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Hey guys, 

We've identified a problem which has been keeping some of you from progressing beyond day 1 on the island. Of course we'll be fixing the problem, but in the meantime let me tell you how to circumvent it.

At one point you'll be given the choice to "explore the island a little more" and "find the girls". This happens a bit after Mai asks you to find her a flower.  If you refused to find her a flower and later pick "explore the island a little more", you'll get stuck. If you did find her the flower you'll be fine no  matter what you pick. If you immediately pick "find the girls" you should also be able to progress even if you refused to get her a flower. 

We hope that'll help!

Oh and just a little reminder, the build ends when you return to the city. 


DJ Quinn

Why would anyone possibly refuse to get a flower for best girl?


Hey everyone. Quick question MITY. How far can you go on the nice way in the fire nation? After I got back from the Island I can't go anywhere or do anything new.


and my beautiful Mai don't want to speak with me... :'(

parker srackangast

i cant even load the game, Nortan is deleting everything


is there anything past the island?


No, once you're done on the island that's it for now.


Which is incredibly annoying. Is there an option to make Nortan make a exception for certain programs you trust? I've never used it.

parker srackangast

could you maybe resubmit the download, see if it changes anything