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Art update 28!

Time for another art update!

But first we'd like to say we're happy to see Patreon has grown a brain and decided to not go through with their plan to change the fees system. This will be old news to most of you, but for anyone who doesn't know, Patreon wanted to rollout some pretty big changes in how patrons are charged. It would affect the lower tier patrons in an especially bad way which would be ridiculous for a crowd funding platform. After receiving the rightful backlash they apologised profusely for their mistake and promised to tread more careful in these matters.  Good. We hope they will, but we'll keep an extra wary eye out just in case. 

Okay back to the actual artsy stuff!

I've spent quite some time redoing some of the idles I already finished. There was one character whose proportions were out of whack and another whose face didn't look enough like it does in the cartoon. Some other minor things too but most are very small. The character whose face I changed hasn't popped up in a build yet so you won't see the old version. I'm glad about that because the difference is really noticeable. Besides those changes I also made some improvements to scenes I had already sent to the coder. Again, non exciting small stuff but still necessary.  

I also made a few changes to the maze, including a small scene. In the bughunt version you could actual unlock a part of the maze which wasn't ready yet. That was a mistake on our part. you could walk around there and we had already put some things in place, some finished and some placeholders, but it wasn't connected to the story in any way and there's going to be something pretty important you'll have to do there. 

We also needed some things for the hypnosis room which I've been working on. Getting the setup ready and two girls to start you off with.

Some other new scenes I've been working on are:

-a scene for the brothel which I'm really not sure we'll  be able to include. I also just realized I still have to finish the building pics for that :/   Well, that's what temp art is for I guess. 

- A new Toph scene 

- and a June scene. 

I actually have a couple of Toph scenes ready to be unlocked later in the game. I'm sorta sad we can't just throw those in already, but I like how they turned out so I'm still glad I've got those ready to go when the time is there.  With the addition of the maze etc there's just a lot more stuff to keep tabs on and we can't just do what I'd like most and immediately jump to the following part :) 

Talking about new scenes, I've noticed a trend among our scene raffle winners to wait increasingly long to tell us what they'd like to see. We always tell everyone they can take as long as the want to come up with an idea. That's no problem at all, but it's just funny to see how people would pretty much tell us their idea within a few days when we began FET if they had won and nowadays it's come to the point where we sometimes think they forgot! I wonder if there's a reason for that I'm not picking up on. Well, I guess that means we'll just have to come up with our own "watersport" scenes ;)   (a favorite theme among scene winners) 

Btw. remember me saying I was wondering whether I'd have to draw some more crabs for the arena soon? I'm starting to think the coder has come to like the crabs more than girls, because he's been pouring quite some time into the arena!  I'm starting to wonder at what point he'll decide it has to become a standalone game. Please coder, don't forget about the naked girls! They need love too! Crabs give horrible hand and blowjobs!

The drawing above is just a quick combination of another pic I had lying around and a crab. This is not, I repeat NOT an indication of what you'll find in the arena :)    






Who knows, maybe some human looking crabs like that could be the spicing up for the arena to give extra incentive to go there. The common crabs just want to pose, maybe the rares like giving footjobs, and the harder to find ones want to go further with hypnotized girls or the avatar or something

DJ Quinn

As a monster girl lover, I'd love crab girl to be an actual thing! :P


I was torn between making a joke about "people want to catch crabs now" and a joke about your $35 tier "pick a fetish" crowd getting weirder than usual, couldn't decide, panicked, and now someone else got first post. :-(


Why not include the crab girl? It doesn't even have to be an H-Scene. It could just be a one off joke about how the protagonist will fuck anything and then he's like "Even I have boundaries"


As a newly 35$ tier patron, I know exactly what i wish for, when i get lucky :)


That animation. XD


Oh yeah, Miss Krabs!


I can't wait for more Toph! And to find out more about that Hypnosis Room, it took me awhile to remember we've got Katara to play with a bit in this chapter too, I'm eager to see what she does to help the Avatar out along the Slave route.


I'm pretty sure that I didn't win the raffle ticket but, just to be sure, you will contact the winners via email, right?


there better be more than one toph scene or santa might put you on his naughty list ;)


will we see Zukos earth kingdom girl Jin in the game? <a href="http://images2.fanpop.com/image/polls/498000/498125_1279822585915_full.jpg?v=1279822862" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://images2.fanpop.com/image/polls/498000/498125_1279822585915_full.jpg?v=1279822862</a>


Will you include Suki at some point? And Zukos wannabe Girlfriend in Ba sing se

Millard Watson

and how long before you finish the earth kingdom. There is so much I can't do.

Millard Watson

though I do like the way you have it going so far. You really have my interest.


Sorry, but you indeed didn't win the raffle ticket. God I hate saying that. That's why we always only contact the winner by sending them a pm. Less chance of it disappearing in a spamfolder.


We want to include all the favorites eventually and Jin certainly has a part to play.


We'd disappoint ourselves if we didn't. But not everyone will get the same amount of attention.


cant get past feeling up toph :/ Is that the furthest we can progress at this point?


Looking good, keep up the good work. Looking foreword to what's in store for us next. Hopefully we'll see a Toph and Katara threesome at some point.

Sasaike Ruled

Crabgirl looking like she's about to risk it all lmao


awesome update, got my all hyped! i'm really looking forward to get going on that lady i saved from the maze! i like the gothic and dark character style, can't wait!

Zachary Whittall

Keen to see the next update which i'm awfully curious about the details, due to comparing patreon tiers - xx dollars per month and the content you unlock or get available. I still feel like the reward description is a bit vague. I still don't know what I have unlocked and whether or not there is a difference say if I changed my 5 bucks to 20 or 35 per month. And by that I mean the actual video game. Not the art assets or raffle. That is clear. I'll be straight to the point. - In higher tiers is there actual content that was locked out of the say... public release. - $5 - $10 dollar releases. And only obtainable by purchasing a higher tier? Also please don't get a nasty idea and not include things that limit or remove content form the lower tiers and public release. It may be a loss of revenue, but if things are kept fair, long term you'll have fans like me who will be continuing to support you. - Just incase nobody has said much about it.


From what I've noticed game wise, the difference between paying $5 bucks and nothing at all is a wait of 1-2 weeks. Higher paterons get to bug test, and $5 dollar ones get the "beta" version a short while after the bug test, then like a week or two after, it goes to the free one. You aren't on an EA game page :D


$0 = Public builds when they become available. Can be months after builds. $5 = Gets access to early builds normally 1-3rd of each month. $20 = Gets access to testing builds between 25-1 each month. Do you get anything in game over people who pay less NOPE. just get to play it earlier.

Zachary Whittall (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 19:11:42 Thank goodness. Cheers lads.
2021-07-07 19:11:42 Thank goodness. Cheers lads.
2017-12-21 01:52:43 Thank goodness. Cheers lads.

Thank goodness. Cheers lads.


Yeah but unlike EA we actually get something to keep forever for the money we spend, not some piece of garbage that gets voided once the servers go offline.

Lt Doctor

I'm curious, if there anything new you can do after June takes over the tavern? I got the outfit for her but then I run into the in development wall. T got Katara to change Toph's breast size and have explored all available parts of the caves.

John Hamilton

That is basically the current limit of the most recent release. All we can do is wait for the next update to release to see what happens next.