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Hiya folks! 

Back with a bag of ramblings for you to shake your head at. I call it an art update offically, but we all know what this has turned into..   a whatever-comes-across-my-mind post.  I'll try and keep it within bounds.

First of all, mosquitos are horrible, horrible little creatures when they decide to suck your blood near or on one of your knuckles. I can deal with it pretty much anywhere except there.

Okay let's talk art. I've been making some slow but nice progress these last weeks. Slow isn't really a major problem because I just keep going till whatever I needed finished is finished. But sometimes things just flow and other times you really have to work at it.

One of the two biggest hurdles I had to take is the change in hardcore levels. At the end of a route you pretty much can and need to draw mostly full on intercourse scenes. I like those the best because... well, I'm a major pervert and those are just a ton of fun to draw.


When you start out again with a new route it's more geared towards the opposite of that. Especially the love route. I like doing the love route a lot. It's just that I'd like it even more when I can really cut loose again.  Not to worry, I got to work on at the very least one  scene without any restrictions. I really like this one myself and it isn't even a Joo Dee scene!(I made up for that "lack" during some of my warmup sketching)  

So that was hurdle one. What about the second? Well in an effort to get stuff to the coder as fast as I could I left in some temp art which looked bad. I didn't tell him that and he liked it anyway or more likely figured out it was temp stuff by himself and decided it wasn't worth mentioning. 

Anyway, I made a mental note of it as something I needed to get back to later, but I think it was bothering me on a subconscious level because I just couldn't get into things anymore after that. I didn't even realize it myself until I finally redid the art. I was cleaning up some files I had been working on and decided to tackle some of the temp art. After finishing those it pretty much cleared up the fluff in my brain and things went a lot smoother again.

I'm a simple soul really. If I do a drawing which I feel is good, I'm having a good day. When it's something I don't like, I'm having trouble letting it go and drag it along with me, secretly fearing I must have forgotten how to draw. that's me in a nutshell alright.

Talking about simple... while drawing I mostly listen to music or simple stuff which doesn't demand too much of my attention. Compared to the coder I do have the advantage I can listen to slightly more complicated stuff while working. He's someone who listens a lot to instrumental music.  I have no idea whether this applies to other artists, but I can't draw and listen intently to a conversation or a lecture etc while drawing. Not unless I want to realize I've stopped working after five minutes and started listening instead. 

Some simple coloring or inking allows me to listen more and not stop working, but not the actual drawing part. So basically listening to music is best. I have a pretty varied taste in music but I tend to go for the harder/louder stuff. The coder has a tendency to go for the more easy listening stuff. But even only listening to music all the time can become boring so anything which doesn't rely too much on an active listener can also work.  Things like short funny stories which you can drop in and out of usually work well.

I used to listen to Bill Burr's(a standup comedian) podcast a lot, but kinda stopped doing that. 

I do think he's pretty funny so if this is the first time you've heared about him and you're looking for something new, give him a try. I always completely zone out when he starts talking about sports though.

Back to FET. We're going to introduce a few new girls in the love route with a veeery limited amount of screen time. You only see them for a very short time in the cartoon itself and they are meant to have the same amount of exposure in the game. However, depending on the reaction of you guys we'll decide whether to expand on them a bit more or not. When working on their idles a scene immediately popped up in my mind for them, but like I said we'll see what the general reaction is to them.

I pretty much finished what we have planned for the new build, but I'll happily chug along and try to add as much as possible to that in case the coder sees a chance to work in more stuff. With the exception for last minute changes, I try to be at least two weeks in advance of what he needs so he won't have to wait on me. 

Things are moving along and hopefully we can bring you a great start of book 3's love route once the time is there. Btw. the raffle winners have been contacted so check your pm box if you haven't already in the last week or so. 

Finally something I drew this week because.... I have no idea really. I just started some warmup sketching and before I knew it I ended up with this.

Generally, my warmup sketches look absolutely nothing like this. I figured it might get a chuckle out of some of you guys. so I'm including it here.

I'll also try and see if I can reply to some comments in earlier updates(this one too of course).I'm afraid we've been singly focused on the new build to the point of seriously neglecting anything else.

That's it for now.  Talk to ya'all later(or in the comments)!




Brandon Navarro

If mity finally adds smellerbee that just means they finally ascended into god hood

Steven Pennesi

Will there be more for Joo Dee i like her?


Hopefully we get some Ursa action/impregnation. Fingers crossed, keep up the good work!


Don't know about that godhood thing, but we do aim to please :)

Kuzuha Chan

Morty, look at me, i'm a pervert !! Thanks Mity. Can't wait for the update and to bring love'n'protein to the Ba Sing Se <3


We don't actually have anything like that planned for Ursa, but a scene winner can always make the call it should be. Personally I have no problem with mature ladies receiving extra (the way Kuzuha chan described it)... love'n'protein : )


Please add more Joo Dee. Even if it's just an extra sex scene with her and the Avatar. I just LOVE Joo Dee!


More Smellerbee, that's all we need!


