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From now on I'm calling it a spoiler log instead of a changelog. Until I change my mind? Here you go!

Spoiler log:

  • Added Obsidian in multiple places (headless statue, maze skull, tavern quests, etc)
  • Upgrade your house
  • Upgrade tavern
  • Upgrade hospital
  • Jin hypno sessions
  • Jin sex
  • Chibi Naga titjob
  • Skye, Ty Lee, Suki anal
  • Jin blowjob and sex (3 versions)
  • Toph rockbound blowjob
  • Katara handjob
  • New maze section with story and decisions
  • Ajala anal/vaginal sex
  • Naga story battle
  • Group handjob and sex
  • Toph flying final sex
  • June blowjob
  • Poppy Beifong sex
  • JooDee pregnant sex
  • Tylee blowjob added to brothel
  • Earth king and route's story ending
  • Real-time tavern quests
  • Character closure, including Iroh




When will it release?


The bug test version has squashed most, if not, all of the bugs, so it shouldn't be too long


Getting to fuck Toph's mom? From the moment I looked upon your visage, I knew that you were my nigga.


Does this version have the love route?


So how we impregnanted Joo Dee??? My friend creampied her continously and nothing happen..


That mean the love/slave storyline end? HOLY SHET YOU ARE A MIRACLE MY NIGA!


MITY I love you. No matter you are one guy or several.


I see you added that wonderful bit from canon. The badass boast to Long Feng was nice too


He was download on other site.. and he is playing 13b now..


how to get poopy beifong sex scene?


when u follow the main story line it will appear by itself


i am in the end of the slave route but i can't unlock tylee blowjob. How can u do it ? Ty


Thank you for all your hard work. Top 1 game in my list!


Can someone explain to me how to get out of the dead end tunnel toph drops you in im at a comeplete loss. I cant progress the route anymore.

Tom Mettner

can't seem to find the "Group handjob and sex" scene, where is that?


progress with the naga and toph story, it pops up towards the end


You have to find the Snake things. One is at the lower right hallway in the wall, you have to click on it i think. You have to light up the two eyes and the second time you do it, a second pathway opens at the other end of the main tunnel.

John Hamilton

I've done everything I can find, but don't know how to activate the third option when talking to Ty Lee. All I see is the Balance Ball scene and the Hole in the Wall scene. There's a third one blanked out. What do I need to do to get that one?


How long will it take to update


i can't find enough obsidian to upgrade everything, got the one from the skull and upgraded the hospital fully bur now i can't find more. so problem is i'm stuck with the progress on jin and can't do the quests because i'm not able to upgrade without obsidian. is there a full list of where to find those?


We don't have a list, but here's some hints which may help you along. If you haven't yet, look in the wooden crate in the badgermole tunnels. Revisit the candleskull. The headless serpent statue has some and play the tavern quests.


It's our special reward for people who have defeated Iroh in crab battle several times. We also included the same scene into our april fools game which is a fair bit easier to finish. We did that so everyone who really doesn't like the crabbattles can still get to see it.


We simply couldn't leave that part out no matter what!


Always great to hear people like the game. Thanks!


Is there any 'love route' content for book 3 already?


How do I have sex with Jin?


Have you already gotten a blowjob from her? If so, keep hypnotizing her, talk to her insult/get her naked and visit ajala once that's said during the hypno sessions.


Nope, this update just finished the slave 1, they'll start the love route in the coming updates


Figured it out thanks!


hey guys, I saw several images of this scene with Mai but I have never seen it in the game. How to unlock it please? Thank you for your work :) <a href="https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/24/4/1528935111-1496432923189.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/24/4/1528935111-1496432923189.jpg</a>

Anthony Michelli

Upgrading the tavern completely didn't seem to unlock June's blowjob. Or is that done in an entirely different way?


It's under the slave route. When you keep visiting the shop at night after a few times that happens. It's not a full scene as far as i know.


When I talk to ajala after the games says i have to talk to her to further hypnothise jin, the option to discuss that doesnt appear. more people with this problem?


I'm also having this bug. Can't progress with the Jin line of quests. No dialogue option when I go to Ajala.


Can’t find any obsidian I got the ones from the quests and the skull but the statue is not giving me any an suggestions

The Melon Man

No matter what, I can't get jin to do anything besides strip. I went to ajala and she said nothing, it just says( I should do something else while I wait.)


