art update 32 (Patreon)
I wanted to wait writing and uploading this art update until after we finished the latest build, but since that's going to take a bit longer I'll just casually avoid talking about a few things for now. Considering we love months with 31 days and despise those with "just" 30, you might be able to guess how we felt about February!
First of, my shoulder 's all fine again. I already mentioned it in the text accompanying the art assets update, but I'll repeat it here. It's seriously freaky to see how quickly it healed considering I couldn't move my arm. Not unless I'd literally grab it with the other and dragged it to where I wanted it to be. I'm damn happy it turned out to be nothing of consequence. I'll be honest, it initially freaked me out somewhat.
Anyway, since the last art update I've drawn a small extra scene(it has to do with a funny smelling box), and a new full scene which I delivered to the coder faaar too late for him to include. Since putting in new stuff this late has a strong tendency to make the build all buggy(and stress out the coder) I strongly suggested he shouldn't even think about putting it in just yet, but he really likes stuffing the build with new content so he might have succumbed to the temptation anyway.
If you're asking yourself why I sent him the new scene in the first place if it was realistically speaking too late to include... well, I regularly send him the basic building blocks of all the scenes in book3 which I made so far. I have a special rudimentary library of sorts with scenes for book3 which I add to and sometimes change in small ways. It speeds up the process for the coder to put in new scenes since I already decided how some pics interact with each other and the folder structure in which they are saved. He can(and frequently does) change things to suit his taste, but doesn't have to concern himself with the nitty gritty of it if he doesn't want to. Since the new scene was already in the library it simply went along with the rest of the files.
Sometimes just sending the coder standalone pics for FET is easier and I've tried putting most of my time these last few days into the kind which he can simply drop into a folder and will overwrite already existing files. It's literally five seconds of work for him so ideal when it comes to last minute changes. Some backgrounds for the new part of the maze sorely needing more attention got that treatment. They look a lot better now so I'm glad I didn't forget!
Now don't go thinking all of our coder/artist communication is boring matter of fact stuff. I've rick rolled him a lot in the beginning and lately we've come to use Rick & Morty pics with added texts to make fun of each other. Just to give you an example, this is what the coder sent me when I expressed some doubts about a new thing.
He's rick rolling me in totally laterally thinking/unexpected ways : ) !
Btw. for anyone who might not know, "Rick & Morty" is a (imo incredibly funny) cartoon.
I really need to start writing notes because I'm digging deep trying to think of what I did more... Oh yeah, I also did work on a follow up scene of one which you'll see in the new build. I haven't even told the coder about that one yet! We generally keep each other up to date on what we're doing but an extra surprise now and then keeps it a lot more interesting for both of us.
I've also slowly started working on some files which will be necessary for the end of this route which is slowly coming into view. Sure, there's still a lot to do but the earlier I start the more time I have to polish things up.
And lastly, we've recently been interviewed by Kasaix for You can read it HERE.
There's a lot of other nice stuff there so it might be interesting to drop by even if you're not interested in reading the interview.
And with that I'll leave you guys for now. We want every new build to be worth your time so we're working hard to make that happen!