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Hey all!

We listened to your comments and fleshed out the endings of Book 2 in this "Extended Endings" edition. 

The changelog is coming soon.

Give it a whirl! We hope you enjoy it!


Mac: https://mega.nz/#!N6pVCayT!5qSez4UQ9Qqj4SYyYLVkKXjQinHrLdAgtW7WprgHQog



jim b

Love it! finally a good ending :)


Throne room cleaning forever still normal ? Or older save bugged out ?


Might what to go to save before selecting who to live with or without. Edit was trolling slightly there is no end to the cleaning you made that much mess.

Kuzuha Chan

Thanks so much!! So this is Final Book 2 or still something to do here?


well that's a lot more fleshed out. also, LOVE the pregnant models.


Thanks Mity! I'll make sure to to 'extend' my playthrough of this game! Eh? .... I'll go home now ...

David Donnelly

I definitely agree with the above sentiments. All three endings for the Zuko route actually feel like a 'Good' ending now, instead of just a 'Well, it's over' ending. Awesome work, and I'm looking forward to Book 3.


For some reason I get a corrupted file of the new version and cant play it


They all great endings and made you feel for all the char's as they now have good old Zuko back ..... Would love to see his reaction if someone told him everything he had done. Sort of feel sorry for leading all of them the cheesing out.


Is it when loading up the game or loading up a save file. If its a save file might be the triggers that got you there have changed. Another possible if you are loading a save a option in the story might have changed the end result you might have to play from the beginning. If it happens again pastebin the log file in the installation location.


This is it for the moment. They have said they might touch things up at a later point. But pretty sure Book 1 is the one they wish to flesh out slightly with possible of small changes to Book 2.


I think we all completely agree. The pregnant models was abit of a surprise but expected.


It is when I am loading up the game.


I get "can not execute......file" Is it missing?" warning


No bug, just one of those things which got cut when we ran out of time for this build.


Could you try deleting and installing it again? But this time install it somewhere very close to c:/ (or on whatever partition you've installed it). So NOT, c:/folder/folder/folder/folder/folder/FET. We've heard of someone nesting the the game very deep within folders and getting some really strange errors. Here's hoping that will solve your problems!


In my testing of the folder issue that doesn't cause a error message just wont open or try to load the game. Its 10 folders or extension name of more then 80 char. Try deleting the whole folder getting a new download after deleting the old one. Extract with validation on either 7zip or winrar. But also if you can still look at the log.txt file after trying to load up the game to see if that generates anything. Also if it states file missing does it state the full name of the file. If you can provide that could help investigator.


vast improvement from the previous ending. Great job as always!


The links are broken :0


Links working this end. Try again. Whats it saying when you click the link.


Gute Arbeit, wie immer eigentlich. Ich finde es gut das Azula nicht mehr einfach in den Knast wandert sondern in ihrem Zimmer unter arrest steht. Ich freue mich schon sehr darauf wenn es endlich mit Toph los geht. Mich stellt sich nur die Frage: Kommt erst die Slave Route oder erst die Love Route?


Thanks Robby! As for your question, we don't know for sure yet(we're still busy with the setup stage for book3) but up untill now we've always started with the slave route, so there's a good chance we'll do so again.


for some reason the game is running very poorly for me. i have a more than capable PC is there some thing i need like a odd version of flash or adobe or something?


No you don't need anything like flash or adobe. Is your pc able to run other video games fine? I have a capable(but older) pc without a graphics card or any serious onboard capabilities to play directX games and it runs poorly on that one too so I'm expecting your pc is more like a work pc?


No I have a built PC that I assembled myself. To include an i7 and a GTX 1080. renpy games run just fine though.


I really have no idea how that's possible. I haven't experienced problems like that on my own pc. Are there particular moments where things become choppy?