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Updated version! Fixed: 
  • The time issues with the farm and serving drinks
  • Error with Firebending training
  • Error with starting bartending
  • Once you finish your bartender training, you can serve drinks for a lot more money
  • It's more apparent what drink you're working on (in case you click too quickly and skip it, or just forget)

EDIT: Version 0.5.01d available in newer post.



I'm getting an Error on starting the Bartending Training.


Did the link die?


Fixed the bartending bug! Uploading now.


0.5.01c posted!


Curious, when does bartending training end exactly?


still have bartending bugs


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/bar.rpy", line 349, in script File "game/bar.rpy", line 349, in <module> NameError: name 'daytime' is not defined -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "game/bar.rpy", line 349, in script File "C:\Games\Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.5.01c-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 1656, in execute if renpy.python.py_eval(condition): File "C:\Games\Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.5.01c-pc\renpy\python.py", line 1749, in py_eval return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals) File "C:\Games\Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.5.01c-pc\renpy\python.py", line 1743, in py_eval_bytecode return eval(bytecode, globals, locals) File "game/bar.rpy", line 349, in <module> NameError: name 'daytime' is not defined Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Four Elements Trainer 0.5.01c</module></module>


and that's only 1 of a few buggs :D


Full traceback: File "game/bar.rpy", line 174, in script File "C:\Games\Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.5.01c-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 613, in execute renpy.exports.say(who, what, interact=self.interact) File "C:\Games\Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.5.01c-pc\renpy\exports.py", line 1147, in say who(what, interact=interact) File "C:\Games\Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.5.01c-pc\renpy\character.py", line 868, in __call__ what = what_pattern.replace("[what]", sub(what, translate=translate)) File "C:\Games\Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.5.01c-pc\renpy\character.py", line 850, in sub return renpy.substitutions.substitute(s, scope=scope, force=force, translate=translate)[0] File "C:\Games\Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.5.01c-pc\renpy\substitutions.py", line 232, in substitute s = formatter.vformat(s, (), kwargs) File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 563, in vformat File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 585, in _vformat File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 646, in get_field File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 605, in get_value KeyError: u'drink1' Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Four Elements Trainer 0.5.01c [/code]


also like really a big fat one in blackjack


don't wanna be rude(cause you guys are doing great),but check more errors please


I really enjoyed the new update. The art and the dialogues hit an all time high. The different expressions and a general improvement in art quality really make a diffenrece. One can definitley see the effort that went into the new scenes. Although some of Zuko's lines felt kinda out of place I laughed out a few times. Was really suprised at the Ursa scene. I hope there is more of her in the future. Iroh is so chill. Nice to see him included. I really looked forward to the Mai scenes and you guys delivered! Really enjoy her characater so far. Hope she gets a lot more love from here on out. Once you have finished all books, do you think you can rework some scenes to get the same kinda quality the new scenes have? Anyway can't wait for the new update! Keep up the good work. :)


Ah, come on. Stop complaining about the Errors, its a game in development. I rather have this short public Bug-Testing then only getting an update every 3 or 4 months. Please MITY just stay on course. You are one of the last creators on Patreon that I support with full heart, because you always deliver and have such great quality. =) Also the new scenes looking great. Really sexy. I'm damn envious that the loveroute got this and not the slave route . ;__; You guys (or girls) are really improving with every update and the new minigame is an nice addition too.


Ahh well consider this I'm just pointing out the bugs so they can be FIXED,because for 1 reason or another I can't fully enjoy the game(considering this is the first time I found this many buggs ,they do a damn good job with little to no bug releases)also I only pointed these bugs since they stop the game entirely,1 even quits the game for me.So yeah as much as I like these guys I have to point out the bugs for them to be fixed,so that many more could enjoy the game(wouldn't you agree?)


I am having a hard time making any money since both the serve drinks option, and the blackjack give me error messages. great game btw, im just letting you know of the errors so that they can be fixed.


Getting "file not available' on the Mac link :(


Sorry about the bugs, guys. Had a bit of a "hydra" situation where cutting off one head spawned three others. Hopefully they're fixed now (without creating new ones!). Let me know if you find any more. You guys are awesome, thanks for helping us find issues and for all the comments on what you guys dig -- they're very much appreciated!