For version 0.6.13e I encountered a few different bugs nothing to major though. 1: After ajala when you have confronted Long Feng and have defeated the guard, when he is saying "This... This can't be" his closed eyes graphic, is on the right of the screen, not over his actual eyes. 2: When you knock out ajala when visiting her it is a black background, not sure if its supposed to be that, or some cave background. 3: When going to talk with toph, and it has the option of "give master what he needs" this is before Poppy is available, but after I have helped katara with the hospital, and after I have faced long feng and before the naga thing. toph still says that "you should speak with katara", even though I have already talked with her. 4: I can talk to june, fuck or thigh, and it stays day time, so can continue that cycle and constantly get her tips for the day, by talking to her multiple times by doing that fuck. However if I load the save after I have talked to her, then it recognizes that I have talked before, and prevents me from talking to her until the next day. 5: Also in the quests, I was able to get to the 10 minute quest for obsidian before I had finished all the others. and I was able to get to the avatar quest before I had finished all of the others. However after completing the avatar quest it said I had completed all the quests. Not sure if that is what the desired action for any of these tavern stuff are though. 6: There is one other section, but cant remember where, I think it did not show sokka ? or joodee ? or some character image, even though they had conversation going. I would have to go back and try to find what person it happened to later on. That was all the bugs I found so far, but overall it seemed like a good update. I should probably start from the very beginning again to look for more minute bugs, but that is just the most recent stuff.


I wish there was a checklog or something in game, I think I've found most of the new updates but I'm unsure if the group sex is the one involving the brothel girls (Anal only). Besides that, awesome update! The pregnant JooDee one got to me, kinda hoped to see more preggos but I'm glad I got what I got. Awesome work, guys!


Excellent list! Thanks! We've been fixing some "leftover" bugs these last few days and the ones you mentioned certainly deserve to be among them. I'm also happy to see you haven't found anything cripling.


Thanks ayydrill, the anal only brothel scene is the one we meant when talking about the group sex. The pregnant JooDee scene is something you have a scene ticket winner's request to thank for, but honestly we might even have added that one if he hadn't asked for it : )


Really good update ! A lot of content like you do every time :) The corruption of Ty lee hasn't started ?


uh hi, sorry for bothering but can any one help with the False Memory pls? i get to the path with the door and destroy the false memory but nothing happen....


Thanks Mirrodin! Not sure what you mean with your question though. you can get a little rough with Ty Lee during the wall blowjob but that's pretty much as far as it goes.


After you've destroyed the false memory go down again to the first screen and go up on the left side of the screen. You should get pretty close to the door with the orb before you can drag it on it and escape the dream.


How to get a blowjob from June?


keep doing quests till you get the "kill the avatar" one.


So am I supposed to talk to sokka to get the panties, what if he already left the sewer?


where is the new maze section? can't seem to find it


Sokka doesn't have the panties anymore, try talking to all the girls and see which ones have some dialogue about the panties.


At one point in the story you'll automatically visit the maze section and pretty much get told where to go. You can't miss it once it starts.


Well I went ahead and started from the beginning and made a more thorough bug report as a pdf which you can view here. It may not cover everything and I did encounter various bugs. It is quite long though but hope it helps: <a href="https://www.docdroid.net/gnc5MqD/20180615-bug-report-book-3-slave-route-from-version-0613e.pdf" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.docdroid.net/gnc5MqD/20180615-bug-report-book-3-slave-route-from-version-0613e.pdf</a> I forgot to put in the pdf but I am running this on a Linux OS of Kubuntu 64 bit incase that makes any difference with how the engine effects the game. *edit* I should add that there are various spoilers in my pdf so if you have not played it, then it will ruin various encounters for you. *edit2* When at the end of the book toph asks about what sokka is doing, but I could get there without ever talking to him. Not sure if that makes a difference but it would just be a dialogue change.


Keep up the great work! I patiently await the love route, that sexy girls might be romanced. I must have missed something, someone mentioned panties as something to obtain? Need to go back for that.


im waiting so much for book 4


are old saves compatible ? with the new update I launched the game and it had my old saves and I continued from there, but lots of things are missing and I can't seem to progress. Are we supposed to start again from the start?


I have never really had issues going from an old save, but it will be seeing what MITY says. But what things are missing or where can you not progress in?

Tristan Neese

Hey Mity, I kinda thought there would be more obsidian in the maze so I upgraded my house &amp; the hospital. now I can't find anymore obsidian to upgrade the tavern. What do?


when the new book with korra and the book 3 will be intirely finished ? cause i wanna download it i already have book 3 but its still under development or that's what it says


and pls add more save slots those ones are not enough :D


if can add another way of paypemt like a paysafe card then i would have pay with no second thoughts


Instead of clicking the 1-9 etc you can just click the next button in the menu and go up to as many saves as you want. I was up to about save 1,200 after going through book 1, 2 and 3


when does early access end


Cannot find "Skye, Ty Lee, Suki anal" - Found. But what about Jin. She does not agree on one more hypno session.


