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Once again, don't let the title deceive you, this is just me opening my mouth and seeing what comes out.

First of all, the last few weeks I'm starting to see the coder/writer slowly return to his former state of enthusiasm and energy levels. This means he is starting to "bother me" with extra requests and ideas once more, throwing a wrench into my schedule.... and I love it. 

Seriously, I like it a lot better when he's making unreasonable requests and coming up with new ideas than just following along a preset path while having low energy levels. I guess I won't have to  stop sending him art and force him to take a break after all. Well, for now. Let's see how things progress over time.

Besides being happy having to deal with the coder's growing wish-list I've also learned an important lesson. Again. This is the number one lesson I keep forgetting and have to relearn each damn month.  I don't expect that will ever change. 

Basically I need to focus on what I'm doing and try to make it as good as I can. Instead I've been drawing while thinking about the other stuff I haven't finished yet and how much time I have for scene X and when I should start with scene Y etc. I end up working faster because I'm trying to finished the list as fast as possible and end up with art I'm not happy with (and end up having to redo.)  So basically, stressing myself out when there's really no need to.

Part of it is me giving in to a bad habit, the other part is wanting to give you guys a good bit of new content for each build. And like I said before, I'm a stubborn but slow drawer. In the end I've been reworking some things and finally started to get back into a good mindset again.

And just to be clear, since we released the latest early acces build on the 14th of this month we're 100% aiming to get the new one finished on the 14th or earlier. There was a time when we could pride ourselves in a more or less steady monthly release(with exceptions) and we'd really like to make that a habit again.

So redoing a few scenes took me some time, but I ended up with something I like instead of a "well this has to do for now". Personally I'd love to take a month for each scene and load it up with all sorts of extra options, but we have a story to progress in and a shit-ton of characters to give attention.

The new maze parts are getting some new content too so despite me being able to use the art I made during the slave route there's still enough to keep me busy filling up the new tunnels.

Right now I'm busy working on a Smellerbee scene. This one won't make it in the next build so anyone hoping to see her soon, sorry! We have some nice stuff and surprises for the next build, but not a full blown new scene with her yet.

A personal concern of mine, which I haven't talked much about with the coder, is the constantly increasing amount of files we work with. I'm not talking about the fact I need to properly name my files (or they disappear forever in the black hole which is my hdd). No, it's the fact the game is taking a bit longer to load with each new build. 

The sofware we use apparently loads everything in one go at the beginning so naturally as the game grows, so do the loading times.

Our originally planned game had a fraction of the files we already have right now, but I'm starting to wonder what'll happen once we finish book 3. There's a lot of girls we can include in book 4 and I'm afraid it'll end up taking really long to load. That's not just annoying from the player's standpoint, but whenever the coder wants to test some changes he made it takes the game a while to load, increasingly slowing down the process of testing and adjusting.

If you ask me we'd probably be better off doing book 4 as a standalone while developing it and only add it to the main game once we've finished it at the very end.  

What do you think? Is loading the game already taking longer than you'd like or is it something you've barely noticed?

Well, I don't really have much else to mention right now besides we're doing our best to get you a worthwhile new build for FET(and on time!)

Oh and the gameplay video for "cyberpunk 2077" looks sick as fuck! Honestly,  I'm easily impressed but even if I weren't it still would look great.

That's all for now!




Actually I have noticed the longer load time, maybe it’s just my computer but it has been increasing ever so slightly each big update, though it isnt too long, and when loading a save file i’ve noticed that it stalls the game as well.


I'll be honest, I prefer quality over quantity for most things, and if you feel you need more time to get that one scene just right, I'm all for a delay to get it done. The last thing you want is to rush a scene to get it out the door on time, and have to go back at a later date to touch it up. As for loading times, I don't mind making it a separate thing altogether, in fact I kinda expected each arc to be a standalone piece in the first place. So if you think that's the best course of action, it might be a wise decision to take a month or two researching and breaking down each book into its own separate entity, especially since you don't really need a cross-over save file if you want to go from arc 1 - 3, or start at 2, etc..


I dont speak for everyone but i second Luke Pinter, Quality of quantity any day.


Just pointing out that it might be risky to show naked Toph, even behind the Patron-only paywall ....................................


Honestly I have really noticed anything wrong, from any of my playthroughs. I will say that you could offer to have each chapter as it's own thing and you could also offer a version that has all four chapters for those willing to deal with the load times.

Aeryn Monet

Doing it standalone is probably smart, small download size, faster load times, all around better, keeps the "Aang/Zuko" story firmly in a Book 1-3 much like the original avatar, leaving korra nicely separate until you finish the entire game


Gotta say for me personally, loading times have never been an issue, though I do know that some games tend to go down to a crawl at certain sizes. For testing purposes, making the book a standalone in order to test parts quickly certainly seems like the way to go - however, remember to make sure that the game will be easily implementable, not that you end up with a coded mess that is horribly difficult to integrate :pNevertheless, it's great to hear that you guys manage to get back to your old groove.


I haven't really noticed since I'm used to all my H games taking a few seconds to load.


Great to hear the coder is feeling more energetic. Haven't noticed any issues with load times.


It does take some time to load, but it doesn't bother me at all. I usually play at least an hour per session so i wouldn't mind it loading for 5 minutes even.


I haven't noticed any long load times


Everything is fine with the game. Just continue in the same spirit. Thanks you!


