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Shit is coming aloooooong. Weiners are going into places and places are going onto/near weiners. All of the art is finished, the outline is finished, and most of the writing is finished. I'm getting the code up in there all fancy, and working on the dialogue, and the build should be coming along to the playtesters soon. 

Both the artist and myself (coder) have had a few days of sickness (it's virus season my dudes, I hope you're all washing your hands), but I got through a fever last night and am out the other side hacking mucus but otherwise working great. 

We're feeling really pleased with how it's turning out (but we usually are, 'cause we really try!), and hope it hits sweet spots. Or G spots. Aw yeah.

Stay posted, it's right at the tail-end of development!




Glad you’re feeling better, I recommend white tea (maybe even ginger if you can stomach it) and those white halls.


Is book 3 nearly done? When is book 4 expected to be done?


Calm down there Mack, they probably just have an outline of that story at the moment. They're working hard to give us the best they can. :)


Yeah, I thought so. The project is pretty freaking good. Let MITY take it as a compliment. (:

Cliff Hanger

Yes, looking forward to Book 3 being done and seeing what you do with Book 4.


Book 3 has about 1-2 updates left, book 4 is over a year down the road


Here is the news I love!


so this will be a christmas update? I hope you pack it nicely^^

Kuzuha Chan

I'm so bored today, wish i could play the new version :D