December is an expensive month after all) won't be left hanging.

While I'm at it, let's also do a little December talk. Seeing as how we're having a hard time staying on schedule (sickness or not) there's no way we can get a full blown build together in December for obvious reasons. We do want to release something and like always we'll make it the best we can, but more than likely it will be smaller than you're used of us. 


I've finished enough material to possibly fill another normal build, but I'm not going to entice the coder by sending everything his way in one go. He'll just end up wanting to use it all regardless of the time left. If he has an opportunity to add more I will send more his way naturally.

Speaking of the new stuff I've been working on, I'm actually really(like reaaaally) happy with how some of it turned out and almost sad I can't just bury the coder with all of it at once and see his reaction to it.

Well, there you have it. I still have a slight hope the coder will pop up today and tell us he's finished work on the build, but whether he does or not you don't have to be concerned about getting the build once it's ready regardless of your tier status in December.

Despite this less than positive update I'd still like to wish you all a great weekend and the second I have some new information I'll update this post!





An actual status update! Who are you and what did you do to the real MITY?! kappa


I don't know about how everyone else feels but I would be happy with missing builds for December to allow you guys to catch up and rest ectr


no worry you health is tghe importand thing of have, i wish you good luck for your healthy


get well soon! it can wait!


I hope you both get better soon! Take it easy.


Too much hand sanitizer can actually weaken your immune system. Try taking a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar every morning and night. I do that when I’m sick and it really helps clear it up!


There are a weird sickness in all the world see the news on internet, I hope yours co workers are responsible because this project is no a "game" please considerate have a backup plan because LOYALTY is very lack in this generation.


Thanks! The coder is pretty stubborn, but I hope he'll take the necessary steps to make sure he'll regain his health.


Thanks! That's pretty much what I told the coder too ; )


I'm doing pretty good now(artist). I was in that phase were it can either go away or turn into a fullblown thing. The coder absolutely needs his chicken soup and rest though!


That's what I was thinking too(hand sanitizer). I'll tell the coder about the appe cider vinegar thing. Even if it won't help him now it's something he might benefit from for the next time.


Tell that bastard to rest up haha you all mean a lot and your healths mean a lot too.


Hey man as long you provide me with lewds don't worry about how long it takes. :)


No seriously. Tell him to rest. It would be terrible if his health really hit the shitter if he just wanted to work one more day


Chill out, get better. I can fap in sickness and in health.


It's fine, I can wait! To me its just something expected from a hard worker lol


just take your time with it, i dont want to fap to stuff that was made through harming oneself.


God added too much impatience to the mix, when he made me. Somebody, shoot me.


cant without your adress, give it and i will be there in a jify


For December just make a Christmas 4 some with the girls and avatar and we will be happy! Short and Sweet ;p


Yeah, I would love to see more of the yellow haired poster girl. Or maybe Korra teaser. 😄


Are you okay? Need some spirit water?


So when is the update? Next month?


I've been meaning to ask you. In the game I've collected some crabs in the battle arena thing, but they don't show up as they aren't listed or anything. It's just been the one crab I had from the start


Soon! We're busy preparing the bughunt version currently and that should be ready tomorrow(possibly very late that day). The early access version will be released about three days later .


We tried some apple vinegar cider instead : ) ..... it might help, but god does it taste awful.


You'll have to withdraw them first in the "manage your crabs" menu option since they aren't automatically added after you caught them.


you know, I'd love to get these kind of updates more often. Maybe once every 2 weeks or something. Just to keep us posted and satisfied. I really feel more connected to the project with these last 3 updates :x


Thanks for the heads-up. Glad that the coder is feeling better.


I actually like doing these smaller sort of hey-this-is-what's-going-on updates too, but when things are going as planned there's usually not much interesting to write about and I'm afraid people will quickly start becoming bored with them. Still, the amount of upvotes your comment is getting tells me we should consider doing more of those anyway.


Thank you and so are we! The coder is a pretty tough cooky, but only when it comes to things bigger than 400 nanometres ; )


Just mentioning that things are going acording to plan is enough information. Just keeping in touch is more than enough. If you're comfortable with it you may even want to talk about a certain topic. Maybe your thoughts on a new game or whatever.


Imo they should skip December alltogether and focus on the January update instead.


Hahaha! Okay, I'll admit, my knowledge about this particular field isn't going to cut it during any sort of exam : )