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If you've been following us for awhile you'll know all about the ever elusive android version. To give you a small summary, the coder has never been able to get it working and although I sometimes have, it was always with a lot of problems. I'm just an artist who can sometimes push the right buttons by accident it seems. Anyway, things weren't different with my latest attempt, but damn it...  it looks like I got something which actually works once again!

I swear to god I always feel like one of those 100 monkeys working on 100 typewriters working for a 100 years. But whenever I get something to work it feels like a major victory.

Soooo... here's the android version of 0.7.1c!  I made some buttons bigger for easier navigation on smaller screens and the dream memory game (during your time on ember island) has bigger orbs. It was unplayable on my phone otherwise.

I also included a bigger menu button during the conversations so you can use that to save your game if for whatever reason your android device has trouble getting into the menu any other way. I tried some alternatives, but there was always a moment in the game where those caused problems with some of our minigames.

This build contains the first two books and the slave route for book 3. The start of book 3's love route is there as well, but it's mainly there because I was afraid I'd break the game when removing it. The main aim for the android builds is giving you finished routes to play through.  Link below!

Android version of 0.7.1c 



RNGesus has shown us favour with this new blessing of an Android build. Thank you very much.


MITY team u make me happy! And i hope that everything is fine with you.


MITY, i would contribute more if I could! Thank you very much!


Hahaha! Yeah, getting this to work sometimes feels like rolling a dice. But I get to roll as many times as I want so that helps. We're happy to see we have at least a few people who were waiting for this to happen :)


You're one of the old guard, pretty much supporting us from the beginning NuttyTree. That's more than enough for us at whatever tier that might be, so Thank YOU!

Booom313's Support Corner

OH i didn't know you had so much trouble making these ports, if you want some help with some stuff my inbox is always open. :P Btw did you add movement controlls to the crab arena in day 3? if not send me a pm i've a working version if you want it :P