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Hey team!

Okay, just a short little update on where we're at with the new build so you guys know what's going on.

We're a few days (three?) away from the playtester release of the next update, and feeling pretty good about it. Being around family for the holidays provided a hiccup in production, but honestly, the couple days with family (while stressful in their own right) were a nice reprieve. 

But every day counts, so we're right in the midst of some (mostly) sleepless nights to get everything exactly the way it should be, and you can expect the bughunt build to arrive in a few days. Early access patrons will get it right after that (once we get funky bugs found and fixed).

To be honest, in an effort to keep gameplay engaging and fresh, I put way too much effort into the arena, but its the drive to develop better and more engaging content that helps create a new experience with every book, and will make us (hopefully) better devs in general. Book 3 is coming together in a way we're really excited about, and because we're never satisfied, whatever comes next will be better for the risks we take now.  

That said, this release is primarily fresh new naughtiness to keep the adventure rolling! So don't stress - boobs before mechanics, always.

Anyway, it's all coming together in a sexy, smooshy way that we hope you'll love. 


*finger guns*



Will there be more content for the love route in this update?


Good stuff

Zachary Whittall

Thanks for the update. Hope you all had a nice short break and a Merry Christmas


sounds great! got me excited :)


I want more Hypnosis content! Seriously you found a major enjoyment of mine lol


Great gift for the holiday)


@greg : Doubtful, they'll probably finish 1 before going to the 2nd. @Zyro : Yes, in the tunnels, you can choose to help the evil dude or not (though the love isn't in the game yet)




Sweet! This would make my New Years XD


Looking forward to it!


caounting the secconds to release


Great work! Been playing the most recent build and can't wait for the new content, especially that of which involves June. Your group is one of the very few on Patreon that actually develops quality content on a consistent basis. Thank You!\


Why cant we play Version 0.6.02 yet?


because only 20+$ backers get the bug test version. The bug free version comes 2-3 days later


I would say eighth that but I just wana be able to fuck toph and katara again


i will eighth and ninth that for you. also i'll second the latter wish


Looks like they found lots of bugs. I definitely prefer a bug free release over a fast one.

Jacob P

How long we need to w8 for v0.6.03b?! xD

Victor Lewis

give them some time debugging a game is not easy or fun


Waiting is unbearable


Hey just curious how the debugging is going, no rush just wondering??