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Finished the stuff I was working on earlier

started work on a small shady scene

started work on a small lia scene

started and finished a new Mai scene.

started and finished a new scene raffle winner.

started and finished a trap for the Mai lovers.

started and finished puzzlebox reward

Made a reward for if you defeat Iroh at crab battle.

Probably a couple of other things I've forgotten. Things tend to blur together and I still haven't mastered the art of simply creating a small txt file and just jotting down when I start/finish something new..

Some frustrations

If you've been around our patreon for awhile you know we've had some hardware problems in the past which set us back a good two weeks. Just the emotional hey-look-at-all-that-work-gone-in-an-instant impact made us take backing up stuff more seriously, and this time it was my turn to sweat like crazy!

I went out for a bit, left my pc on and when returning I was met with a blue screen of death... oh dear.  It looked pretty much bricked and resetting it didn't do a thing but show me the same blue screen. Safe mode or not, it didn't matter.

like I said we've been taking this whole backup stuff more seriously so even though I would've lost some work I had made a backup the day before. That doesn't mean I was in a happy mood, but certainly not panic stricken. The good news is taking off the power entirely somehow made things alright again so thank goodness I didn't have to start the whole process of having to fix and reinstall everything on my pc! Crisis averted!  Backups are great, but not having to use them is even better!

Besides the normal stuff I've also been looking at getting the game to work on android. We've been working on that for a long time and it has been a source of frustration because we kept getting error reports and failures. 

So you can imagine my surprise when I tried it again(with an old build version) late at night without actually expecting it to work. And...it worked! Would it have errors once you started playing it for real? Who knows, who cares! This was further than we've ever come!

I tried playing it a bit but it was getting late and I really needed the sleep. I figured I could pick up where I left the next day. So next day I tried it again with a newer version of FET. No luck. All the errors were back again in full force. I kinda expected that to happen since I was using a newer build and decided to use the old version again an I STILL couldn't get it to work anymore. 

To make a long story short if I didn't already had a working android version on my phone you could've convinced me it had all been a dream. Nothing I did worked and I tried a lot of stuff. I knew it could work, I had proof of that! But just like with the blue screen of death, this story has a good end because, I've gotten one of the latest version of FET to work on android after a lot of swearing etc. Basically the 6 stages of grief. Yes, 6 I didn't do the last acceptance part.

We'll have to do some testing, because just getting it to work doesn't mean things won't come crashing down later on, but we've finally made some tangible progress. I've been playtesting it on my phone for the last two days but it's a slow process. During this time we haven't been paying much attention to anything else so I'll go and try to answer some pm's and comments today since I've been neglecting those for the most part in my effort to shout my pc into submission. I say try since the coder has asked me to finish some other art today!





I run two different Android OSs if you need someone to try on marshmallow and nougat.


Blue screen just feom leaving it on? Maybe you have some cooling problems?


Glad it did not turn into another delay. I can hardly wait for more Mai goodness! :)


W00! Glad to see you're persevering through the random bullshit. Hang in there! XD


We'll give ourselves some time to see if nothing weird pops up on our devices, but if that turns out not to be the case we'll probably release a testversion so others can test it's stability.


Probably. It was pretty hot at the time so that might've pushed it over the edge.

Steven Pennesi

im still looking forword to book three

Oh Hey There

Looking forward to korra


Dude since when is there a trailer ? awesome


What do you mean by "Trap for Mai lovers.?"