Loads fine on my slow Mac


i know this may sound weird but could we have less sexual moments in the love route so it matters more when it happends :)


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it. You're certainly right on the whole rushing out scenes often taking more time in the end. I need to put a postit on my monitor to keep reminding me of that : )


The difference is very noticeable when comparing the first build we ever made to the latest. Glad to hear you don't think it has reached annoying levels yet.


Hmmm, wouldn't want a silly pic like that to possibly ruin anything so I guess I'll cut out Toph just to be on the safe side. Thanks for mentioning it.


Yeah, there's definitely a thematic difference between book 1-3 and 4 so from that standpoint it'd make sense too.


We'd absolutely need to make sure any sort of integration afterwards wouldn't turn into a nightmare, but I think that's very doable as long you keep an eye out for such possible problems from the very start. Oh and yeah it's great to find that groo again :)


It's certainly also a matter of expectations. But happy to hear it's not a problem for you.


I'm happy it's not as bad as five minutes! If that were the case we'd have taken more rigorous measures a long time ago : )


I don't use a mac, but if it loads fine on what you consider to be a slow one that's good to hear.


Lol say wut now ?!? Nah, we understand what you mean, but we don't keep count and just try to make it all flow naturally (and with significance).




We'll do our best to do a bit of both, but we certainly don't just want to push out scenes just for the sake of an arbitrary number. Doing that zaps whatever energy I have !


Loads fine on my 5 year old Dell laptop


it works pretty fine for me hopefully we get an update soon


Lol! load times are fine. honestly one of the best Devs on the site. loving the updates on issues and progress.


do you usually give out the art update cover banners in the art assets files?


I'm really looking forward to the next update I love this game


I've noticed an increased loading time since the first book 1 builds I've played. To me, they are only a minor nuisance since I only have to wait through them once I play. Thinking about our poor coder friend, I argue for splitting book 4 from the main game during development. It doesn't deminish player-experience and whatever helps you guys helps the game as a whole.


Nah, I just felt this update could use something extra since it wasn't too interesting text-wise imo. That's why I added the pic.


And another notch on the "no problems"-side of our list. Thanks for letting us know!


Thanks. Keeping you guys in the loop is half of the fun!


We'll try our best make it an interesting one :) Thanks!


Keeping the player experience a strong one is our main concern. I don't think we'd ever want to tear apart book 1-3, but there's a good chance book 4 will be a pretty big one (no less than four seasons worth of female characters!) That could become a problem so we need to think about it before we reach that point. Thanks for your feedback!


Can't wait for book 4


I haven't noticed the load time much, if it does take longer is only by a little and doesn't really matter once I start playing. But do what makes things easier for you guys you don't need to stress out for something minor like that and you guys know what your doing we trust you

The Melon Man

If rather have one game that thanks a million for to load then seperate builds


I also don't have problems with load time, but I don't normally load it up more than once or twice a day ;) Programmers have to stick together, and if it's easier to develop on a standalone game, I say go for it. However, I have a condition: once every 3 months combine it into the full game. If anything, just to test and make sure it all works together. *Awaits the incoming hate* For me personally, during this "beta" phase I've only been playing the most recent book anyway. However, I can see most people playing a couple different ones, and it would be good to keep it all together. Especially if it's not feasible to incorporate the code easily.


im also for one game, load time doesnt bother me at all to be honest


TLDR: make book 4 separate, don't worry about 1-3, and maybe put a choose-your-own-background for book 4 to have continuity between them. In case no one mentioned it, have you considered a "backstory builder" to have at the beginning of book 4, so that it is a separate game, but when you hit new game, you can go through a number of choices to represent your play through of books 1-3? Pretty much like dragonagekeep.com an example being like Book 1: Slave route or love route? How many times did Kitara walk? <2, 10ish, >20. Was her reputation maxed? Things like that, you could go as in depth as needed for references or plot devices, or just do a couple simple ones as they would pertain to the spirits.


it can be possible to do that automaticly with the save file of the old game no ?


I have had a difference in load time, but only when I open up a save file that I haven't played in a while. And even then, it's just a few seconds. Maybe an extra one or two for the cursor to start moving. As for a separate book 4, it's a tough decision. Korra is its whole own series, so you could probably make an entire game focused on it, but since I have no idea what you guys have planned for the story, I can't know what would be better. The game's been great so far, so I'd say just go with your gut. You've done a amazing job so far!


In essence we agree with that entirely, it's just that we might be able to make a far better next book if we can skip having to deal with some of the drag the earlier books will put on it. Nonetheless thanks for telling us what you'd prefer.


Keeping tabs on it's compatability with the earlier books by doing some in between "melding" does sound like the smart thing to do. Well, we haven't decided yet and we'll probably do a lot of experimenting before we truly decide on a course. Thanks for your feedback!


Good to hear those don't bother you. Thanks for letting us know.


Hahaha, thanks! Well, honestly we'll be doing a loooot of thinking on this before we'll make a decision.


Thanks everyone for letting us know where you stand on the time it takes to load the game and book 4. It's not an easy issue for us to take a decision on(and we'll keep thinking on it) but getting a feel of the general opinion does help.

Kuzuha Chan

The game is like a Jet engine. Needs time to warm up, but then gives full power :D


I don't like the visuals of 2077 tbh.


That 2077 mention. Pure precognition. Good job! Would you mind telling me where I can find the genie that gave you those powers?