Yay, love route is coming!


make more with ty lee


Thanks for the update, Mity! I was missing a post here badly! : )


Looking forward to the love route


I'm with the others, more smellerbee would be cool. As for the future. I'm kinda worried. After this book, only air (assuming korra) is next. There is so much story and girls to fit it only a single book. Korra, Asami, Jinora, ikki, lin beifong, suyin beifong, opal, pema, eska, julee, senna, kya, and if you want some variety there's firelord Izumi, p'li and minghua (love her).

Kuzuha Chan

Lin and Suyin :D I think thats more "granny" category than "girl" category ^^

Christian Jarp

Have you listened to Jimmy Carr? He is one funny Brit


I'd be very surprised If I can't get the writer to add some more Joo Dee fun.


Considering Ty Lee's popularity we probably could get away with an extra book where the player would need to master acrobatics : )


I wrote these kind of things every week at the start of FET and still am happy enough when I see a chance to put in an update, but yeah they've been slipping behind as the scope of things were growing.


I've been following along, but haven't played since you finished Book 2 (I find it frustrating to have to stop and wait for a month mid game!). Is it "safe" to pay Book 3 on the slave route? Is it basically done? Re, music: As a coder, I have a similar problem. I can listen to instrumentals or music I've heard a ton of times, provided it isn't too lyrical. (For example, I'm a fan of Eminem but I can't listen to his stuff while working since it requires too much attention. But I could listen to, say, 70s rock and it doesn't distract me.) There is no way I could listen to a podcast or comedy bit while coding.


Let me be so free to answer. Yes, Book 3 slave route is finished and playable from beginning to start. I'd assume there'll be a few tweaks here and there, but you won't hit a "Under Development" wall.


If you’re looking for cool music to listen to, i’d recommend Ghost. They’re an experience, that’s for sure.


Also I'm really in need of some obsidian to finish upgrading everything but I think I hit every clickable spot to get it, and I didn't choose to upgrade the tavern so I can't do quests. Am I just shit outta luck?


A friend of mine was constantly telling me to listen to Ghost a few months back and I finally did so two weeks ago. Pretty nice stuff! the lyrics are... eh not very mainstream : ) but I like 'em.


Not sure, you might be, I think the coder made it so the skull candle gives an extra one if revisited. If that doesn't work send us a pm and we'll into it some more.


really hoping for jinora

Kuzuha Chan

Hoping for Jinora and Ikki, and hopefully not with overly exceeded growings at some point, if u know what i mean :P


Need to add obsidian to the shady vendor as I've clicked on every possible spot and done quests the best way but dont have enough obsidian to upgrade tavern or hospital to max... maybe next update add buyablr obsidian but make it a price that needs grinding for like 300 gold at least


My only wish is to Korra have abs

Aquis Hyperion

Nothing but love for this it's been very enjoyable excited to see future developments and characters!


i would like to see korra pregnant like slave pregnant


Guys, please if you can try to support this creator too, because she's creating a really epic new game, with lots of foot fetish, butt stuff &amp; everything you probably dreamed of in a new 3D rpg world, I know I shouldn't promote another creators game on another creators page, but this game just needs this exception because it's really is great. Just $5,- would really help her out to create this epic new rpg. Find the trailer here: <a href="https://www.deviantart.com/fwfs" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.deviantart.com/fwfs</a> &amp; the patreon page here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/FWFS.">https://www.patreon.com/FWFS.</a> I'm just a fan and want to see this game become great too though.


Going through the game again, and I love everything. But I have an off question is the Love route for Azula basically a bad end? Or I am missing something here?

Josh Spicer

I mean, all the love routes in the Fire Nation should end with you beating the Snake Lady and being flown away by the Spirit Lady.


As we approach the end of the month, I'd like to proclaim my hype for the beginning of the next round. It is awesome to see how far you've come by making your own, outstanding game which gets better with every new release.


When is the next update?


It's not a real end, but I'd certainly not call it good if you don't want her to assume full controle over you.


Heh :) as much as we feel happy you're looking forward to the next build so much, please don't overhype yourself into a possible disappointment. We'll always give it our best, but that's not something without limits.


So I was wondering if you were taking a vacation or if we would have our release at the end of the month. Yay to the release. That being said. I do encourage you all in the team to have a vacation! :-)


Don't worry, MITY. Think I follow this game for long enough now (actually way longer than I pledge) too know what to expect. I'm just excited to see what direction you will go with the love route. My hype is about the differences and the expectations you'll build. Much love, guys!


Hello everyone. Where can I find Ty Lee. She didn't show up? Thanks


I mean, when you subjugate her in the Zuko route, rather go with Mai.


Will the new update release today? :-)


31.07.2018 Sooo, still waiting

Kuzuha Chan

Patience is a virtue


Excuse me can you tell me what is the latest playable version of the game and what level of patreon do I need to download it?


Current version would be 0.6.13e, which is the end of Book 3 slave route. You need to pledge 5$ per month to get the release (which you might already be doing, not sure when you get to see and comment on the Art Updates).


thanks what happens is that I am new and I only have level one, you can tell me if version 0.6.13e is the one that follows the 0.6.11c that is at the beginning of the page to change my level


Nevermind, I'm dumb. I gotta hit the tower after that's done.


Yeah, I can't listen to any sort of speech/lecture/etc while working on something that requires any level of focus. I can do my job at work while holding a conversation, but say read a book while listening to the news? Not gonna happen.