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Since our earlier endings to book 2's lover/zuko route left something to be desired when it comes to getting closure, we decided to fix that instead of getting an early start on book 3. Now I had already started working on drawings for book 3 so those had to be put on the backburner to make sure our new endings would have something new for you to look at. 

I'm really looking forward to start working on nothing but book 3 content again (the coder has some really interesting ideas for that) but I'm also having a good time getting the final drawings for book 2 ready.

So far I've finished:

-three new scenes(mostly about Mai and Azula), 

-an improved earlier scene,

-new idles for Mai, Azula and Shady guy,

-and the necessary new backgrounds.

I'm not really sure if we can put in more besides those, but what we have right now will hopefully tie everything together in a more satisfying way for anyone who thought the original endings didn't feel enough like a proper ending.

Since the coder/writer has to have enough time to actually work the new pics into the story I had to be very fast in getting them done, but despite that I think they turned out nice.  I usually try to finish new stuff well in advance. That way the coder/writer has more time to figure out how to use them in the most effective way and I get more time to put in corrections. 

I couldn't completely leave the book 3 drawings untouched so these last few days I've also been adding some small corrections to earlier done work and a few quick sketches. Mostly rough work for the idles of the other girls you'll get to see in Book 3 besides Toph. 

The coder suggested adding a particular girl to book 3 which had me surprised but actually felt like a great addition once I thought about it. It's a lot more fun to discover these characters during the game itself, so don't expect me to spoil this particular character just yet. Besides our main girl, Toph, there will be the ones you already expect but also maybe one or two which will be a pleasant surprise.

Speaking of Toph, looking back at my earlier work today I noticed I had used some colors which were looking very desaturated so I've been changing that too. It's the kind of thing I only notice when not looking at it for some time.

An earlier sketch raffle winner has kindly allowed us to share a few of the low res versions with you. I actually forgot to add these the last time, but you can find them in the attachment to this post. 

I'd also like to remind the 20+ tier patrons  to check their messages every now and then. I'm still waiting for a reaction from the latest sketch raffle winner. 

That's all for now!




I bet one of the characters from Book 3 is June.


I commented before checking out the sketch and boy do I feel like a retard now.


Lol! Want me to delete your posts so you can take another guess ;) Nobody will have to know!


Nice to see some June goodness. Suki, Smellerbee and Bumi please. Also a Kyoshi warrior brothel, with Avatar Kyoshi as the matron. Pretty please? :D


Bumi bummsex? You sure about that :D ? Just kidding, I know what you mean!


Bumi crazy sex with a random char :D The roof is the limit of what he would be doing.


Would be suprising to see Jin included, cause her story is closely linked to Zuko's.


Yer would love to see more June and ty lee but i have a soft spot for ty lee so :P Edit : He could also delete his own post but wheres the fun in that :D


Jin would be a nice addition to love side maybe as a scene when you go down the avatar route and explore the world. But we near the end of support for the book for a short time.


I think Sokka might be the MC of book 3. That would make sense imo. Though I kinda shipped Toph and Zuko. ^^" Toph finally needs that fieldtrip of self-discovery. XD

DJ Quinn

Hope you do something with Avatar Kyoshi (or at least her spirit), as she's one of my faves. Could be a little taste of what Book 4 will be like with Korra, in the sense that the MC would basically be having sex with himself from a past life :P Maybe even throw in some Yang Chen for the heck of it :P Come to think of it, that's something I'm sort of looking forward to in Book 4, that is the MC's realization that everything he does to Korra, he's basically doing to his past self. Even if they're just little asides, there's a lot of humorous things you could do with that. Like in the slave route he could think something like "Is the reason I have such a high opinion of myself because of how I trained Korra? ...Nah, I'm just that awesome." XD


I'm just looking forward to the slave path with Toph, she's always been my favorite X3


Nah, I'll just own up to my retardation. Thanks for the thought, though.


You just want to break her will for pleasure :D


I think for Book 4 they could go though quite a few past avatars would be nice to see but its way to early to guess.


I love your work I just became a patron yesterday And I love your game and toph is my favorite too XD I’m looking forward to playing book 3


After thinking about it again, book 3 without Sokka as the MC would be a disappointment. I mean Sokka X Suki and Sokka x Toph is pretty much canon. And they have been teasing him for quite some time.


Hey, just as a little note. When playing the android version of the game, when you get to the spirit fight you get stuck there, the only thing you can do is use potions. None of the other buttons work.


Thanks for telling us. We didn't make that android version , a fan has probably tried his best using the pc version which is likely the cause of that bug. We do intend to release an android version once we have the first two book2 relatively stable. That should be soon now that we've released the latest bughunt version to the higest tiers. I'm still going to take a good look at the bug you mentioned though!

jim b

So you will finish book 2 this month? and then start the book 3 next month? i'm so exited to see the new book :)


We're currently dealing with the bugs in the build with improved endings for book2 and after getting those fixed for the $5 tier version (this month and very soon) we can jump into book3 without any reservations.