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Done and doing!

-Finished a Mai scene

-Finished another Mai scene

-Finished an Azula scene

-Finished idles for the new character

-Finished a couple of miscellaneous small files

- working on a Azula scene

- working on a bunch of backgrounds

- working on new clothes for a few characters.

- working on idles for two(?) new characters

If you've already played through the latest build you might understand the title of this art update a bit better. I know, it's a horrible pun. That's why I'm not the writer :)  Anyway, the $5 tier version is out for anyone who has missed it and after having to hunt down a few particularly tenacious bugs it looks like we managed to get rid of the worst of them(here's hoping I didn't jinx things just now). As always we want to thank you guys for mentioning those so our coder can tackle them(which he does with gusto I might add!)

As for me, I've spent a lot of time working on backgrounds lately. They are essential for the next build but some of them have also been test cases for book 3 to see how some planned new changes will work out in practice. 

Still, 95% of my time is dedicated to the scenes of the new route and if I can manage to keep up with our coder/writer's plans the next build will have a lot of new stuff in it again. I'm looking forward to getting that one out even more than the latest because of what we'll do in it. It's mostly a coincidence we even thought of including this particular "new event". A sketch of mine triggered the idea and I think it'll be a fun addition. Yes I know I'm being horribly mysterious (as usual), but a lot of you guys need only one carelessly placed word from us to deduce the entire thing.  But again, that's something for the future.

 The weekend seems like an excellent time for a new build release so we hope you guys will have a lot of fun with it. If you're a $2 tier patron, you'll have to wait a bit longer, but here's a little extra you all might enjoy seeing. The latest sketch raffle winner has kindly allowed us to share the result of his request to be shared with the rest of the patrons(thanks!)

It's also a good example of what you can more or less expect to get if you win the sketch raffle yourself. As you'll see it's a bit more than a sketch but less than a full blown drawing with shading etc. You can find the pic in the attachment to this post.

We hope you'll have a great weekend! 




Good stuff


Well when the earth chapter comes I hope you age up Toph some so she's not so underage.

Steven Pennesi

I think you should give a choice at the beginning of book 3 you know when you travel there for if toph will be a look or the fully developed toph


Personally I prefer the loli Toph since that's part of her charm.


Erm, just saw an in-game image of Mai in a latex bdsm suit with big X's on her tits telling the MC she'll have a good time tonight ..... Is that scene already in and I somehow missed it or is it something more sinister like unpacked images/hacked/random photoshop/next version :/


I'm just worried about the Obscenity Laws.

Nadav Lugassy

For my knowledge, I played through my save, and I constantly tried to talk to Mai saying I will regret if I will keep doing this, Then the third attempt I got in her shop, where the same thing happened to you.

Nadav Lugassy

Also, I was gonna ask about if you guys are planning on getting each of the girls in the series (Mai, Azula, or Ty Lee) a scene of a gangbang with guards or something after you've successfully made them your slave.


i mean after that tylee scene :X not sure thats an issue


About the Mai night scene you replied to me yesterday : I can't seem to trigger it no matter what I choose. I restarted a few time trying different options. The only thing that changes is if you tell her you're not interested, which seems to block you off completely from her. Otherwise all I get is the "normal" tit fondling and milk sucking, then kiss her or leave .... Unless it's way earlier when Azula drags you there and you either call a fire or paperwork, or maybe even earlier when you 1st go meet her and she asks if you know who she is.


It's a (very small) scene which unlocks during the thief(slave)route. Just visit her enough times during the night until you grind down her resistance and she let's you into the shop.


That sounds like a lot of fun and if we weren't concerned about time(taking too long to finish the entire game) we'd love putting in those sort of scenes as extra's but as things are right now, not likely. We do have a special scene with Ty Lee and a bunch of guards, but that's not a gangbang.


loli Toph ftw


Meh, I was trolling my way on the love route the entire time :( No wonder it never triggered ..... Thanks MITY

Nadav Lugassy

Wait I'm confused, when I choose the route (love/slave) does it go along for the entire game? or I choose it again in the second book?, because I've already done the slave route with Azula, and now I want to experience the love route.


Each book is a "different game", nothing carries over from book 1 to 2. And each route is separate from the other within each book.


Yes and no. As Omnikuken said, each book is it's own game, and each route is unique, but long-term consequences of your choices are planned. So how you played each book may factor into your ending, though nothing is set in stone just yet. One unique thing that we've put in place, however, is that you can play each book differently. So, if you want to love Katara, but make Azula your slave, or vice versa, you can! If you've already played the slave route with Azula, and want to try the love route, which is still early in development, simply start a new game and select the fire nation. You'll jump into the action straight away!


love it <3


two quick questions, is there any intention for using the items in book 2 and if so are they already in the current version? Secondly, is there any interest from you guys to expand on the side characters as in training or interacting with?

Tom Mettner

I seem to have missed Toph, what are you guys talking about? Where to find her? Thanks!


Adding to that line of questioning. The silhouettes indicate that Korra will be the last chapter focus as each part seems to revolve around 1 female interest. That more or less being established, if it hasn't been asked before, will you be including other characters like Opal, Asami, Eska and Kuvira? While you could just make the focus Korra and have the others be side characters, you could just as easily make multiple paths and focus on different people/harem options. Kinda like what you are doing in a lesser degree with the book 2: Azula, Ty Lee and Mai but more flushed out. In the end it may require more work but more paths allow for more replay-ability. As for the protagonist, shot in the dark if you haven't already decided but you could totally go the route of Bolin. He meets all of these characters and builds different relationships with all of them in different ways with 3/5 of them intending to be if not actual romantic ones. The transition of going between meeting all of them would flow just as easily as it did in the show. Plus Bolin's sense of humor would fit right in with the way all the jokes have been coming out of the protagonist's mouth thus far. The only difference would be that it just happens to be a tad more openly perverse. Just food for thought :x


@Slasar When compared to book 1 we've already tried to make the side characters a bigger part of the story. Who knows what we'll do with them in the next book, but we're also very much aware that with each extra thing we add things will take longer to finish. With two morebooks(with each two routes) we still have a lot to do! We do want to make the extra items work, but they are currently just a waste of money.


@Sean3Ban We absolutely want to take advantage of already established characters! Other than that all will remain a mystery for now :) That doesn't mean we don't like your food for thought though!


I hope that the earliest dates will be opened to you or changed to five dollars.


When is the next update coming out? Also do i need to become a patron to get it?