This hasnt come out yet for Non-Patreons how much longer MITY?


whenever the next release is made you can try this one. Each non-patreon version lately has been the one prior to the current version, but I am not sure when that will be.


You can look up at previous messages, but try insulting her, then getting her naked, then you can schedule a session. after a while of that you will not have to insult her. Also depending on how you have progressed in the game you may have to have sex with joodee before it lets you progress with jin.


when does early access end


Hai, im not a patron but i have a little question. Did MORALITY in book 2 on Love or Slave path is important ? Is that will change the flow of the route? I mean now im play at slave path did i need the morality to increased or decreased ? Thanks before.


when does early access end. no one replyed


yes you have posted that question a few times. Honestly I dont know, and it would be waiting for MITY to respond to that.


stuck on hypnotizing Jin to think I'm Zuko. What should I do for that to happen?


Depending on where you are in the stages of progression: 1: if you are still in the diner, then insult her, get her naked, then hypnotize her more 2: you need to have sex with joodee before ajala will give you the next device to hypnotize jin further 3: just keep hypnotizing her with the new device and after you use all the levers it will work.


As far as I know, the morality in book 2 only effects the outcomes in book 2. Since you can play each book independently I think that is the case. However I am not sure if MITY will change that to add some other features.


Hai can i ask a couple of question ? So i already free june any have some hypnosis section but i can find ty lee, when i talk to suki she say don't know but the mc say he hope that ty lee not trap somewhere and that somewhere is what i talking about, do you know where ty lee ?, and the girl in the home is missing and mc say he would find something in the maze to trigger and where is the think in the maze should i trigger ?, thanks before and sorry for my long question XD


Ty Lee will show up after you have progressed more in the maze. As for doing stuff in the maze, if you have trained enough, then it would just be going through to one of the sections that is either a crack in the wall or broken section to use earthbending on. Then it would open up a new section for you to explore. From there you will find Ty Lee.


in book 2 when you get back from vacation... i battled the uncle for the final crab battle and i upgraded to general by doing the battles... but i dont know where to go from here? when i try to visit my sisters room during the day it hints "talk to someone else" but there is literally no one to talk to both day and night?? can someone help?


It has been a while since i did book 2 but maybe check in on the tower or the shop with mai. If that still does not do it, maybe you need to go off and battle earthbenders more.


DA FUQ!!!! how many updates will it take for me to be able to use the love route HAAAAH??? I don't wanna manipulate ppl GODDAMIT!! Hurry up with the damn LOVE ROUTE ALREADY!!! Jesus Christ..... ://


Programming and designing a complete route takes a long time, as you can tell by the slave route. It will come, they just had to complete the slave route first and fix any bugs before trying to branch out into the love route.


What a pain... it's like being force to play suhm I don't wanna :/


i can't wait but mostly i can't wait for korra's book xd :D


when the new update will be released ?


Normally there is a release each month, but sometimes its a little offset. I would say the next release would be near the end of july if they have enough of the next version ready.


So no news? Comon I like the info here but I can't afford to pay for patronage you ( I think is little high for me )


when is the next update

Gundam lupus

how do you unlock June's blowjob?


You have to upgrade the tavern enough to do quests, then hypnotize june as much as you can, lastly you have to complete the Kill the Avatar! quest. After that it will be unlocked.


Check my account if you like Anime Fullmetal Alchemist


Jesus, man. First you are at Summertime Saga and now here?


How do I unlock sex with Jin? She never wants to, I can only see her naked


when is the air update


i'm wondering the same thing. i also don't know how to unlock the last option for Ty Lee in the brothel (the one at the top of the list)


The Ty Lee portion is by defeating all of Iroh's crabs. As for Jin, there is some of a bug, that prevents you from progressing fully with her in this version, unless you get all of the right variables changed. Basically it seems like you need to fuck Joodee a fair amount and after having done that, and hypnotizing jin enough, ajala should give you the second hypno device, allowing you to hypnotize jin into letting you have sex with her. There are various mentions of people having issues with the jin portion in previous comments.


Look at my page if you like the anime Fullmetal Alchemist <a href="https://www.patreon.com/HeKi">https://www.patreon.com/HeKi</a>


Guys can this game be played on androde too ?


No yet, but pm me if you want more info, so no news? And heki go make your stuff propaganda in other foros Mmg


Go to my account, If you like anime Fullmetal Alchemist !!!)


i get an error message whenever i try to do the crab battle in the arena (Book 3). is this a problem you are aware of and can fix?

Daito Shoto

How do I get the June blowjob? It is the only part of the update I can't seem to find...

Daito Shoto

How do I get the June blowjob? It is the only part of the update I can't seem to find...