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The official early access version! There are 8-9 new scenes in this build, woo! The spoiler log is right behind this post if you want the sexy details before you play through (or afterwards, to make sure you did everything that was available).

I’ve sent the latest files to the artist so he can create the android version, but that might take a day or two extra because of time differences (and his upload speed is poop), etc...

Also, we’re finally back on schedule! Awwwwwwwwwwwww yeah.

The links to the build are below. Enjoy!


Mac Version

PC Version



Is it just the additions made to Tophs BJ scene in 0.7.4c ?


0.7.4c has everything added in 0.7.4 and 0.7.4b, which were the bughunt (playtester) versions.

Mog Moogle

I was just about to go to sleep... turning on my pc 😋


You have two options. Option one: I hug you and you like it. Option two: I hug you and make you like it.


Mity, found a small bug. floating eyes outline over Toph's head during conversation 14/16. can send screen cap if requested.


Wow can not believe you added that to the blowjob scene gonna complain about more stuff now in hopes of getting what I want. Why do I not have a million dollars, why can't I live rent free, why can't I eat what ever I want with out gaining weight. But seriously though thank you for that addition you did not have to but it was very much appreciated.


Glad you liked it! We can't fulfill every request (we're only human), but we take suggestions very seriously - especially ones that might appeal to a lot of people. And it was a good one!

Josh Spicer

Is it just me or did this art style just get a massive upgrade?

Kuzuha Chan

@ Mity: Where to find more "panties", in case you "wasted" the available for "informations"? :D Btw: Nice that a dialog choice actually affects the accessable scenes. Even its just Bonus ^^ You know where i mean.

Toxic FX

amazing i cant wait to start playing i love this game so much thanks MITY


Um your Mega account seems to be missing


"The account that created this link has been terminated due to multiple violations of our Terms of Service."


Hope it fixes up soon I was so excited to play this update

David Howe

account seems to be deleted hope to get to play shortly


Seems there is no download for PC right now


Yep PC download link is down


Is there any where else we can download this for PC?


Anyone have the new version who could upload it?


So... does anyone have the game? Cause the link just tells me the game was taken down.


Seems MEGA doesn't like us. We're looking into alternative file-sharing sites.


Great! My computer stops working for less than 24 hours and MEGA chooses NOW to ban you guys??? Bullsh*t!


New links are up, let us know if there are any issues.


New June stuff : 2nd anti-hypnosis scene > she sits with the madam skirt, then gets up to undress but she's wearing her normal robe/pants and then naked, might be missing a frame/wrong image used. 3rd scene uses the same wrong image, guess coder slept on that 1


i wasnt able to download it using firefox it just said that the browser was not fully supported so i had to use chrome instead


What consequences do the public options have when doing scams?


is there a walkthrough or some kind?


Ah, something i can dive into today! Thanks Mity!


MITY your amazing this is a great update! Cant help feeling Katara needs some more love though....


Don't need 1, all the books play the same : talk to girl, do stuff to raise stats/likeability, pron, talk to girl, raise stats, do pron, repeat till you finish a route


I can't seem to download the new version. Does the new link require a specific browser?


Hey Mity I love your stuff. But this Sync service is pretty awful.


There's always something which slips through : ( But thanks for mentioning it. We have a bunch of other small stuff which we discovered(were told of) after releasing the early access version which we'll slowly but surely get rid of.


I think we can safely conclude our alternative filehost isn't that good and needs to be reconsidered (strongly!)


(artist here) coder hasn't told me yet but it'll probably come into play at the end of the route.


Great to hear you enjoyed it. And yeah katara could use some more love, but you know.... time and a shit ton of other girls plus some story considerations are at play here. We do have some more planned though.


Chrome should work. Sorry for having you mess around like this. I'll look into putting up a new mega link.


We've been hearing that from more people. I added an alternative mega link. Not sure whether they'll hold but anyone having trouble with the sync ones can try something else now.


Thank You! Sorry that must have been a real pain to deal with.


Heya, so this includes the Slave route, right? Since the slave route has this option as well but you can't really do much with it?


I love the laughter you added. Looking forward to more little voice acting like that. Some high pitched moaning would be nice too.


What does +1 public do or is it an idea on hold for the moment