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Writer/coder here! There's good news and less-good news. 

The good news is that all the art for the build is finished! Woo!

The less-good news is that my mother got diagnosed with two types of breast cancer this month (I didn't even know there were two kinds). Naturally this was very upsetting news, so I took a brief hiatus to be with family, and I'll be spending some more time with them, but it won't affect the development of FET too much - just a small amount of extra effort/time. We're staying upbeat and optimistic about treatment - it's come a long way and survival percentages are good, but... we're still talking about survival percentages. So, that's slowing me down a little. I was hoping to pull a few all-nighters and make up the time, and it's coming together, but it's not quite there yet. 

I'm working to catch up with the art, but you deserve to know why it's gonna take a few extra days. I'm not a fan of excuses, so I wasn't going to say anything, but the artist encouraged me to share what's going on since we're all in this thing together. So, yeah. That's what up with me. How are you? 

That said, I'm pumped for you guys to see this upcoming version (should be ready for playtesting in a few days), the universe is a mostly awesome place, and we're gonna stay right here making the goodness. 




Hey man family issues like this aren't excuses, take your time and I hope everything works out. Thank you sharing you know you have all our support.


Yeah I agree take your time be with your family. I hope everything turns out alright.


Never apologise for spending time with the people who matter to you. As much as people may complain about waiting you're still human and have a life to live. That being said I can't wait for the update. Metaphorically speaking.


I agree, too. Take as much time as necessary. We can wait. <3


Everything that is good to your mom, coder.


Hope everything goes well with your mother. Take as much time as you need.


Take as long as you need man. Like the others have said, you don't need to apologise or feel like you're making an excuse, your family always comes first especially when it's something of this magnitude. Wishing you and your Mom all the best mate.


Lost my grandad to cancer and my aunt had breast cancer so take all the time you need man! Family is more important than this game!


Family comes first, Take as much time as you need. just don't pull a tropic on us ;)


Sending my best wishes your way, personal life always comes first!


Take your time MITY, we're all rooting for you in this tough time. Dont burn out!


God i hope your mother gets better.


All the best to your mother and family. Take your time 🙌🏼


Damn. I’m sorry to hear that; but you’re right treatment has come a long way. Had two family members diagnosed several years ago, and both were able to manage it fairly easily after initial treatment. Anyways best of luck to your mom and family during this time. The build is way less important the family stuff (though don’t get me wrong, I fucking love FET!).


Oh noo :( sending all the good wishes to you, your mother and your family. Be strong!

Christian Jarp

Cheers man, optimism is very useful. Hope your mom feels better


hope she gets better soon


Shit... cancer is a bastard... lost somone to it. Take your time and make it worth. I'll raise my glass to you and your mother tonight. Best wishes!

Paul Kasinski

My condolences, stay strong!!

Dante Fantasy

Damn that sucks, hope all goes well for your mother and stay strong.

John Hamilton

Keep your chin up. My mother just survived breast cancer a few months ago, so I have high hopes that your mother will do the same.


Good luck to you and yours dude, I've dealt with cancer in the family, all you can do is be there for them, take all the time you need to do that.


Take care MitY Writer/Coder. I hope you and your family keep your head up and hopefully things will go great. I have faith that they will!

Sean McKay

Take the time you need Code Monkey Sama, I lost my dad last year to cancer, took all my annual and sick leave to spend time with him before he passed, and I would have regretted it for the rest of my life if I hadn't. No complaints about a delay from me, and hopefully from anyone else with the capability for empathy.

Victor Lewis

im sorry to hear that mity


There is a lot they can do for her. Hope she gets better. Stay Positive.


This community of pervs is probably the nicest and kindest bunch of people on the planet... reading the comments actually made me proud a little bit. I hope your mother gets better soon and that both she and you get through this together. Although the other commenters already left no doubt: be sure to know that we don't want you to miss any time with her due to working on the game during these hard times. Family comes first and this little family here will gladly be waiting patiently if that means you are alright. Don't get lost in the dark, there's always light if you look for it!


I knew something was up, with the realease not coming. Was waiting for a "we lost the art" kind of message. It would have been better if I had been right. Hope your mother gets better.


Hope your mom gets better soon man


Hope everything is going alright then with your mother! I hope the treatments go well!


I wish you the best


With the research and studies they have conducted in the last 18 years, that's when my mom past from cancer, they have huge amounts of cures. I don't care what other people say, spend time with her and hug her. They can go a bit longer without the game.


Be strong, everything will be fine! "Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother You're stayin' alive, stayin' alive Feel the city breaking and everybody shaking And were stayin' alive, stayin' alive Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive"


Artist speaking: thanks for all your well wishes guys. The coder has his hands full atm, but I'm certain he'll be very grateful for all the kind words you've written down. He's a trooper, but troopers need love too.


hey bud, sorry to hear about your mum. Take care!


Hey mate, Sorry to hear about your mother, I wish you all the best of luck.x


Wishing wont change your mom having cancer, If you need anything just ask and we'll help you to the best of our ability. Good luck

Alex Espresso

Hey man you only ever have one mother, we can wait, spend some extra time with her. I hope everything turns out okay. :)


I donated to Breast cancer recently to and I hope everything goes well!

Reed Varatis

my mother struggled with breast cancer as well. this is a hell of a thing to deal with, so take your time. spend some time with your family when you can. you'll need each other in the coming months.


I'm apologize!!! But how soon will you post the new version?


No need to apologize I wish your mother the best.

Kuzuha Chan

I guess end of week. Or next week. Take your time guys, for an anal...ahm amazing slave finale.


I know the struggle. Hope all turns out well for you and your family. Best wishes, and cheers to a full and speedy recovery. Stay strong.

Onur Asan

I hope your mom ll be more good soon. İ paid first time 5 $ and i thin i ll pay every month . Thank u all.


i hope with all my heart she will make it out! best wishes to you and your family!


When do we get the early release? It's been a couple of days..

Brandon Navarro

Ive been thinking the same, but its best to give the coder all the time he needs. You cant rush excellence. Especially with what they are going through. Just think dude,when we finally do get it itll be that much better.


Yes, and you still get what you paid for in the end. Would you rather have a buggy, unfinished version of something or wait maybe a week longer for a much better completed version. Have some patience. @Nemos